Learn more about the Timebar HUD.
The Timebar HUD is only visible during battles using the Active Time type battle system. The HUD itself displays a timebar (styled to your liking) and uses other HUDs representing combatants. The combant HUDs move along the timebar to display their current position on the timebar.
The Timebar HUD uses other Combatant type HUDs as templates to display the combatants. You can use different HUDs for the player group, allies and enemies.
Setting up the actual HUD depends on the used UI module.
Unity UI #
The Unity UI module uses the special Timebar HUD component instead of the usual HUD component for a Timebar type HUD.
The Timebar HUD component uses start and end positions on the timebar to determine a combatant’s position. Define positions using child objects of the timebar HUD’s game object. A combatant’s HUD will move on a straight line from start to end position.
Start/empty position:
End/full position:
In it’s simplest form it’ll use the Empty Timebar Position for the start of the timebar and the Max Timebar Position for the full timebar. You can optionally add positions for the Menu Border and Action Border. Use the additional positions to e.g. create slower moving parts on the timebar for choosing combatants.
Additionally, you can show the Cast Time on a separate ‘timebar’. The cast time also has a start and end position. Combatants casting an action will move along the cast time bar.
The image above has the regular timebar as the blue bar, the cast time bar as the red bar.
The context menu in the scene hierarchy has quick setup commands for creating a timebar HUD: ORK Framework > HUD > Timebar HUD (variants with and without cast time)