
New auto save slot mechanic, end battles by physically running away, new event steps, assign shortcuts via menus and other updates, changes and fixes.

Head to the download page and grab the latest version!




  • Status Values
    ‘Real Value Count’ setting available when using ‘Count to Value’.
    Optionally uses the counted display value as real value of the status value.
  • Battle System
    ‘Leave Arena Settings’ available in all battle system types.
    The battle can optionally end when the player moves outside a defined range of the battle arena (i.e. the game object with the ‘Battle’ component).
  • Battle System, Battle Components
    ‘Leave Arena Event’ available.
    The battle end event used when the player leaves the battle arena.
  • Battle Start Events, Battle End Events
    ‘Block Move AI’ and ‘Block Actor Move AI’ settings available.
    Optionally blocks the move AI for all game objects or only for actors of the event.
    Blocking the move AI will only be active while the event is running.
  • Event System: Base Steps
    ‘Auto Load Game’ step available.
    Loads the AUTO save game or a temporary retry save game.
    The event ends after this step.
  • Event System: Status Steps
    ‘Check Shortcut’ step available.
    Checks a combatant’s shortcut and executes ‘Success’ or ‘Failed’ based on the check.
  • Event System: Battle Steps
    ‘Check Turn’ step available.
    Checks a combatant’s turn number and executes ‘Success’ or ‘Failed’ based on the check.
  • Event System: Dialogue Steps
    ‘Button Info’ and ‘Button Title’ settings available for ‘Choice’ type dialogues.
    Optionally add an info text and title to a choice.
  • Event System: Dialogue Steps
    ‘Wait’ setting available for ‘Message’ type ‘Show Dialogue’ steps.
    If disabled, the event will continue with the next step while the dialogue is displayed.
    By default enabled.
  • Event System: Dialogue Steps
    ‘Close All Dialogues’ step available.
    Closes all dialogues opened by this event (only from ‘Show Dialogue’ steps).
  • Event System: Scene Steps
    ‘Check Item Box’ step available.
    Checks the number of items in an item box and executes ‘Success’ or ‘Failed’ based on the check.
  • Formulas: Combatant Steps
    ‘Turn’ step available.
    Uses a combatant’s turn number or the combatant’s group average turn number to change the formula value.
  • Formulas: Combatant Steps
    ‘Check Turn’ step available.
    Checks a combatant’s turn number or the combatant’s group average turn number and executes ‘Success’ or ‘Failed’ based on the check.
  • Menu Screens: Sub Menus
    ‘Assign Shortcut’ sub menu item available.
    Shows a menu to assign items, abilities or equipment to a shortcut slot of the menu user.
  • Menu Screens
    ‘%lvl’ text code available for content layouts (for choice buttons).
    Displays the level of an ability or equipment.
  • Save Game Menu
    ‘Auto Save Slots’ setting available.
    Defines the numbers of available auto save slots.
  • Main Menu
    ‘Auto Save Slot Menu’ settings available.
    Optionally select the auto save slot when starting a new game.
    Auto saving will use the selected slot in the running game.
  • Abilities, Items: Target Raycast
    ‘Use Mouse Position’ settings available for raycast auto targeting.
    Use this option if you’re directly firing your actions from control maps without target selection.
  • Abilities
    ‘Quantity’ and ‘Chance (%)’ settings of an active ability’s item consume now support formulas, game variables and other value origins.
  • Ability Trees, Status Development
    ‘Quantity’ and ‘Chance (%)’ settings of item learn costs now support formulas, game variables and other value origins.
  • Control Maps
    ‘Show Tooltip’ settings available for ‘Action’ and ‘Shortcut’ control keys.
    Optionally displays a ‘Tooltip’ type HUD instead of using the action/shortcut.
  • Editor
    ‘Help Text Color’ setting available in the editor settings.
    Changes the color of the help text.



  • Combatants
    Using ‘Local Variables’ in the combatant’s object variable settings will now keep the local variables on the combatants and not the objects.
    This allows to keep the local object variables when the game object is destroyed, e.g. when changing prefab.
  • Animations
    Mecanim animations can now use play and set parameters at the same time.
  • Event System: Inventory Steps
    The item box steps are now also available in the ‘Inventory Steps’.
  • Battle Start Events
    The ‘Join Battle’ step is now also available in battle start events.



  • Colors
    Fading or blinking colors (e.g. in the ‘Fade Object’ event step) with time set to 0 resulted in a black color.
  • Event System: Battle Steps
    The ‘Look At Enemies’ step works correctly again.
  • Event System: Function Steps
    The ‘Mount Object’ step now correctly unmounts objects.
  • Item Collectors
    ‘Box’ type item collectors now set the variables after closing the item box.
  • GUI Boxes
    Buttons now can’t be clicked while the GUI box is fading out.
  • Damage Dealers
    Stopping particle emitting on prefabs is now working correctly.
  • Menu Screens
    Changing/removing the player using a ‘Group’ menu part will now correctly change the player if needed.
  • Abilities, Items: Target Raycast
    The auto targeting from screen position was inverted.