Currencies are used to purchase things in shops.
Currencies #
Currencies are set up in Inventory > Currencies.
Currencies use item types to separate into different types and display them in inventory menus.
Exchange Rate #
The exchange rate of a currency defines how much it’ll be worth in the base currency. The base currency is the first currency in the editor list (index o) and always uses an exchange rate of 1.
Currency A is the base currency, currency B has an exchange rate of 5.
1 of currency A will be worth 5 in currency B.
When exchanging a currency into a different currency that is not the base currency, it’ll first convert the currency into the base currency and afterwards into the new currency.
Currency B (exchange rate 5) should be exchanged into currency C (exchange rate 10).
50 of currency B are exchanged into currency C. First, currency B is exchanged into currency A, resulting in 10 (50 / 5 = 10). Next currency A is exchanged into currency C, resulting in 100 (10 * 10 = 100).
You can exchange currencies in schematics (Exchange Inventory Currency node), as well as change the exchange rates (Set Exchange Rate node).
Shops define which currency they deal in and automatically exchange currencies when purchasing.
UI #
Define UI related settings for the currency.
Shortcut UI #
Currencies are shortcuts and use the Shortcut UI settings to control how they’re displayed in menu screens and shortcut HUDs.
Learn more in this HUD documentation.
Portraits #
Add portraits to currencies and display them in menu screens or HUDs.
Currencies can also use prefab view potraits to display the prefab of the currency as a portrait. This uses render textures and a camera.
Information Overrides #
Currencies can override default number formatting, notifications and console texts.