Use status bonuses to change chances, status values, attack/defence modifiers and status effects of a combatant.
Status Bonuses #
Status bonuses can be added to the following parts of the status system:
- classes
- combatants
- equipment
- passive abilities
- status effects
All of them can use status bonus templates (see below) or set up a custom bonus.
Status Bonus Types #
The following types of status bonuses are available:
Attack Modifier #
Add a bonus to an attack modifier.
Attack Modifier Factor #
Change an attack modifier attribute’s factor – the default factor is 1, i.e. using the defined value and bonuses.
E.g. a factor of 0 will give immunity, 0.5 will half the value, 2 will double the value. Factor changes are multiplied by each other, i.e. 1 * factor A * factor B * etc.
Block Chance #
Add a bonus to the combatant’s block chance.
Counter Chance #
Add a bonus to the combatant’s counter attack chance.
Critical Chance #
Add a bonus to the combatant’s critical hit chance.
Currency Steal Chance #
Add a bonus to the combatant’s currency steal chance.
Defence Modifier #
Add a bonus to a defence modifier.
Defence Modifier Factor #
Change the defence modifier attribute’s factor – the default factor is 1, i.e. using the defined value and bonuses.
E.g. a factor of 0 will give immunity, 0.5 will half the value, 2 will double the value. Factor changes are multiplied by each other, i.e. 1 * factor A * factor B * etc.
Escape Chance #
Add a bonus to the combatant’s escape chance.
Experience Factor #
Add a bonus to the combatant’s experience factor.
Grid Move Range #
Add a bonus to the combatant’s grid move range.
Hit Chance #
Add a bonus to the combatant’s hit chance.
Inventory Slot #
Add a bonus to the combatant’s inventory slots.
Item Limit #
Add a bonus to the combatant’s item limit.
Item Steal Chance #
Add a bonus to the combatant’s item steal chance.
Random Battle Factor #
Add a bonus to the random battle factor (player group only).
Run Speed #
Add a bonus to the combatant’s run speed.
Sprint Speed #
Add a bonus to the combatant’s sprint speed.
Status Value #
Add a bonus to a Normal type status value.
Status Value Change Modifier #
Add a bonus to selected status value changes.
The default change modifier is 100 (i.e. 100 %) – adding a bonus to the modifier can influence the changes done to the status value by abilities and items. E.g. reducing use costs of abilities or damage received from all attacks.
The bonus is defined in percent, which is added to the base 100 % modifier. Use positive numbers to increase the status value change and negative numbers to decrease.
E.g. a total bonus of -50 will decrease the change made to the status value by 50 %.
The modifier’s change type can be used to limit a change to positive or negative changes:
- None
Not used.
Use this to disable a modifier instead of removing it, e.g. for a quick test. - Negative
Negative changes (i.e. reducing the status value). - Positive
Positive changes (i.e. increasing the status value). - All
Both negative and positive changes.
Status Value Percent #
Add a percent bonus to a Normal type status value.
Using percent bonuses can optionally use them in multiply mode. The percent bonus is multiplied with other percent bonuses instead of added.
E.g. 50% * 50% = 125% increase instead of 50% + 50% = 100% increase.
-50% * -50% = 75% decrease instead of -50% + -50% = 100% decrease.
Walk Speed #
Add a bonus to the combatant’s walk speed.
Auto Status Effects #
Auto status effects can automatically change status effects on a combatant.
Using the Add change type will automatically add the defined status effect at all times.
Using the Remove change type will grant immunity to the defined status effect.
Attack Status Effects #
Attack status effects can automatically change status effects on a combatant that is targeted by an ability or item.
The attack status effects are applied to the target of an ability/item, using attack effects of the user. Please note that abilities/items need to enable using attack effects in their status changes in order to use them.
E.g. a combatant is enchanted with a poison effect, adding the poison effect to targets of it’s attacks.
Defence Status Effects #
Defence status effects can automatically change status effects on a combatant that attacks another combatant using an ability or item.
The defence status effects are applied to the user of the ability/item, using defence effects of the target. Please note that abilities/items need to enable using defence effects in their status changes in order to use them.
E.g. a poisonous toad being attacked can cause a poison effect on the attacker.
Status Bonus Templates #
Status bonus templates allow reusing defined status bonuses. They’re set up in Templates > Status Bonuses.
The status bonus templates have the same settings as custom status bonuses you can add to classes, combatants, etc. – see above for more details.
Using Templates #
The status bonus setup in other parts of the status system (classes, combatants, equipment, passive abilities and status effects) allow adding status bonus templates to them.
Using the template can optionally be limited by defined conditions. E.g. you can only use a bonus if the game is in a defined difficulty.
Random Status Bonuses #
Random status bonuses can be added to the following parts of the status system:
- classes
- combatants
- equipment
- passive abilities
- status effects
The random bonuses are added to the individual instances of those parts whenever a new instance is created. E.g. when a combatant learns a passive ability, a new equipment is added to the inventory or a status effect is cast on a combatant.
You can also add additional random bonuses to content using schematics (Add Random Status Bonus node), e.g. giving a random status bonus via an NPC for weapon improvements.
Add Bonus Range #
The Add Bonus Range defines how the defined random bonuses are added to an instance. Individual bonuses can use a chance to determine if they’re used or not.
The following bonus ranges are available:
- All
All bonuses will be added (using chance check). - Random
Randomly selects a defined number of bonuses. If the chance check fails for a bonus, it’s not added. - First
Only adds a number of defined bonuses that are added due to chance checks (checked in order they’re set up). - Chance Selection
Use the bonus’s chance setting to determine which bonus will be used.
E.g. bonus 0 has 35% chance, bonus 1 has 50% chance, bonus 2 has 15% chance, i.e. bonus 0 is used for 0-35 chance range, bonus 1 for 35-85 and bonus 2 for 85-100.
– chance check results in 15: bonus 0 is used
– chance check results in 62: bonus 1 is used
– chance check results in 90: bonus 2 is used
Random Bonus Types #
Random status bonuses offer the same functionality as regular status bonuses via their status change types, but allow defining a minimum and maximum value.
Attack Modifier #
Add a random bonus to an attack modifier.
Attack Modifier Factor #
Change an attack modifier attribute’s factor – the default factor is 1, i.e. using the defined value and bonuses.
E.g. a factor of 0 will give immunity, 0.5 will half the value, 2 will double the value. Factor changes are multiplied by each other, i.e. 1 * factor A * factor B * etc.
Block Chance #
Add a random bonus to a combatant’s block chance.
Counter Chance #
Add a random bonus to a combatant’s counter chance.
Critical Chance #
Add a random bonus to a combatant’s critical hit chance.
Currency Steal Chance #
Add a random bonus to a combatant’s currency steal chance.
Defence Modifier #
Add a random bonus to a defence modifier.
Defence Modifier Factor #
Change a defence modifier attribute’s factor – the default factor is 1, i.e. using the defined value and bonuses.
E.g. a factor of 0 will give immunity, 0.5 will half the value, 2 will double the value. Factor changes are multiplied by each other, i.e. 1 * factor A * factor B * etc.
Escape Chance #
Add a random bonus to a combatant’s escape chance.
Experience Factor #
Add a random bonus to a combatant’s experience factor.
Grid Move Range #
Add a random bonus to a combatant’s grid move range.
Hit Chance #
Add a random bonus to a combatant’s hit chance.
Inventory Slot #
Add a random bonus to a combatant’s inventory slots.
Item Limit #
Add a random bonus to a combatant’s item limit.
Item Steal Chance #
Add a random bonus to a combatant’s item steal chance.
Random Battle Factor #
Add a random bonus to the random battle factor (player group only).
Random Bonus #
Add a set of random bonuses.
The random bonuses defined here also use an Add Bonus Range setup to determine which of them are added.
Run Speed #
Add a random bonus to a combatant’s run speed.
Sprint Speed #
Add a random bonus to a combatant’s sprint speed.
Status Value #
Add a random bonus to a Normal type status value.
Status Value Change Modifier #
Add a random bonus to selected status value changes.
The default change modifier is 100 (i.e. 100 %) – adding a bonus to the modifier can influence the changes done to the status value by abilities and items. E.g. reducing use costs of abilities or damage received from all attacks.
The bonus is defined in percent, which is added to the base 100 % modifier. Use positive numbers to increase the status value change and negative numbers to decrease.
E.g. a total bonus of -50 will decrease the change made to the status value by 50 %.
The modifier’s change type can be used to limit a change to positive or negative changes:
- None
Not used.
Use this to disable a modifier instead of removing it, e.g. for a quick test. - Negative
Negative changes (i.e. reducing the status value). - Positive
Positive changes (i.e. increasing the status value). - All
Both negative and positive changes.
Status Value Percent #
Add a random percent bonus to a Normal type status value.
Using percent bonuses can optionally use them in multiply mode. The percent bonus is multiplied with other percent bonuses instead of added.
E.g. 50% * 50% = 125% increase instead of 50% + 50% = 100% increase.
-50% * -50% = 75% decrease instead of -50% + -50% = 100% decrease.
Walk Speed #
Add a random bonus to a combatant’s walk speed.