ORK 3.6.0 is here with 83 new features, changes and fixes (and 36 more in the also included Makinom 2.7.0)!
This update adds new functionality to battle menus, new status effect features, passive combatants, optional shared hit/crit changes for all targets of an action, new standalone level up notifications (outside of battle gains) and other new features changes and fixes.
This version contains Makinom 2.7.0 with 36 additional new features, changes and fixes. Check out how to use Makinom’s new HUD Conditional Schematics in this gameplay bits tutorial.
Download the latest version of ORK Framework here.
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Please Note!
Due to changes in HUD text components (Unity UI module) in both ORK and Makinom components, adding a time-based text code (e.g. to display game time) no longer shows the Update Every setting.
Instead, this is now always available when using the new Use Time Update setting. Check your previous setup in case you use time-based text codes.
- Turn Based Battles, Phase Battles, Abilities, Items: Action Costs: ‘End Turn’ setting available for action costs. Ends the combatant’s turn after using the action (even if more actions per turn are available). Only used in ‘Turn Based’ and ‘Phase’ battle systems.
- Notifications: ‘Can Cancel’ setting available. Optionally allow closing the notification via canceling (e.g. cancel button). By default disabled.
- HUDs: Combatant: ‘Player Group Scope’ setting available. Defines which part of the player group will be displayed, e.g. battle group, battle reserve or the whole group. This replaces the ‘Only Battle Group’ setting. Old settings will be udpated automatically.
- HUDs: Turn Order: ‘Add Finished Combatants’ setting available. Optionally add the combatants that already finished their turns to the turn order list. They’ll be added at the start of the list, before the (optional) selecting combatant) and the remaining combatants.
- Status Conditions: ‘Faction’ status check available. Checks if a combatant is part of a defined faction or not. Available in all status conditions throughout the framework.
- Available Equipment Templates, Combatants, Classes: Item Types: ‘Use Sub-Types’ setting available (per item type). Allows/excludes the sub-types of the defined item type.
- Menu Screens: Information: ‘Show Ok Button’ and ‘Show Cancel Button’ settings available. Optionally show the ok/cancel buttons of the UI box.
- Menu Screens: Ability, Equipment, Inventory, Inventory Container: Sub Menus: ‘Use Content Icon’ setting available. Uses the displayed content’s icon as icon content.
- Battle Menus: Options: ‘Schematic’ option type available. Starts a schematic, using the battle menu user as ‘Machine Object’ and ‘Starting Object’. The battle menu can be closed before and reopened after the schematic. The schematic can also reopen the battle menu using a ‘Reopen Battle Menu’ node.
- Battle Menus: Options: ‘Status Changes’ settings available for battle menu options/commands. Optionally use status changes when accepting a command, canceling out of an accepted command or closing the battle menu after accepting a command (e.g. by finishing the action selection or changing to a different user). Not used on any sub-menu items called by the option/command, i.e. only by the ‘root’ command.
- Battle Menus: Options: ‘Use Conditions’ available. Optionally define conditions that must be valid to be able to use the battle menu command. If the conditions are invalid, the button will be inactive. Also affects buttons of sub-menu items that where opened by the command.
- Combatants: Creation: ‘Is Passive’ settings available everywhere a combatant can be added (e.g. combatant spawners, combatant groups, schematic nodes, etc.). Sets the combatant as passive and not part of the battle order, i.e. not use any actions but can still be targeted. Passive combatants can optionally also be set to not require being defeated to end a battle.
- Status Effects: End After: ‘Action Start’ and ‘Action End’ types available. End an effect after a defined number of actions where started or ended by the effect’s target. Optionally define which actions can reduce the duration.
- Status Effects: End After: ‘Battle Turn Start’ and ‘Battle Turn End’ types available. End an effect after a defined number of battle turns start or end. Battle turns are only used by ‘Turn Based’, ‘Active Time’ and ‘Phase’ battles, increasing turns independent of combatants. Turn end and start happen at the same time, as when a battle turn ends, the next starts immediately.
- Status Effects: Status Value Changes: ‘Action Start’ and ‘Action End’ set on types available. Change the status value each time an action is started or ended by the effect’s target. Optionally define which actions will be used.
- Status Effects: Status Value Changes: ‘Battle Turn Start’ and ‘Battle Turn End’ set on types available. Change the status value each time a battle turn starts or ends. Battle turns are only used by ‘Turn Based’, ‘Active Time’ and ‘Phase’ battles, increasing turns independent of combatants. Turn end and start happen at the same time, as when a battle turn ends, the next starts immediately.
- Status Effects: Schematics: ‘Action Start’ and ‘Action End’ use on types available. Use the schematic each time an action is started or ended by the effect’s target. Optionally define which actions will be used.
- Status Effects: Schematics: ‘Battle Turn Start’ and ‘Battle Turn End’ use on types available. Use the schematic each time a battle turn starts or ends. Battle turns are only used by ‘Turn Based’, ‘Active Time’ and ‘Phase’ battles, increasing turns independent of combatants. Turn end and start happen at the same time, as when a battle turn ends, the next starts immediately.
- Abilities, Items: Hit Chance, Critical Chance: ‘Shared Chance’ settings available. Optionally share the hit/critical chance for all targets (and optionally the user). The chance is calculated for the first target, using the same outcome for all targets (and optionally the user).
- Abilities, Items: Status Changes: ‘Variable’ status change type available. Changes variables – e.g. use ‘Object’ variables on the user or target of the status change.
- Ability Developments, Classes, Combatants: Learn Ability: ‘Use Conditions’ settings available. Optionally learn an ability at level up only when defined conditions are valid. The ‘Learn at Level’ can be used as a minimum learn level, which allows learning an ability at a later level when the conditions fail.
- Inventory Settings: General Settings: ‘Update Size By Variables’ setting available. Optionally update inventory space and inventory container slot counts by changes to global variables or object variables of the inventory’s owners (combatants).
- Factions: ‘Combatant Layer’ settings available. Optionally place all combatants of a faction on a defined layer.
- Research Trees: Level Up: ‘Level Up’ research item type available. Increases the level or class level of a combatant or group by a defined number of levels. Can optionally display the standalone level up dialogue.
- Battle System: Turn Based: Schematics: ‘Battle Turn Start Schematic’ and ‘Battle Turn End Schematic’ settings available. Optionally execute schematics at the start and end of a battle turn. Battle turns change after all combatants selected and performed their actions.
- Battle System: Active Time: Active time battles now support battle turns. A battle turn lasts until each combatant (that’s able to) has performed 1 action. A combatant that’s incapacitated (died or status effect blocking all actions) will not be taken into account until the next battle turn (when able to perform actions again). Battle turns can be used in status effects, nodes and displayed via text codes.
- Battle System: Turn Based, Phase: ‘Auto End Turn’ settings available. Optionally automatically end a combatant’s turn if no useable action (defined in these settings) is available. Please note that a combatant’s turn also ends if not enough actions per turn remain (see the ‘Action Settings’).
- Battle End: Standalone Level Up Dialogue: ‘Standalone Level Up Dialogue’ settings available. Optionally show a level up dialogue outside of battle gains. Can automatically be displayed for experience changes.
- Battle Texts, Abilities, Items: Action Info Notifications: You can now define define separate action info notifications for player, allies and enemies. Previous settings are updated automatically.
- Battle AIs: Check Value: ‘Check Value’ node available in ‘Base’ nodes. Checks a value with another value, e.g. the result of a formula.
- Text Display Settings: Number Formatting: ‘Attack Modifier Change Format’ and ‘Defence Modifier Change Format’ settings available. Define how changes to attack/defence modifier attribute values are displayed, e.g. used by bonus displays.
- Attack Modifiers, Defence Modifiers: ‘Own Change Format’ settings available. Optionally override the default value change format defind in ‘UI > Text Display Settings’.
- Status Bonuses: Attack/Defence Status Effects: ‘Use Critical Effects’ settings available. Optionally use separate attack/defence status effects for normal and critical hits. Available in all attack/defence status effect settings.
- Status Bonuses: Attack/Defence Status Effects: ‘Block Effect Change’ settings available. Define attack/defence status effects that will be used when an attack was blocked. When using ‘Use Critical Effects’, critical hits define their own block effect changes.
- Combatant Scopes: ‘Non Battle Reserve’ scope available. Uses a members of a group that aren’t part of the combatant’s battle group or battle reserve. Available everywhere combatant scope settings are used, e.g. ‘Combatant’ type HUDs, status conditions, selected data nodes, etc.
- Schematics, Formulas, Battle AIs: Check Battle Turn: ‘Check Battle Turn’ node availablel (in ‘Battle > Battle’ nodes in schematics and ‘Base’ nodes in formulas and battle AIs). Checks the current battle turn (independent of combatant turns). Please note that battle turns are only used in ‘Turn Based’ and ‘Phase’ battles.
- Schematics, Formulas, Battle AIs: Select Item: ‘Use Inventory Container’ settings available. Optionally select items from a defined inventory container instead of the whole inventory. No items will be selected if inventory containers are not used by the combatant (e.g. feature not used or only for player).
- Schematics: Level Up: ‘Show Level Up Dialogue’ setting available. Optionally show the standalone level up dialogue (defined in ‘Battles > Battle End’) when increasing levels.
- Schematics: Level Up: ‘Level Change’ setting available. You can now increase the level by more than 1, but the minimum increase will be 1.
- Schematics: In Use Range: ‘Store Users’ and ‘Store Targets’ settings available. Optionally store the users or targets that are within range into selected data.
- Schematics: Reopen Battle Menu: ‘Reopen Battle Menu’ node available in ‘Battle > Battle’ nodes. Reopens the battle menu that started the schematic. Only available if the schematic was started by a battle menu (via ‘Schematic’ option type).
- Schematics: In Grid Action Range, Select Grid Action Range: ‘Grid Move Selection Aware’ setting available. The move range takes the currently used grid move selection into account. I.e. the grid move selection user’s cell will be passable, but the selected cell will be blocked.
- Schematics: Start Grid Move Selection: ‘Start Grid Move Selection’ node available in ‘Battle > Grid Path’ nodes. Starts a grid move selection, allowing the player to select a grid move path. Sets the current action’s grid path and can only be used if the schematic was started by a battle action.
- Schematics: Consume Grid Path Cost: ‘Current Cell’ setting available. Only consume the costs of the current cell (i.e. the next cell that’s still stored in the path). The costs will also be removed from the total costs.
- Schematics: Is Battle Action, Filter Selected Combatants: ‘Use Ability Type’ and ‘Use Item Type’ settings available. Optionally check for abilities/items of a defind ability/item type.
- Schematics: Add To Inventory, Remove From Inventory, Drop Items, Add To Item Box, Remove From Item Box: ‘Set Quantity’ settings available when ‘Use Selected Data’ is enabled. Optionally define the used quantity of the items stored in selected data, e.g. only removing 1 item from the inventory, even if more are stored in selected data.
- Unity UI: HUD Condition Component: ‘Player Enemy’ condition type available. Checks if the HUD user is an enemy of the player.
- Unity UI: ORK HUD Text Content Component, ORK HUD Status Text Content Component: ‘Use Time Update’ settings available. Optionally update the content in regular intervals.
- Unity UI: ORK HUD Status Text Component: ‘Action Cost’ status type available. Shows the action costs of a shortcut. In ‘Turn Based’ and ‘Phase’ battles this displays the actions per turn. In ‘Active Time’ battles this displays the timebar cost.
- Unity UI: Content Provider: HUD Shortcut: ‘HUD Shortcut’ content provider component available. Uses a defined shortcut of a combatant (e.g. an ability or item) as content for it’s HUD components. The HUD’s content/user must be a combatant.
- UI: Menus: Most menus will now allow showing ok/cancel buttons in any case. The ok/cancel buttons of the UI box handle their display according to their own setup (e.g. hidden by inputs or inactive state). For the ‘Unity UI’ module, this is handled by the ‘UI Botton (Ok, Cancel)’ component of the UI box’s ok/cancel buttons.
- Rounding: All ‘None’ roundings have been changed to ‘Default’, using the default rounding defined in ‘Game > Game Settings’. The ‘None’ rounding is still available (the new default rounding in ‘Game > Game Setting’ defaults to ‘None’).
- Menu Screens: Information: Using ‘Auto Update’ blocks using the typewriter when updating the content of the UI box.
- HUDs: Combatant: The ‘Only Battle Group’ setting has been replaced with the ‘Player Group Scope’ setting. Previous settings will be updated automatically.
- Battle System: Turn Based: ‘Actions Per Turn’ and ‘Action Time’ are now initialized when the combatant starts a new turn, not when starting to select actions. E.g. using ‘Auto Start Turn’ to start the new turn at the start of the battle turn will now initialize their ‘Actions Per Turn’ and ‘Action Time’ values.
- Battle Menus: Options: ‘Conditions’ has been renamded to ‘Add Conditions’.
- Battle AIs: Selected Data Nodes: ‘None’ user has been repalced by ‘Found Targets’. Uses the currently found targets as user of the selected data operation.
- Quests, Quest Tasks: Experience/Normal Status Value Rewards: ‘Whole Group’ and ‘Only Battle Group’ settings have been replaced by a ‘Combatant Scope’ selection. Previous settings are updated automatically.
- Combatants: Noraml Status Value Rewards: ‘Whole Group’ and ‘Only Battle Group’ settings have been replaced by a ‘Combatant Scope’ selection. Previous settings are updated automatically.
- Formulas: Status Value, Random Status Value, Battle Statistic: ‘Whole Group’ and ‘Only Battle Group’ settings have been replaced by a ‘Combatant Scope’ selection. Previous settings are updated automatically.
- Schematics: Regenerate, Revive, Change Status Value, Change Status Effect, Level Up, Initialize To Level, Check Status: ‘Whole Group’ and ‘Only Battle Group’ settings have been replaced by a ‘Combatant Scope’ selection. Previous settings are updated automatically.
- Schematics: End Turn: If the schematic is animating a battle action and the combatant is the action’s user, the combatant’s turn will end after the action.
- Unity UI: ORK HUD Text Content Component, ORK HUD Status Text Content Component: ‘Update Every’ is no longer displayed when a time-based text code is used in the text. Instead it’s now displayed (and used when ‘Use Time Update’ is enabled).
- Abilities, Items: Target Selection: Using ‘Self’ target type after previously selecting ‘None’ target range (setting hidden for ‘Self’) caused an error when using the ability/item.
- Items: Variables: Fixed an issue where ‘Use In Custom Content’ didn’t replace variable text codes in custom content with the item instance’s variables.
- Inventory Containers: Changes to the combatant’s status didn’t have an impact on slot counts.
- Save Games: Shortcut Slots: Fixed an issue where loading a saved game didn’t load grid move and grid orientation shortcuts correctly.
- HUDs: Value Bars: Cast Time, Delay Time, Reuse Time, Status Effect Duration: Fixed an issue where the value bar didn’t reach full or empty state due to the last time update no longer registering (e.g. cast time ended).
- HUDs: Console: Fixed an issue where the ‘Auto Scroll Down’ settings where hidden.
- HUDs: Shortcut Slots: Fixed an issue where shortcut slot tooltips didn’t show status change previews.
- Battle Menu: Description: Fixed an issue where special actions (e.g. grid move, defend, etc.) didn’t provide content for text codes when displaying custom description content.
- Combatant Highlights: HUDs: Fixed an issue where blinking HUDs could be stopped by flashes or other HUD fades and not restored after the other fade finished. E.g. a battle menu’s user highlight being stopped by a flash or target selection highlight.
- Camera Controls: Transitions: Fixed an issue where transitioning rotations started from the wrong rotation.
- Battle AIs, Action Targeting: Fixed an issue where using battle AIs in ‘Queue’ mode could result in all out of range targets being used for ‘Single’ target range actions. E.g. an ability that should target a single combatant targeted multiple instead.
- Schematics: Determine Action Result: Fixed an issue where blocking wasn’t predetermined.
- Schematics: Has In Inventory Fork: Fixed an issue where the node checked for not being in inventory.
- Unity UI: HUD Shortcut Slot Content Component: Fixed an issue where state change colors where overruled by fading in/out of the HUD.
- Unity UI: HUD Shortcut Slot Content Component: Fixed an issue where closing the HUD while displaying a tooltip (cursor over) didn’t remove the tooltip.