AI behaviours and AI rulesets can be equipped by combatants to change their battle AI.
AI controlled combatants select their actions using battle AI (learn more about the battle AI in this documentation). Which battle AI a combatant uses is defined in combatant’s settings and can’t be changed in-game, leaving a combatant to follow a fixed pattern. This can be changed by using AI behaviours and AI rulesets.
AI behaviours and AI rulesets can be equipped by combatants – however, they don’t give status boosts like equipment, but change or influence the AI of the combatant. The player can view and change the equipped AI behaviours and AI rulesets of the player group using menu screens.
Each AI behaviour or AI ruleset can be set up to be used in two different ways through the Use Quantity setting:
- Knowledge
The behaviour/ruleset is collected once and can be equipped on multiple combatants at the same time.
This is set up by disabling Use Quantity. - Item
The behaviour/ruleset can be collected multiple times, equipping it will make it unavailable for others (like equipment).
This is set up by enabling Use Quantity.
AI Types #
AI types are used to organize AI behaviours/rulesets by separating them into different types.
You’ll mainly use them to filter AI behaviours/rulesets in the editor and in-game menus (menu screens). AI types can be sub-types of other AI types for a more detailed organization.
The AI type also defines the item type of it’s AI behaviours/rulesets, e.g. for when they’re sold in shops or viewed in an inventory menu screen.
AI types are set up in Inventory > AI Types.
AI Behaviours #
An AI behaviour defines battle AIs that will be used while it’s equipped on a combatant. AI behaviours are set up in Inventory > AI Behaviours.
General Settings #
The general settings of AI behaviours define the content information for AI behaviour slots. AI behaviours are equipped on AI behaviour slots (similar to equipment slots).
The AI behaviour slots of combants are defined for all combatants in Combatants > Combatants > General Settings in the Battle Settings > AI Behaviour Slots. Each combatant can optionally override this with custom AI behaviour slots.
Empty Content #
Defines the content information for empty AI behaviour slots.
This will be used instead of an equipped AI behaviour.
Default Slot Content #
The default content information used for AI behaviour slots.
Slot Content #
Optionally add content information for indexed slots, starting at index 0.
This allows you to define different content for each AI behaviour slot.
Item Settings #
Define general item-related settings of an AI behaviour.
Chance #
Define a chance if an AI behaviour will be used when determining a combatant’s battle action.
Price #
AI behaviours define their purchase price in the default currency (i.e. the first currency in the editor list, index 0).
Optionally, AI behaviours can also be sold back to shops – the price settings also define how much they’re sold for, as well as if that is in percent (e.g. 50% of the buy price) or an defined value (e.g. 1 gold).
Shops can also override AI behaviour prices.
Using Advanced Prices allows you to set up prices consisting of one or more costs. This supports using status values, items, currencies, equipment and other inventory content as costs.
Prefab #
AI behaviours can override the default item prefab that’ll be used by Item Collector components.
UI #
Define UI related settings for the AI behaviour.
Shortcut UI #
AI behaviours are shortcuts and use the Shortcut UI settings to control how they’re displayed in menu screens and shortcut HUDs.
Learn more in this HUD documentation.
Portraits #
Add portraits to AI behaviours and display them in menu screens or HUDs.
AI behaviours can also use prefab view potraits to display the prefab of the behaviour as a portrait. This uses render textures and a camera.
Information Overrides #
AI behaviours can override default number formatting, notifications and console texts.
AI Behaviour Settings #
Define basic settings of the AI behaviour.
Move AI #
Equipping an AI behaviour can change the Move AI or Use Mode of the move AI used by the combatant. These changes can optionally only be used when an action from the AI behaviour is used.
The move AI changes will be used when the combatant selects an AI action, using the first move AI changes that are found, starting with the first AI behaviour slot. The AI behaviours will be checked after the AI rulesets – but move AI changes limited to using an action of an AI behaviour or AI ruleset will always overrule the first found change.
Equip Conditions #
Equipping an AI behaviour can optionally depend on defined conditions.
A support based AI behaviour, focusing on healing and buffing the combatant’s allies, can only be equipped if the combatant’s current class is a support class (e.g. healer).
User Conditions #
Using an AI behaviour to find an action that should be used can depend on defined conditions.
The support behaviour is only used when the combatant’s MP is greater than 25 %.
Battle AI #
The battle AIs defined by an AI behaviour will also be used in order, i.e. starting with the first battle AI in the list.
The battle AI defined by the combatant will be used as a fallback when none of the equipped AI behaviours has found an action that can be used.
The individual battle AIs added to an AI behaviour can also use conditions to determine if they’re used.
AI Rulesets #
An AI ruleset defines rules for the battle AI to follow while it’s equipped on a combatant. AI rulesets are set up in Inventory > AI Rulesets.
General Settings #
The general settings of AI rulesets define the content information for AI ruleset slots. AI rulesets are equipped on AI ruleset slots (similar to equipment slots).
The AI ruleset slots of combants are defined for all combatants in Combatants > Combatants > General Settings in the Battle Settings > AI Ruleset Slots. Each combatant can optionally override this with custom AI ruleset slots.
Empty Content #
Defines the content information for empty AI ruleset slots.
This will be used instead of an equipped AI ruleset.
Default Slot Content #
The default content information used for AI ruleset slots.
Slot Content #
Optionally add content information for indexed slots, starting at index 0.
This allows you to define different content for each AI ruleset slot.
Item Settings #
Define general item-related settings of an AI ruleset.
Chance #
Define a chance if an AI ruleset will be used when determining a combatant’s battle action.
Price #
AI rulesets define their purchase price in the default currency (i.e. the first currency in the editor list, index 0).
Optionally, AI rulesets can also be sold back to shops – the price settings also define how much they’re sold for, as well as if that is in percent (e.g. 50% of the buy price) or an defined value (e.g. 1 gold).
Shops can also override AI ruleset prices.
Using Advanced Prices allows you to set up prices consisting of one or more costs. This supports using status values, items, currencies, equipment and other inventory content as costs.
Prefab #
AI rulesets can override the default item prefab that’ll be used by Item Collector components.
UI #
Define UI related settings for the AI ruleset.
Shortcut UI #
AI rulesets are shortcuts and use the Shortcut UI settings to control how they’re displayed in menu screens and shortcut HUDs.
Learn more in this HUD documentation.
Portraits #
Add portraits to AI rulesets and display them in menu screens or HUDs.
AI rulesets can also use prefab view potraits to display the prefab of the ruleset as a portrait. This uses render textures and a camera.
Information Overrides #
AI rulesets can override default number formatting, notifications and console texts.
AI Ruleset Settings #
Define basic settings of the AI ruleset.
Move AI #
Equipping an AI ruleset can change the Move AI or Use Mode of the move AI used by the combatant. These changes can optionally only be used when an action from the AI ruleset is used.
The move AI changes will be used when the combatant selects an AI action, using the first move AI changes that are found, starting with the first AI ruleset slot. The AI rulesets will be checked before the AI behaviours – but move AI changes limited to using an action of an AI behaviour or AI ruleset will always overrule the first found change.
Equip Conditions #
Equipping an AI ruleset can optionally depend on defined conditions.
An AI ruleset that blocks supportive ability use can only be equipped if the combatant’s current class is a support class (e.g. healer).
User Conditions #
Using an AI ruleset can depend on defined conditions.
The blocking ruleset is only used when the combatant’s MP is less than 25 %.
Rules #
The rules defined by an AI ruleset will be used in order, i.e. starting with the first rule in the list.
There are different types of rules, either directly selecting an action, influencing which actions can be used or which targets will be used.
AI rulesets are checked for actions before AI behaviours, i.e. actions found by AI rulesets will overrule the AI behaviours and fallback battle AIs of the combatant.
Action #
Uses a defined action (used before AI behaviour).
Battle AI #
Use battle AIs to find an action (used before AI behaviour).
Block Ability #
Blocks defined abilities or ability types from being used.
Can also block using any ability.
Block Attack #
Blocks the base attack from being used.
Block Counter Attack #
Blocks the counter attack from being used (as an AI action, not countering).
Block Item #
Blocks defined items or item types from being used.
Can also block using any item.
Move AI #
Changes the used move AI or use mode.
Target #
Changes the target of used actions.
Can also be limited to actions from the same ruleset.