
ORK 3.7.0 is here with 69 new features, changes and fixes (and 14 more in the also included Makinom 2.8.0)!

This update is all about classes – a new class slot system to equip classes, integration of classes into shops, research trees and HUDs, new class menu screen parts and many other new features, changes and fixes.

This version contains Makinom 2.8.0 with 14 additional new features, changes and fixes.

Download the latest version of ORK Framework here.

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  • Classes: Class Slots: ‘Class Slot Settings’ available. Define on which class slots a class can be equipped on. Either all class slots, only defined slots or all slots excluding defined slots. Defaults to equipable on all class slots.
  • Classes: Schematics: ‘Schematic Settings’ available. Optionally use schematics when initializing the class, adding/removing it to a combatant or equipping/unequipping it on a class slot.
  • Classes: Custom Shortcut UI: ‘Custom Shortcut UI’ settings available. Optionally override the default shortcut UI setup for a class.
  • Classes: Portraits: ‘Portaits’ settings available. The class can display portraits in menu screens when it’s selected.
  • Classes: Notifications, Console Texts: ‘Notifications’ and ‘Console Texts’ settings available. Classes can override the default notifications and console texts.
  • Classes: ‘Is Group Class’ setting available. The class is available to all members of a group when added to a combatant. Each combatant still use their own unique instances of the class, increasing the class level on their own.
  • Classes: ‘Item Type’ and ‘Buy Price’ settings available. Defines the price a class is sold for in shops and the item type under which it’ll be listed.
  • Status Effects: Effect States: ‘Block Class Slots’ setting available. Blocks changes to class slots while the status effect is applied to a combatant.
  • Research Trees: Class: ‘Class’ research item type available. Adds a class to the user’s available classes.
  • Research Trees: Class Slot: ‘Class Slot’ research item type available. Adds a class slot to the user.
  • Available Equipment: ‘None’ type available. Doesn’t add any equipment slots and allows no equipment or item types. E.g. use this as setup of a combatant if the available equipment comes from the class.
  • Menu Screens: Class Slot: ‘Class Slot’ menu part available. Displays the class slots of a combatant. The class slots a combatant can access are displayed, classes can be equipped at each class slot.
  • Menu Screens: Class (Single): ‘Class (Single)’ menu part available. Displays the classes available to a combatant and highlights the current single-class. The single-class of the combatant can be changed by selecting a different class.
  • Menu Screens: Equipment, AI Behaviour, AI Ruleset: ‘Add Equipped’ settings available. Optionally add the slot’s currently equipped content (equipment, AI behaviour/ruleset) to the displayed list. The equiped content’s input can optionally be highlighted by a defined color.
  • Menu Screens: Equipment, AI Behaviour, AI Ruleset: ‘Equip Back’ and ‘Unequip Back’ settings available. Defines if equipping or unequipping something will return to the slot UI box. By default enabled.
  • Menu Screens: Group: Combatant Choice Layout: ‘Own Group 2 Layout’ settings available when using ‘Own Layout’ for combatants. Optionally use a different combatant choice layout for the 2nd group box.
  • Menu Screens: Group: Sort Choice Layout: ‘Highlight Sorting Input’ settings available. Optionally highlight the input of the combatant that’s being sorted with a defined color.
  • Menu Screens: Group: Action: Schematic: ‘No Selection’ setting available. Optionally use the schematic immediately without selecting a group member.
  • Menu Screens: Group: Action: Schematic: ‘Close Menu Screen’ settings available. Optionally close the menu screen when using the schematic.
  • Menu Screens: Parts: Titles: New text codes available to add content information of the menu screen’s user. Available in the optional title contents of most menu screen parts.
  • Menu Screens: Parts: Message Content: ‘Message Content’ settings available for UI boxes of most menu screen parts. Add a messate/text content to menu screen parts.
  • Battle Menus: Options: ‘Class (Single)’ option type available. Lists the combatant’s classes and allows changing the current single-class.
  • Battle Menus: Options: ‘Class Slot’ option type available. Lists the combatant’s class slots and allows changing the equipped class.
  • Battle Menus: Sub-Menus: ‘Class Slot Box’ and ‘Class Box’ settings available. Defines UI boxes used to list class slots and classes in ‘Class’ type options.
  • Battle Menus: Headers: ‘Class Slot Header Texts’ and ‘Class Header Texts’ settings available. Defines the headers used when listing class slots and classes in ‘Class’ type options.
  • Notifications: Class Notifications: ‘Class Notifications’ available. Optionally show notifications when a class or class slot is added or removed to/from a combatant. Only used for player combatants.
  • Shortcut Settings: Default UI Settings: ‘Default Class UI’ settings available. Define the default UI setup used to display classes. Classes can override the default UI.
  • Console Settings: Class Texts: ‘Class Texts’ available. Optionally show console texts when a class or class slot is added or removed to/from a combatant. Only used for player combatants.
  • Shops: Classes: ‘Classes’ settings available. Add classes that will be sold in a shop.
  • Formulas: Selected Data Level: ‘Selected Data Level’ node available in ‘Selected Data’ nodes. Uses the level of something stored in selected data as value. E.g. an ability, equipment, combatant or class’s level.
  • Formulas: Class Slot Level: ‘Class Slot Level’ node available in ‘Combatant’ nodes. A combatant’s current or maximum class level of a class equipped on a class slot is used.
  • Formulas, Schematics: Equipment Fork: ‘Check Item Type’ settings available. Optionally check for an item type being equipped instead of a defined equipment.
  • Status Conditions: ‘Class Equipped’ status check available. Checks if a class is or isn’t currently equipped by a combatant (either on any class slot or a defined class slot).
  • Status Conditions: ‘Class Slot Available’ status check available. Checks if a class slot is available on the combatant or not.
  • Status Conditions: ‘Class Slot Equipped’ status check available. The level of a class equipped on a defined class slot will be compared to a defined value.
  • Status Conditions: ‘Class Slot Level’ status check available. Checks if a combatant’s class slot is equipped with a class or not.
  • Status Conditions: ‘Equipment Slot Available’ status check available. Checks if an equipment slot is available on the combatant or not.
  • Status Conditions: ‘Equipment Slot Equipped’ status check available. Checks if a combatant’s equipment slot is equipped with an equipment or not.
  • Float Values: Class Slot Level: ‘Class Slot Level’ value type available. Uses the level of a class equipped on a combatant’s class slot as value.
  • UI: Content Layouts: Shortcut UI: ‘Use Empty UI’ setting available when adding ‘Shortcut UI’ to a content layout. Optionally use the ‘Empty UI’ when no shortcut is displayed. E.g. in ‘Equipment’ menu screen parts for empty equipment slots.
  • Schematics: Add Class: ‘Add Class’ node available in ‘Combatant > Class’ nodes. Adds classes to a combatant. Added classes are available to equip on class slots and can also be switched to as the single-class of the combatant.
  • Schematics: Remove Class: ‘Remove Class’ node available in ‘Combatant > Class’ nodes. The removed class will be unequipped from all class slots and the single-class of the combatant.
  • Schematics: Add Class Slot: ‘Add Class Slot’ node available in ‘Combatant > Class’ nodes. Class slots can be used to equip classes on.
  • Schematics: Remove Class Slot: ‘Remove Class Slot’ node available in ‘Combatant > Class’ nodes. The removed class slots will unequip their current class.
  • Schematics: Change Class Slot: ‘Change Class Slot’ node available in ‘Combatant > Class’ nodes. Changes the classes equipped on class slots of a combatant.
  • Schematics: Change Class: ‘Use Selected Data’ settings available. Optionally change to a class stored in selected data.
  • Schematics: Add To Shop: ‘Classes’ settings available. Add classes that will be sold in a shop.
  • Schematics: Select Class: ‘Select Class’ node available in ‘Value > Selected Data’ nodes. Uses classes of a combatant as selected data.
  • Schematics: Select Equipped Class: ‘Select Equipped Class’ node available in ‘Value > Selected Data’ nodes. Uses classes currently equipped on a combatant’s class slots as selected data.
  • Schematics: Refresh Menu Screen: ‘Refresh Menu Screen’ node available in ‘UI > Menu’ nodes. Marks all parts of a menu screen to be refreshed in the next frame.
  • Schematics: Lock Battle Combatants: ‘Lock Battle Combatants’ node available in ‘Battle > Spawn’ nodes. Locks or unlocks combatants participating in battle from being removed from the battle/game. Otherwise, destroying their game objects would remove them from the game (excluding player group members).
  • Schematics: Destroy Battle Combatants: ‘Lock Combatants’ setting available. Lock the battle combatants from being removed from the battle/game when destroying them. Same as using the ‘Lock Battle Combatants’ node.
  • Unity UI: HUD Click Component: ‘Close Current Menu Screen’ click type available. Closes currently open menu screens. Optionally clears the menus before closing, i.e. not returning to previous menus.
  • Unity UI: HUD Class Slot List Content Component: ‘HUD Class Slot List Content’ component available. Lists the class slots of a combatant.
  • Unity UI: HUD Class Slot Content Provider Component: ‘HUD Class Slot Content Provider’ component available. Uses a combatant’s defined class slot as content.
  • Unity UI: ORK HUD Status Text Content, ORK HUD Value Bar Content: Status Value: The ‘Status Value’ type now supports displaying the experience status value of a class when the class or a class slot with an equipped class is the HUD user. E.g. can be used to show a class’s experience as a value bar on a menu button displaying a class or a tooltip HUD.
  • Unity UI: HUD Ability List Content Component: Now supports showing abilities of a class when the provided content comes from a class or class slot (e.g. tooltip HUD for a class).
  • Unity UI: ORK HUD Value Bar Content: Cast Time, Delay Time, Reuse Time, Status Effect Duration: ‘Unused Filling’ setting available. Defines how the bar is filled if no time/duration is used by the displayed content. ‘Auto’ sets the bar based on the inverted setting, ‘Empty’ and ‘Full’ will set the bar to empty/full. E.g. use this to always fill an icon if no time/duration is used. Defaults to ‘Auto’.
  • Unity UI Setup: Context Menu: Status Value: Added new ‘no content provider’ variants for status value creations. Uses the content provider of the HUD the status value is added to instead of creating a new one for the status value. E.g. useful for tooltip HUDs to display the tooltip’s status value or class’s status value.


  • Classes, Combatants: Combatants no longer require to use a class. Not having a class selected in the combatant’s status settings will no longer select the default class (first class in the editor list).
  • Classes: Save Games, Scripting: Class data that was previously split up on different parts of the combatant (e.g. status, abilities, shortcut lists) is now combind in the ‘ClassInstance’ class (per class on a combatant). Old save data is automatically updated when loading the game.
  • Status Conditions: The ‘Class’ status check has been renamed to ‘Class (Single)’ to not get confused between single-class and class slot checks.
  • Schematics: Change Class: The ‘Change Class’ node has been moved to ‘Combatant > Class’ nodes.
  • Schematics: Change Class: The ‘Reset Attack/Defence Modifier’ settings have been removed. Attack/defence modifier start values are now always reset when changing classes.


  • Inventory Containers: Fixed an issue where remembering lost items (due to slot count being reduced) could cause an error.
  • Status Developments: Fixed an issue where ‘Curve’ development type didn’t allow reducing status values.
  • Abilities, Ability Types, Items, Item Types: Battle Info Text: Fixed an issue where using ‘Own Battle Info’ to override the default battle info texts where always loaded with a new setup instead of the saved settings.
  • Unity UI: HUDs: Fixed an issue where HUD content components could enable the closed HUD’s game object when added directly on the HUD’s root.
  • HUDs: Tooltip: Fixed an issue where the ‘Status Value’ tooltip check didn’t work.