Swords, shields, armor or anything else – equipment is an integral part of any RPG.
Equipment Slots #
Equipment is equipped on equipment slots, you can define as many of them as you need for your system.
Equipment slots are set up in Inventory > Equipment Slots.
If an equipment slot is available to a combatant is decided by either the default available equipment setup (Combatants > Combatants > General Settings) or optionally it’s class or the combatant’s own available equipment setup. E.g. you can set up classes to use different equipment slots (or only different equipment for the same slots). Additional equipment slots can be added to combatants during a running game, e.g. via other equipment, passive abilities or status effects.
Equipment slots are used in Equipment menu screens to equip something on them – they’ll show the equipment that can be equipped on them.
Examples for equipment slots:
- Head
- Left Hand
- Right Hand
- Armor
- Shoes
- Accessory
You can also prevent equipment that’s equipped on an equipment slot from contributing to the wearer’s status by disabling the slot’s Contribute setting. This can be used to create a secondary set of equipment that can be switched with the main (contributing) equipment – the Switch Equipment node in schematics is a convenient way to exchange equipment between slots. E.g. have a 2nd weapon equipped and switch between the 1st and 2nd weapon, only having one contribute at a time.
Empty Slot Content #
The empty slot content defines how an equipment slot displays it’s equipped content when it’s empty.
This is used in menu screens instead of the equipment that’d otherwise be on the slot.
Unavailable Slot Content #
The unavailable slot content defines how an equipment slot displays it’s equipped content when it’s unavailable.
This is used in menu screens instead of the equipment that’d otherwise be on the slot.
Equipment #
Equipment is used to create things like swords, shields, armor or accessories – basically anything that can be equipped and usually gives status bonuses (but this is optional). Equipment is set up in Inventory > Equipment.
Equipment can have multiple levels – leveling up can be done in different ways:
- None
The equipment can’t be leveled up.
Other levels of the equipment can only be achieved through creating new instances of the equipment at the desired level. - Auto
The equipment will automatically receive the defined Experience type status value when the combatant receives experience points. - Spend
The player must spend experience points on the equipment to level it up.
This can e.g. be done using menu screens. - Uses
The equipment must be used a defined number of times to level up.
An equipment is used when it’s equipped during the wearer’s base/counter attack.
Additionally, each level can define Upgrade Settings to upgrade the equipment’s level by paying a defined costs. This supports using status values, currencies, items, equipment and other inventory content as upgrade costs. Upgrades can be managed using Equipment Upgrade menu parts in menu screens.
Most of the equipment’s settings (e.g. status bonuses, equipment abilities, etc.) are done for each individual level.
Item Settings #
Define general item-related settings of an equipment.
Price #
Equipment define their purchase price in the default currency (i.e. the first currency in the editor list, index 0).
Optionally, equipment can also be sold back to shops – the price settings also define how much they’re sold for, as well as if that is in percent (e.g. 50% of the buy price) or an defined value (e.g. 1 gold).
Shops can also override equipment prices.
Using Advanced Prices allows you to set up prices consisting of one or more costs. This supports using status values, items, currencies, equipment and other inventory content as costs.
Prefab #
Beside the regular prefab used by Item Collector components, equipment also has additional prefab settings.
The Equipment Viewer Prefab is used by Equipment Viewer components to display an equipment on a combatant’s game object. You can also use equpment viewers to change materials of the combatant’s game object.
The equipment’s equipment viewer setups can also enable/disable child objects on the combatant’s game object.
Additionally, equipment can use Conditional Prefabs, i.e. use different prefab and equipment viewer settings based on variable conditions. The equipment’s own variables are available as Local variable origin.
Custom Schematics #
Custom schematics can be used on an instance of an equipment in other schematics using a Custom Selected Data Schematic node. The equipment is available as (local) selected data via the key action.
They can be used to create custom systems, e.g. a custom attack effects based on the worn equipment.
UI #
Define UI related settings for the equipment.
Shortcut UI #
Equipment are shortcuts and use the Shortcut UI settings to control how they’re displayed in menu screens and shortcut HUDs.
Learn more in this HUD documentation.
Portraits #
Add portraits to equipment and display them in menu screens or HUDs.
Equipment can also use prefab view potraits to display the prefab of the equipment as a portrait. This uses render textures and a camera.
Information Overrides #
Items can override default number formatting, notifications and console texts.
Equipment Settings #
Defines basic equipment settings, e.g. the level up type and equipment slots.
Attack Settings #
Equipment can optionally override the wearer’s base and counter attack with a custom ability.
E.g. use this to use completely different attacks based on a combatant’s weapon.
Animation Settings #
Equipment can optionally override animations of the wearer, e.g. using different idle, movement or attack animations.
You can define multiple animation settings for overall use and overrides during battle (e.g. to play different movement animations in battle). Learn more about animations in this documentation.
Slot Sets #
Equipment is equipped on equipment slots.
An equipment can be equipped on multiple slots – either being equipped on all defined slots at the same time (e.g. a two-handed sword on left and right hand), or equipping it on a single slot (like a dagger on left or right hand). Equipment can define multiple equipment slot sets on which it can be equipped, e.g. a two-handed sword having 2 sets, one for left and right hand and one for a secondary equipment slot (2nd left/right hand) to use equipment switching.
See the Equipment Slot Set Templates for details on the setup. Beside using the reusable templates, you can also define a specific setup in the equipment itself.
Equip Conditions #
Equipment can optionally require defined conditions to be equipable, e.g. the combatant being at least level 10 or knowing an ability. Beside status conditions, you can also check for variables, quest and other things.
Already equipped equipment can optionally be unequipped automatically if it’s conditions are no longer valid.
Level Settings #
The level settings are made for each equipment level individually. They define the needed experience/uses for the level (level 1 always having 0).
Durability Settings #
Equipment can optionally use durability (i.e. it can wear off).
When using durability, the durability can be changed using schematics. When an equipment’s durability reaches 0, it can stop giving bonuses, unequip or be destroyed.
Equipment Slot Changes #
Equipment can add additional equipment slots or block equipment slots on the wearer.
Override Content #
Each level can optionally override the equipment’s description, prefabs, price and equip conditions.
Battle Sounds #
An equipment can override a combatant’s audio clips. The added sound types will be overridden.
Bonus Settings #
Equipment can give bonuses while it’s equipped.
Status Bonuses #
Optionally use a custom bonus setup or add status bonus templates to the equipment.
Status bonuses can give bonuses to chances, status values, attack/defence modifiers and change status effects.
Learn more about status bonuses in this documentation.
Random Status Bonuses #
Equipment can also give random status bonuses to the wearer. The random bonuses are rolled when an instance of the equipment is created.
Learn more about random status bonuses in this documentation.
Effect Modifiers #
Change the wearer’s attack/defence modifiers used by status value changes (abilities/items that allow effect modifiers).
E.g. give attacks a Fire element attribute or change the wearer’s armor attribute to plate armor.
Equipment Abilities #
Equipment can add abilities to the wearer while being equipped.
The abilities can also be learned to keep them even when unequipping the equipment.
- None
The ability can’t be learned. - Auto
Automatically learns the ability when the wearer receives experience points. - Spend
Learn the ability when the player spends experience points on it. - Uses
Automatically learn the ability when using it.
Additionally, equipment abilities can be learned using Upgrade Settings by paying a defined costs. This supports using status values, currencies, items, equipment and other inventory content as upgrade costs. Upgrades can be managed using Equipment Upgrade menu parts in menu screens.
There also exists a separate system for equipment-bound abilities using schematics. This system allows you to add or remove abilities to equipment in-game (using Change Equip Ability nodes in schematics). Different to equipment abilities set up in the equipment’s settings, these abilities can’t be learned by the wearer, but can be leveled up on the equipment itself. The abilities are available to the wearer while the equipment is equipped.
Equipment Variables #
Equipment can use custom variables that are attached to their individual instances. These variables can be accessed in schematics via equipment stored in selected data.
This allows adding custom systems and functionality to equipment. The equipment is available as selected data via the selected key action in all of it’s formula calculations, as well as all schematics used by it.
Available Equipment #
The available equipment defines which equipment slots and equipment is available to a combatant. It can be defined in different ways:
- Default
Uses the default available equipment defined in the General Settings of combatants.
When used in the General Settings of combatants, it’ll use all equipment slots and allow all equipment. - All
Uses all equipment slots and allows all equipment. - Template
Uses an available equipment template.
They’re set up in Templates > Available Equipment Templates. - Custom
Define a custom available equipment setup (like in a template).
This is available in the General Settings of combatants, classes and individual combatants.
The available equipment consists of the following settings.
Available Equipment Slots #
Define which equipment slots are available to a combatant. A combatant can only equip equipment that can be equipped on it’s equipment slots, so even if you add it as available equipment, if it’s needed equipment slot isn’t available, it can’t be equipped.
The available equipment slots can be set up to either use all slots that are set up in your project, or only use defined equipment slots.
The default setup is to use all slots.
Available Equipment #
Available equipment defines which equipment can be equipped by a combatant. As mentioned above (in the equipment slots documentation), combatants can gain additional equipment slots during a game – i.e. you can still define equipment for slots that aren’t defined in the available equipment slots.
The available equipment can be set up to either exclude or include the defined equipment.
The default setup is to exclude the defined equipment, with no equipment added – i.e. it’ll allow all equipment.
Available Item Types #
Available item types define which equipment can be equipped based on it’s item type. This is the easiest way to set up available equipment, e.g. instead of setting up every sword to be equipped individually, set up the swords to be of an item type Sword and allow that item type here.
Like equipment, the available item types can be set up to either exclude or include the defined item types.
The default setup is to exclude the defined item types, with no item type added – i.e. it’ll allow all item types.
How to use #
Setting up available equipment and item types work together.
E.g. the item type Sword is allowed (available item types), but the sword Excalibur is excluded (available equipment).
Every sword except for Excalibur can be equipped.
Equipment Slot Set Templates #
Equipment slot set templates are used by equipment to define on which equipment slots it can be equipped. They are set up in Templates > Equipment Slot Set Templates.
The setup for templates is the same as custom sets on equipment.
The Equip Type determines if it’s a single or multi equipment.
- Single
The equipment is only equipped on one of the defined equipment slots. - Multi
The equipment is equipped on all of the defined equipment slots (e.g. two-handed sword on left and right hand).
Equipable On #
Define equipment slots an equipment can be equipped on.
Depending on the equip type, either one or all of the slots will be used.
E.g. a one-handed weapon could be equipped on either the left or right hand, while a two-handed weapon is equipped on left and right hand.
Block Slot #
Define equipment slots an equipment will block while equipped.
E.g. a long sword can be equipped on the left hand but also blocks the right hand (not allowint to equip a shield or anything else on it).
Block Equipment Viewer #
Define equipment slots an equipment will block the equipment viewer of while equipped.
E.g. a long coat can hide equipment viewers of the legs.