You died … now what?
Game Over Settings #
How a game over is handled in ORK is defined in the game over settings. They can be found in Game > Game Settings in the ORK Game Settings > Game Over Settings.
There are 3 possible ways to deal with a game over:
- load a game over scene
- show a game over choice dialogue
- return to the start menu scene
You can combine those options, e.g. load a game over scene (to show some game over screen) and show the game over choice dialogue there.
Game Over Scene #
A game over can load a defined scene, e.g. to show a game over screen or directly load the start menu scene.
When not defining a scene name, the game stay in the current scene.
Auto Game Over #
When in the field or Real Time Battle Areas, you can optionally automatically call game over when the player or the player’s battle group is dead.
Please note that this is only used in the field (i.e. not in battle) and when the player is in a Real Time Battle Area component’s bounds, i.e. a real time area battle is ongoing.
For game over in other instances, this is handled by schematics (e.g. the battle end schematic or a combatant’s death schematic).
Game Over Choice #
A game over can optionally show a choice dialogue, allowing the player to select how to proceed.
You can add 3 different options to the dialogue.
Retry Button #
Allows the player to retry from the last retry save game. If no retry save game is available it will load the last saved (or loaded) save game.
A retry save game is a temporary save game that’ll be gone when the game is closed. You can save to retry using Save Point components (Retry Point save point type) or using schematics via the Auto Save node with Save To Retry enabled.
Load Button #
Allows the player to open the load game menu and select a save game that should be loaded.
Exit Button #
Loads the start menu scene.
Causing Game Over #
Game over can be caused in different ways.
Auto Game Over #
As mentioned above, the player or the player’s battle group being dead can automatically call game over when Auto Game Over is enabled in the game over settings.
This is only used in the field (i.e. not in battle) and when the player is in a Real Time Battle Area component’s bounds, i.e. a real time area battle is ongoing.
Schematics #
Schematics can call game over at any time using the Game Over node.
You’ll usually use this in the defeat battle end schematic of your battle system – this is e.g. used when an arena battle (i.e. using the Battle component) was lost due to the player’s battle group being all dead.
You can also use the death animation schematics to call game over when the player died. You can check if the dying combatant (i.e. the Machine Object or user of the schematic) is the player using the Is ORK Player node.
Scripting #
You can call game over via scripting: