Automatic Doors
You can create automatic doors that open when the player comes near them and close when the player goes away using the Event System.
Skillbar and Hotkeys with Shortcut Slots
Add a Skillbar and Hotkeys to your game using the Shortcut Slot System.
Adding Traps using Damage Dealers
You can use Environmental damage dealers to create traps that damage the player when he steps into them.
Status Effect Types
You have a lot of status effects? Separating them into different Status Effect Types can bring order into them – and improve your gameplay!
Throwing a Fireball
Want an ability to just throw a fireball straight ahead? Learn how to do it in this gameplay tutorial.
Visiting an Inn
We all know them, we all love them – let’s go to an Inn and rest for a bit!
Time and Day
Create a custom time and day system with the event system and game variables.
Equipment Viewer Child Linking
Some equipment, like trousers or sleeves, require a more complex setup to follow the combatant’s movement. Equipment Viewers use Child Linking to achieve this.