29. Active Time Battles

In Active Time Battles a combatant can perform an action once his timebar has been filled.

28. Combatant Groups

Our first battle used a single combatant – creating Combatant Groups will help us save time when fighting multiple combatants.

27. A simple HUD

We can use HUDs to display all kinds of information – in our case, the player’s status (HP and MP).

26. Displaying equipment

We’re using Equipment Viewers to display our player’s equipment in the game.

25. Animating special actions

Again, we use Battle Events to animate defendescape and death.

24. Battle end events

We still need to create an ending to our battle – this is done using Battle End Events.


Game Tutorials updated

The game tutorials have been updated with the beta14 content.

23. Battle start events

It’s time to give our battle a proper intro – we can do this using Battle Start Events.

Camera Positions

Camera positions are predefined and reusable settings to place a camera.

22. Battle events 2

Let’s continue with animating our battles. We’ll do the next batch of battle events!