Use plugins to extend ORK Framework’s functionality.
Use plugins to extend ORK Framework’s functionality.
Plugins can be used to add content and store custom settings in the ORK Framework project asset without changing the source code of ORK Framework. A plugin must be provided in form of a DLL.
The full version of ORK Framework contains a plugin example project.
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Add new functionality to ORK Framework using a functionality plugin. These plugins must be added as plugins in the ORK Framework editor (Editor > Plugins).
This plugin connects Makinom and ORK Framework and allows cross saving, forwarding control blocks and adds new Makinom schematic nodes and ORK event steps (e.g. for starting Makinom machines and variable transfers).
The plugin is available for free, the latest version is 1.1.1.
This plugin allows compressing ORK Framework save game data to reduce file size. E.g. having large player groups or inventories can result in big save game files.
The plugin is available for free, the latest version is 1.0.2.
This plugin adds support for saving Compass Navigator Pro points of interest states with ORK Framework save games and new event nodes.
The plugin is available for free, the latest version is 1.0.0.
This plugin adds support for Ultimate Survival and new event nodes. Please note that Ultimate Survival has been deprecated by it’s author.
The plugin is available for free, the latest version is 1.0.0.
These scripts add additional functionality to ORK Framework or act as a wrapper between ORK and other products.
This component using Poly|Nav 2D as a movement component in ORK Framework, e.g. in the move AI.
The component is available for free, the latest version is 1.0.1.
This plugin adds support for game object pooling using Core Game Kit by Dark Tonic.
The script is available for free, the latest version is 1.0.2.
This plugin adds support for game object pooling using Pool Boss by Dark Tonic.
The script is available for free, the latest version is 1.0.2.