Highlight grid cells to inform the player about selected cells, use ranges of actions, available move range and more.
Battle Grid Highlights #
Battle grid highlights are used to visually highlight/mark cells during certain states of a battle. The battle grid highlight settings can be found in Battles > Battle Grid Highlights.
Use them to e.g. highlight the selected cell during cell selections, the move range and path during move target selections or the use range during an action’s target selection.
Highlighting Cells #
Highlighting grid cells can use 3 different methods – you can also combine them.
Prefab #
Optionally use a prefab that’ll be spawned on the cell. The prefab can also replace the cell’s prefab.
Grid cell types can define offsets for placing the highlight prefabs.
Blink #
Change the cell’s color by blinking it between 2 colors.
Line Renderer #
Use a prefab with a Line Renderer component to create an outline or a path line on the highlighted cells.
Base Highlight Settings #
Define the base highlights that can be used by other grid highlights.
Area Highlight #
Used for highlighting an area, e.g. move range or use range.
Selection Highlight #
Used for highlighting a selected cell, e.g. target cell selection.
No Selection Highlight #
Used for cells that can’t be selected/used, e.g. cells not available for movement.
Combatant Cell #
Optionally highlight the cells currently occupied by combatants.
These highlights will be displayed permanently and overridden by all other highlights (e.g. combatant selection).
Player Cell #
The player cell highlight is used to display the cells occupied by player group members.
Ally Cell #
The ally cell highlight is used to display the cells occupied by allies of the player.
Enemy Cell #
The enemy cell highlight is used to display the cells occupied by enemies of the player.
Combatant Selections #
Optionally use different selection highlights when a cell with a combatant is selected.
These highlights will override other selection highlights (e.g. for move command or examine grid), the highlights still have to be enabled to actually show the override highlight.
Player Selection #
The player selection highlight is used to display the currently selected cell when a player group member is placed on the cell.
Ally Selection #
The ally selection highlight is used to display the currently selected cell when an ally of the player is placed on the cell.
Enemy Selection #
The enemy selection highlight is used to display the currently selected cell when an enemy of the player is placed on the cell.
Combatant Placement #
Highlight settings for selecting a combatant’s placement on the grid.
Placement #
The placement highlight is used to display cells that are available for placing combatants.
Placement Selection #
The placement selection highlight is used to display the currently selected cell that is available for placement.
No Placement Selection #
The no placement selection highlight is used to display the currently selected cell that is not available for placement.
Move Command #
Highlight settings for selecting a combatant’s move target for the grid move command.
Move Range #
The move range highlight is used to display cells that are available for moving.
Move Range (Blocked) #
The move range highlight is used to display blocked cells within move range.
Move Range (Passable) #
The move range highlight is used to display blocked cells within move range that are passable.
Move Selection #
The move selection highlight is used to display the currently selected cell that is available for movement when selecting a move target.
No Move Selection #
The no move selection highlight is used to display the currently selected cell that is not available for movement when selecting a move target.
Move Path #
The move path highlight is used to display the path to the currently selected cell when selecting a move target.
Waypoint Cell #
The waypoint cell highlight is used to display a cell that was set as a waypoint for the grid path.
Waypoint Path #
The waypoint path highlight is used to display the path to a waypoint. This is used from the user’s start cell to the first waypoint and from waypoints to waypoints.
Available Target #
Highlight settings for available targets during target selection for an action.
Available Target (Player) #
The available player target highlight is used to display the available targets that are members of the player group during target selection (not target cell selection).
Available Target (Ally) #
The available ally target highlight is used to display the available targets that are allies of the player during target selection (not target cell selection).
Available Target (Enemy) #
The available enemy target highlight is used to display the available targets that are enemies of the player during target selection (not target cell selection).
Target Cell #
Highlight settings for target cell selection for an action.
Target Cell Selection #
The target cell selection highlight is used to display the currently selected cell that is a valid target.
No Target Cell Selection #
The no target cell selection highlight is used to display the currently selected cell that is not a valid target.
Orientation Selection #
The orientation selection highlight is used to display the currently selected orientation cell (i.e. the cell the combatant will turn to) when selecting the orientation.
Marked Cell #
The marked cell highlight is used to display grid cells that are marked for a combatant (e.g. being the target of a grid move command).
The marked cell highlight is always displayed while a cell is marked for a combatant.
Use Range #
The use range highlight is used to display use ranges of abilities and items.
Affect Range #
The affect range highlight is used to display affect ranges of abilities and items.
Examine Selection #
Highlight settings for the examine cell selection.
Examine (Not Blocked) #
The examine selection highlight is used to display the currently selected cell (not blocked) during grid examination.
Examine (Blocked) #
The examine blocked selection highlight is used to display the currently selected cell (blocked) during grid examination.
Selecting Combatant #
Highlight settings for the combatant currently selecting actions.
Selecting Player #
The selecting player highlight is used to display the currently selecting members of the player group.
Selecting Ally #
The selecting ally highlight is used to display the currently selecting combatants that are allies of the player.
Selecting Enemy #
The selecting enemy highlight is used to display the currently selecting combatants that are enemies of the player.
Grid Formation #
Highlight settings for grid formations during a player combatant’s turn.
Grid Formation #
The grid formation highlight is used to display cells that are part of the grid formation.
Formation Position #
The formation position highlight is used to display the combatant’s formation position cell.