Set up default text representation for use costs, status bonuses and other things.
The text display settings can be found in UI > Text Display Settings.
Formatting Texts #
Define general formatting texts, e.g. for quantities, prices or general number formatting.
Quantity Texts #
Handle how quantities are displayed.
You can define different texts for a quantity of 0, 1 and a general text for the rest.
Optionally define different quantity texts for items, equipment, etc.
Price Texts #
Define how buy and sell prices are displayed when displaying price information in shops.
You can define different texts for a price of 0, 1 and a general text for the rest.
Number Formatting #
Define how certain number values will be formatted when displayed as text (e.g. in HUDs and menus). Uses C# numeric format strings.
Values #
The following values can be formatted.
- Status Value Format
The format used to display the values of status values.
Each status value can optionally override this setting with a custom format. - Status Value Percent Format
The format used to display the percent values of status values.
Each status value can optionally override this setting with a custom format. - Attack Modifier Format
The format used to display the values of attack modifier attributes.
Each attack modifier can optionally override this setting with a custom format. - Attack Modifier Format
The format used to display the values of attack modifier attributes.
Each attack modifier can optionally override this setting with a custom format. - Level Format
The format used to display the base level of combatants.
Combatants can optionally override this setting with a custom format. - Class Level Format
The format used to display the class level of combatants.
Combatants can optionally override this setting with a custom format. - Ability Level Format
The format used to display the level of abilities.
Abilities can optionally override this setting with a custom format. - Equipment Level Format
The format used to display the level of equipment.
Equipment can optionally override this setting with a custom format. - Currency Quantity Format
The format used to display the quantity of currencies.
Currencies can optionally override this setting with a custom format. - Item Quantity Format
The format used to display the quantity of items.
Items can optionally override this setting with a custom format. - Equipment Quantity Format
The format used to display the quantity of equipment.
Equipment can optionally override this setting with a custom format. - AI Behaviour Quantity Format
The format used to display the quantity of AI behaviours.
AI behaviours can optionally override this setting with a custom format. - AI Ruleset Quantity Format
The format used to display the quantity of AI rulesets.
AI rulesets can optionally override this setting with a custom format. - Crafting Recipe Quantity Format
The format used to display the quantity of crafting recipes.
Crafting recipes can optionally override this setting with a custom format. - Faction Sympathy Format
The format used to display the sympathy value of factions. - Int Number Format
The general format used to display whole number values (integers). - Float Number Format
The general format used to display decimal number values (float).
Format Setup #
The values can be formatted as int or float values and use a text to define the formatting. The format text uses C# numeric format.
E.g. use 0 to use whole number formatting and 0.0 to format a number with 1 decimal.
Additionally, you can use a manipulator to change the displayed value before formatting:
- None
No manipulation. - Operator
Uses a simple operation with a defined value (e.g. divide by 10). - Formula
Uses a defined formula with the value used as initial value.
The manipulator allows you to e.g. display status values (which are integer values) as float values.
E.g. use an operator manipulation, dividing by 10.
A status value of 69 will be displayed as 6.9.
Combatant Texts #
Define combatant related texts and displays.
Combatant Choice Layout #
Define the default layout for combatant choices in battle menus or combatant selections.
You can either display each combatant as a simple button with name and icon, or use a HUD as a template to create more complex choices with status information, value bars, etc.
The default layout can be overridden by each battle menus and combatant selection.
Combatant Name List #
Define how the name of multiple combatants will be displayed.
This is e.g. used in console texts when displaying a list of targets or when using the <equipped> text code for abilities to display the names of combatants that know an ability.
When not using Only First (i.e. only showing the first combatant), each combatant that’ll be listed is separated by a defined separator text (e.g. a comma).
Combatant Text #
The text used to display each combatant.
You can use text codes to add the combatant’s content information, e.g. <name> to add the combatant’s name.
No Combatants Text #
The text used when no combatants are available.
Status Texts #
Define status related texts and displays.
Use Cost Display #
Define how an ability’s use costs will be displayed in menus.
Individual use costs can either each be in their own new line, or separated by a defined separator (e.g. a comma or space).
Min/Max Range #
The text used for displaying a status value change with a minimum and maximum value.
This will replace the <change> text code in negative change, positive change and set change texts. This is e.g. used for abilities and items that use a Min/Max Preview.
Negative Change Text #
The text used to display negative status value changes.
Positive Change Text #
The text used to display positive status value changes.
Set Change Text #
The text used to display setting a status value.
Uses Text (Level Up) #
The text used to display an ability, equipment’s or equipment ability’s level up use count.
Use Count Text #
The text used to display the use count of abilities.
The use count costs represents how often an ability can be used – each use reduces the count by 1.
This is an optional feature and can be set up per ability, abilities that don’t use the use count feature will not display a use count.
Action Cost Text #
The text used to display action costs.
Action costs represent the actions per turn in Turn Based and Phase type battles, and the timebar cost in Active Time battles.
Item Cost Text #
The text used to display item costs.
Equipment Cost Text #
The text used to display equipment costs.
Currency Cost Text #
The text used to display currency costs.
AI Behaviour Cost Text #
The text used to display AI behaviour costs.
AI Ruleset Cost Text #
The text used to display AI ruleset costs.
Crafting Recipe Cost Text #
The text used to display crafting recipe costs.
Bonus Display #
Define how bonuses will be displayed when using the <bonus> text code in the descriptions of status effects, equipment, passive abilities, classes and combatants.
Bonus Text #
The text used to display bonuses when using the <bonus> text code in the descriptions of status effects, equipment, passive abilities, classes and combatants.
Uses text codes to add individual bonus information, e.g. <status> to add status value bonus display.
Status Value Bonus Display (Value) #
Define how status value bonuses will be displayed when using the <status> text code in the bonus text.
Status Value Bonus Display (Percent) #
Define how percent status value bonuses will be displayed when using the <statuspercent> text code in bonus text.
Attack Modifier Bonus Display #
Define how attack modifier bonuses will be displayed when using the <attackmodifier> text code in the bonus text.
Defence Modifier Bonus Display #
Define how defence modifier bonuses will be displayed when using the <defencemodifier> text code in the bonus text.
Status Effect Auto Add Display #
Define how status effects that will be automatically applied will be displayed when using the <effectadd> text code in the bonus text.
Status Effect Auto Remove Display #
Define how status effects that will be automatically removed will be displayed when using the <effectremove> text code in the bonus text.
Status Preview #
These settings handle the status previews for combatants. Status previews can e.g. be displayed in HUDs when using the Preview value origin for status values.
Define what will display status previews, e.g. action or target selections.
Define what will be included in status previews, e.g. ability use costs (for the user), item target changes (for targets), etc.
Preview changes (e.g. in HUDs) can optionally blink on/off, switching between the current and preview value based on a defined timeout.
Default Min/Max Range Text #
The default text used for displaying a preview with a minimum and maximum value.
This is e.g. used for previewing abilities using Min/Max Preview.
Status Value Settings #
Settings for displaying previews for status values.
Define if no value changes are replacing the values with a custom text.
Attack Modifier Settings #
Settings for displaying previews for attack modifiers.
Define if no value changes are replacing the values with a custom text.
Defence Modifier Settings #
Settings for displaying previews for defence modifier attributes.
Define if no value changes are replacing the values with a custom text.