An in-game console can be used to display information to the player (via Console HUDs).
Console Settings #
The console settings define if the in-game console is used and the default console texts. They can be found in UI > Console Settings & Types > General Settings.
Base Settings #
Define if the in-game console is used and other default settings.
The console texts can optionally also be output to the Unity console. This can be used to debug what’s going on in your game.
Combatant Consoles #
Optionally use consoles per combatant, automatically adding texts that concern a combatant to their console.
E.g. if a combatant is user or target of an action, the action text will be added to the combatant’s console.
Combatants can display their own console content in their HUDs.
Before Line Text #
Text added before each console line.
This text will be added after the Before Line Text of the console type.
After Line Text #
Text added after each console line.
This text will be added before the After Line Text of the console type.
Action Texts #
Define if and what texts will be added for using actions.
Actions are everything like using abilities or items, trying to escape, defending or dying.
Abilities and items can override the default action texts.
Max. Player Distance #
The maximum distance (in world units) a combatant can have to the player to add action texts to the console.
Use this settings to stop far away combatants to spam the console with actions.
Target Names #
Optionally override how the names of multiple targets will be displayed.
The default setup for this is found in UI > Text Display Settings in the Combatant Name List settings.
Status Value Changes #
Define the text used to display status value changes in ability and item action texts.
Add Action Texts #
The add action texts will be added to the console when an action has been selected by a combatant.
There are separate texts for the different actions, e.g. abilities, items or defend.
Perform Action Texts #
The perform action texts will be added to the console when an action starts performing (or casting).
There are separate texts for the different actions, e.g. abilities, items or defend.
Learning Texts #
Define if and what texts will be added for learning new things.
Learning texts are used for everything like learning new abilities, crafting recipes and logs.
Max. Player Distance #
The maximum distance (in world units) a combatant can have to the player to add learning texts to the console.
Use this settings to stop far away combatants to spam the console with learning texts.
Group Member Names #
Optionally override how the names of multiple combatants will be displayed.
This is used for group abilities.
The default setup for this is found in UI > Text Display Settings in the Combatant Name List settings.
Ability Text #
The text displayed for learning a new ability.
Can be overridden for each ability individually.
Group Ability Text #
The text displayed for learning a new group ability.
Can be overridden for each ability individually.
Crafting Recipe Text #
The text displayed for adding a crafting recipe.
Can be overridden for each crafting recipe individually.
Log Text #
The text displayed for learning a new log.
Can be overridden for each log individually.
Log Update Text #
The text displayed for learning a new log text.
Can be overridden for each log text individually.
Forgetting Texts #
Define if and what texts will be added for forgetting learned things.
Forgetting texts are used for everything like forgetting abilities, crafting recipes and logs.
Max. Player Distance #
The maximum distance (in world units) a combatant can have to the player to add forgetting texts to the console.
Use this settings to stop far away combatants to spam the console with forgetting texts.
Group Member Names #
Optionally override how the names of multiple combatants will be displayed.
This is used for group abilities.
The default setup for this is found in UI > Text Display Settings in the Combatant Name List settings.
Ability Text #
The text displayed for forgetting an ability.
Can be overridden for each ability individually.
Group Ability Text #
The text displayed for forgetting a group ability.
Can be overridden for each ability individually.
Crafting Recipe Text #
The text displayed for removing a crafting recipe.
Can be overridden for each crafting recipe individually.
Log Text #
The text displayed for forgett a log.
Can be overridden for each log individually.
Log Update Text #
The text displayed for forgetting a log text.
Can be overridden for each log text individually.
Status Texts #
Define if and what texts will be added for status changes.
Status texts are everything like applying/removing status effects and changes to status values.
Max. Player Distance #
The maximum distance (in world units) a combatant can have to the player to add status texts to the console.
Use this settings to stop far away combatants to spam the console with status texts.
Increase Status Value Text #
The text displayed for increasing a status value.
Can be overridden for each status value individually.
Decrease Status Value Text #
The text displayed for decreasing a status value.
Can be overridden for each status value individually.
Set Status Value Text #
The text displayed for setting a status value.
Can be overridden for each status value individually.
Apply Effect Text #
The text displayed for applying a status effect to a combatant.
Can be overridden for each status effect individually.
Reapply Effect Text #
The text displayed for reapplying a status effect to a combatant.
Can be overridden for each status effect individually.
Miss Effect Text #
The text displayed for failing to apply a status effect to a combatant.
Can be overridden for each status effect individually.
Remove Effect Text #
The text displayed for removing a status effect from a combatant.
Can be overridden for each status effect individually.
Level Up Texts #
Define if and what texts will be added for a combatant’s level up.
Level up texts are displayed when a combatant reaches a new base/class level.
Max. Player Distance #
The maximum distance (in world units) a combatant can have to the player to add level up texts to the console.
Use this settings to stop far away combatants to spam the console with level up texts.
Level Up Text #
The text displayed when a combatant’s base level increases.
Can be overridden for each combatant individually.
Class Level Up Text #
The text displayed when a combatant’s class level increases.
Can be overridden for each combatant individually.
Ability Level Up Text #
The text displayed when an ability’s level increases.
Can be overridden for each ability individually.
Equipment Level Up Text #
The text displayed when an equipment’s level increases.
Can be overridden for each equipment individually.
Inventory Texts #
Define if and what texts will be added for inventory changes.
Inventory texts are everything like adding/removing items, currency or equipment.
Please note that inventory texts are only displayed for the player group.
Owner Names #
Optionally override how the names of multiple owners of an inventory will be displayed.
This is used for the Group inventory mode.
The default setup for this is found in UI > Text Display Settings in the Combatant Name List settings.
Add Item Text #
The text displayed for adding an item to the inventory.
Can be overridden for each item individually.
Remove Item Text #
The text displayed for removing an item from the inventory.
Can be overridden for each item individually.
Add Currency Text #
The text displayed for adding currency to the inventory.
Can be overridden for each currency individually.
Remove Currency Text #
The text displayed for removing currency from the inventory.
Can be overridden for each currency individually.
Set Currency Text #
The text displayed for setting currency to a quantity.
Can be overridden for each currency individually.
Add Equipment Text #
The text displayed for adding an equipment to the inventory.
Can be overridden for each equipment individually.
Remove Equipment Text #
The text displayed for removing an equipment from the inventory.
Can be overridden for each equipment individually.
Equipment +Durability Text #
The text displayed for an equipment’s durability increasing.
Can be overridden for each equipment individually.
Equipment -Durability Text #
The text displayed for an equipment’s durability decreasing.
Can be overridden for each equipment individually.
Equipment Outworn Text #
The text displayed for an equipment’s durability reaching 0 (i.e. being outworn).
Can be overridden for each equipment individually.
Add AI Behaviour Text #
The text displayed for adding an AI behaviour to the player.
Can be overridden for each AI behaviour individually.
Remove AI Behaviour Text #
The text displayed for removing an AI behaviour from the player.
Can be overridden for each AI behaviour individually.
Add AI Ruleset Text #
The text displayed for adding an AI ruleset to the player.
Can be overridden for each AI ruleset individually.
Remove AI Ruleset Text #
The text displayed for removing an AI ruleset from the player.
Can be overridden for each AI ruleset individually.
Quest Texts #
Define if and what texts will be added for quest related things.
Quest texts are everything like adding a new quest, finishing/failing a quest/task or activating a new task.
Add Quest Text #
The text displayed for adding a new quest.
Can be overridden for each quest individually.
Remove Quest Text #
The text displayed for removing a quest.
Can be overridden for each quest individually.
Inactivate Quest Text #
The text displayed for inactivating a quest.
Can be overridden for each quest individually.
Activate Quest Text #
The text displayed for activating a quest.
Can be overridden for each quest individually.
Finish Quest Text #
The text displayed for finishing a quest.
Can be overridden for each quest individually.
Fail Quest Text #
The text displayed for failing a quest.
Can be overridden for each quest individually.
Inactivate Task Text #
The text displayed for inactivating a task.
Can be overridden for each task individually.
Activate Task Text #
The text displayed for activating a task.
Can be overridden for each task individually.
Finish Task Text #
The text displayed for finishing a task.
Can be overridden for each task individually.
Fail Task Text #
The text displayed for failing a task.
Can be overridden for each task individually.
Research Texts #
Define if and what texts will be added for research related things.
Research texts are everything like adding a new research tree, start or finish researching a research item.
Please note that research texts are only displayed for the player group.
Add Research Tree Text #
The text displayed for adding a new research tree.
Can be overridden for each research tree individually.
Remove Research Tree Text #
The text displayed for removing a research tree.
Can be overridden for each research tree individually.
Start Research Text #
The text displayed for starting research of a research item.
Can be overridden for each research tree individually.
Cancel Research Text #
The text displayed for canceling research of a research item.
Can be overridden for each research tree individually.
Finish Research Text #
The text displayed for finishing research of a research item.
Can be overridden for each research tree individually.
Player Group Texts #
Define if and what texts will be added for player group related things.
Join Group Text #
The text displayed for joining the player group.
Can be overridden for each combatant individually.
Leave Group Text #
The text displayed for leaving the player group.
Can be overridden for each combatant individually.
Console Types #
Console types are used to separate console texts to allow creating different consoles.
Console HUDs can use the console types to only display defined content or allow switching between different console types via tab buttons.
Console types are set up in UI > Console Settings & Types.
Before Line Text #
Text added before each console line of a console type.
After Line Text #
Text added after each console line of a console type.
Adding Console Lines #
Beside the automatically console texts (see above), you can also add custom texts to the console.
Schematics #
Use the Add Console Line node to add a custom text to the console of a defined console type.
There are additional nodes available to block the console (i.e. prevent new lines from being added) or clear it.
Scripting #
You can add console lines via scripting:
ORK.Game.Console.AddLine(text, consoleTypeAsset);
text is a string of the text you want to add.
consoleTypeAsset is the asset of the console type you want to add the text to.
You can get a console type based on it’s index in the editor:
ConsoleTypeAsset consoleType = ORK.ConsoleTypes.GetAsset(index);