Use status conditions to check a combatant’s status, e.g. if an ability is known, health is below 50% and more.
Status Conditions #
Status conditions are used throughout the framework to check a combatant’s status.
They can e.g. be used by battle AIs to determine targets, equipmet’s equip conditions, a combatant’s conditional prefabs, etc.
A single status condition can use one of 3 overall condition types:
- Status
A single status will be checked. - Conditions
Defined status conditions will be checked.
This allows setting up more complex status conditions combing and andĀ or checks. - Template
A status condition template will be used.
Conditions #
There are many different conditions available that can be checked.
You can also create custom status conditions by deriving from the BaseStatusConditionType class.
Ability #
The combatant must or mustn’t have a selected ability.
Ability Type #
The combatant must or mustn’t have an ability of a selected ability type.
Allows checking the combatant’s base attack, counter attack, class ability, active abilities, passive abilities and temporary abilities.
Action Bar #
The combatant’s action bar will be compared with a defined value.
The action bar refers to the Actions Per Turn in turn based and phase battles, and the timebar in active time battles.
Active Player Group #
The combatant must or mustn’t be in the active player group (i.e. player controlled).
AI Behaviour #
A defined AI behaviour must or mustn’t be equipped on an AI behaviour slot.
AI Behaviour Slot Count #
The combatant’s number of AI behaviour slots will be compared to a defined value.
AI Ruleset #
A defined AI ruleset must or mustn’t be equipped on an AI ruleset slot.
AI Ruleset Slot Count #
The combatant’s AI number of ruleset slot will be compared to a defined value.
AI Type #
A defined AI type must or mustn’t be equipped on an AI behaviour slot or AI ruleset slot.
Attack Modifier #
A defined attack modifier attribute’s value will be compared to a defined value.
Class #
The combatant must or mustn’t be of the selected class.
Combatant #
The combatant must or mustn’t be a selected combatant.
Can also check if the defined combatant is part of the checked combatant’s group.
Combatant Type #
The combatant must or mustn’t be of the selected combatant type.
Death #
The combatant must be dead/alive.
Can also check if a member of the combatant’s group is dead/alive.
Defence Modifier #
The combatant must have the defined defence modifier ID, or compares a defence modifier’s attribute to a defined value.
Equipment #
A defined equipment must or mustn’t be equipped.
Can optionally check a defined equipment slot fo the equipment.
Equipment Item Type #
An equipment of the selected item type must or mustn’t be equipped.
Can optionally check a defined equipment slot fo the equipment item type.
Grid Move Range #
The combatant’s grid move range will be compared to a defined value.
Group Leader #
The combatant must or mustn’t be the leader of it’s group.
Group Member Index #
The combatant must or mustn’t be the member at a defined index of it’s group or battle group.
Group Size #
The combatant’s group size will be compared to a defined value.
In Action #
The combatant must or mustn’t be in action (e.g. performing an ability).
In Battle #
The combatant must or mustn’t be in battle.
Inventory #
The combatant’s (or group’s) inventory will be checked for a defined item, equipment, currency, etc.
Is Casting #
The combatant must or mustn’t be casting an action.
Is Choosing #
The combatant must or mustn’t be choosing an action (e.g. displaying the battle menu).
Is Researching #
The combatant must or mustn’t be researching a research item.
Level #
The combatants level (or class level) will be compared to a defined value.
Research Item #
The state of a defined research item will be checked.
Can also check the research count of the research item.
Research Tree #
The combatant must or mustn’t know the defined research tree or have it completed.
Status Effect #
The selected status effect must or mustn’t be applied to the combatant.
Can also check the stacked quantity of the status effect.
Status Effect Type #
A status effect of the selected status effect type must or mustn’t be applied.
Can also check for the number of applied status effects of the status effect type.
Status Value #
The selected status value will be compared to a defined value.
The value can be checked as the defined value or in percent of the maximum value (e.g. health above 50%).
Can also compare the status value to another status value’s value.
Turn State #
The combatant’s turn state must or mustn’t match a defined state.
Can check for the combatant being before it’s turn, in turn or after it’s turn.
Status Condition Templates #
Status condition tempates are used to set up often needed combatant status conditions and can be used by status condition checks throughout the framework.
Status condition templates set up in Templates > Status Condition Templates.
The status condition templates have the same settings as status conditions you can set up in other parts of the framework – see above for more details.
Using Templates #
The status condition templates are used by status condition settings throughout the framework when using theĀ Template condition type.
You can also use a status condition template in another template.