20. Animations for combatants

To animate battles, we first have to set up the animations of our combatants.

19. Damage and refresh flying texts

Flying texts give a visual feedback (e.g. displaying the damage of an attack) to what’s happening in a battle.

18. The first battle

We’ll take a look at turn based battles, factions and add the first battle to the game.

17. Enemies and Battle AI

Let’s create some enemies to fight, and their behaviour in battle, using Battle AIs.

16. Battle prep

Finally, some action! But before we can start with our first battle, let’s go over some needed battle settings first.

15. Classes and revisiting the player

This time we’ll set up a basic class and take a look at our player again.

14. Equipment

We don’t want our hero to run around naked and fight with his fists – let’s create some fancy things to wear!

13. Items

Next thing on the list – let’s create some items … refreshing potions, some status effect stuff and books teaching abilities.

12. Abilities

Now that we have our status system and formulas, it’s time to use them in active (attacks, spells) and passive (status bonuses) abilities.

11. Formulas

After building our status system, it’s time to use it in formulas to calculate things like attack damage or hit chance.