
ORK 3.15.0 is here with 71 new features, changes and fixes (and more in the also included Makinom 2.14.0)!

This update has a large focus on targeting – e.g. it adds body parts to combatants, new target selection templates for easier setup and changes, new target-first battle menu (via the new target selection settings of battle menus) and many other new features, changes and fixes.

Check out this gameplay bits tutorial for an example about using body parts.

This version contains Makinom 2.14.0 with a few additional new features, changes and fixes. E.g. improved data load performance.

Download the latest version of ORK Framework here.

If you’re enjoying the updates, tutorials and support I provide, please consider leaving a review in the Unity Asset Store and supporting me on patron.com – every little bit helps!


  • Combatants: Body Parts: ‘Body Parts’ settings availabe in the ‘Status Settings’. Optionally add body parts to a combatant. Body parts define their status via another combatant’s setup and are added or mounted to their parent combatant’s game object. They’re individual combatants and can e.g. be added as passive combatants or also use actions in battles. Killing a body part can use status changes on it’s parent combatant.
  • Combatants: Prefabs: ‘Fallback Radius’ setting available. Optionally define a radius that’ll be used if no ‘Radius’ component is found on the combatant’s game object.
  • Target Selection Templates: ‘Target Selection Templates’ sub-section available in ‘Templates’ section of the editor. Define templates for target selection settings (target type/range, use range, etc.). The templates are used by abilities, items and default target selection settings. Using templates allow you to quickly change settings for a vast range of abilities/items.
  • Target Settings: Default Target Selections: ‘Default Target Selections’ settings available. Define which target selection templates are used by ‘Default’ target selection types. Separate default selections are defined for enemy single/group/none, ally single/group/none, all single/group/none and self targeting. Ability/item types can override default target selections for their abilities/items.
  • Target Settings: Available Targets Highlight: ‘Available Targets Highlight’ settings available. Optionally highlight available targets during action/target selection.
  • Abilities, Items: Target Selection Settings: ‘Target Selection Type’ setting available. Select which type of target selection is used, a ‘Template’, a ‘Custom’ setup or one of the ‘Default’ target selections. Previous settings are automatically updated to ‘Custom’. Custom setups can be turned into templates via a button.
  • Abilities, Items, Target Selection Templates: Auto Damage Multipliers: ‘Auto Damage Multipliers’ settings available (found in target selection setup). Optionally use an automatic damage multiplier that impacts status changes depending on having a single or more than one target. You can define separate multipliers for single and multi targets. E.g. a ‘Single’ targeting ability that can toggle the target range to ‘Group’ can do less damage on multiple targets.
  • Ability Types, Item Types: ‘Default Target Selections’ settings available. Optionally override the default target selections defined in ‘Battles > Target Settings’. Abilities/items using the type as their primary type will use the type’s target selections when using a ‘Default’ selection type. Only the defined target selections will be used, otherwise it’ll fall back to the global default selections.
  • Battle Menus: Target Selection Settings: ‘Target Selection Settings’ available. Define the target selection mode of the battle menu. Targets can either be selected after actions (i.e. targets depend on actions) or before actions (i.e. actions depend on targets). Defaults to ‘After Action’ target selection (previous functionality).
  • Battle Menus: Ability: ‘Check Useable Ability’ setting available for ‘Combined’ and ‘Type’ display type. Optionally check if a combined/type button contains a useable ability. If no useable ability is found, the button will be inactive.
  • Battle Menus: Item: ‘Check Useable Item’ setting available for ‘Combined’ and ‘Type’ display type. Optionally check if a combined/type button contains a useable item. If no useable item is found, the button will be inactive.
  • Battle Menus: Equipment: ‘Blocked Slot Display’ and ‘Linked Slot Display’ settings available. Define how slots blocked by equipment (on other slots) or slots linked to other slots (via multi-slot equipment) will be displayed. Either show them as active (can be changed), inactive (can’t be changed) or hide them.
  • Status Conditions: Has Body Part: ‘Has Body Part’ status condition check type available. Checks if the combatant has body parts or a defined body part (combatant).
  • Status Conditions: Is Body Part: ‘Is Body Part’ status condition check type available. Checks if the combatant is a body part of another combatant or a defined combatant.
  • Status Conditions: Battle Turn: ‘Battle Turn’ status condition check type available. Checks the current battle turn against a defined number. The battle turn is independent of the combatant’s turn.
  • Status Conditions: Turn: ‘Turn’ status condition check type available. Checks the combatant’s current turn against a defined number.
  • Game States: Auto Activate, Auto Inactivate: ‘Item Collection Start’ and ‘Item Collection End’ state change events available. Caused when item collection is started or ended, e.g. to create an item collection game state that’s active while the player collects items via ‘Item Collector’ components.
  • Camera Controls: Top Down Border: Panning: ‘Ignore Player Move’ setting available. Optionally ignore changes to the player position while panning. Panning will be based on the position the panning started from, the player’s movement will be ignored.
  • Camera Controls: Top Down Border, Mouse: ‘In Battle’ setting available for ‘Remember’ options. Optionally not remember/restore rotation, panning or zoom when loading into or out of a battle scene. By default enabled (previous behaviour).
  • Quest Layouts: Rewards: ‘Normal SV Reward Text’ settings and new text code available. You can now display rewards for ‘Normal’ type status values and optionally use a separate text for them.
  • Quest Layouts: Tasks: New text codes available to show the rewards of a quest task.
  • HUDs: Combatant, Combatant Object: Display Conditions: ‘Is Available Target’ setting available when using ‘Is Targeted’ settings. Optionally only display the HUD if the combatant is currently available as a target by the regular target selection (e.g. via battle menu).
  • Menu Screens: Equipment: ‘Blocked Slot Display’ and ‘Linked Slot Display’ settings available. Define how slots blocked by equipment (on other slots) or slots linked to other slots (via multi-slot equipment) will be displayed. Either show them as active (can be changed), inactive (can’t be changed) or hide them.
  • Menu Screens: Inventory Exchange: ‘Inventory Source’ settings available in the ‘Item Box’ settings. Define the inventory source that’ll be used (e.g. menu screen user or defined item box) when the inventory exchange is used without defining the inventory sources (e.g. opening it via regular menu call or ‘Button List’ menu part instead of shop, item box or ‘Call Menu Screen’ node).
  • Menu Screens, Shop Layouts: Sorting: ‘Use Sort Key’ settings available for individual sort options. Optionally use an input key to directly change to a sorting option instead of toggling between the available options.
  • Menu Screens, Shop Layouts: Sorting: ‘Quantity Price’ setting available for ‘Buy Price’ and ‘Sell Price’ sorting. Optionally sort by the price for the whole stack instead of 1 unit.
  • Menu Screens: Status Value Distribution: ‘Accept Close’ setting available. Defines if accepting the status changes will close the menu screen. By default enabled (previous behaviour).
  • Shop Layouts: Type Box, List Box: ‘Mark New Types/Items’ settings available. Optionally use a different content layout for type/item buttons with new content.
  • Shops: ‘Buyback Sell Price’ settings available. Optionally allow the player to buy back items sold to the shop at the price the items where sold. Also works without saving sold items (items will be removed when closing the shop). When saving sold items, the buyback price can be optionally reset when closing the shop (selling at regular price).
  • Notifications: ‘Use Content Icon’ settings available for ‘Title’ and ‘Message’ content. Optionally use the notification content’s icon instead of a defined icon (e.g. the icon of the item the notification is for).
  • Battle Texts, Status Effects: Add Flying Text: ‘Show Recast’ setting available. Optionally show the ‘Add Flying Text’ when a status effect is recast on a combatant. Only used when ‘On Recast’ is set to ‘Add’ or ‘Reset’ (i.e. when an effect can be recast).
  • Battle End: Loot Dialogues: ‘No Outcome’ setting available in ‘Battle Outcome’ settings. The loot dialogue will be used for loot collection when no battle outcome has been achieved yet (e.g. loot collection during a running battle). By default enabled.
  • Formulas: Select Combatant Body Part: ‘Select Combatant Body Part’ node available in ‘Selected Data’ nodes. Uses body parts of combatants or the parent combatant of body parts as selected data.
  • Battle AIs: Select Combatant Body Part: ‘Select Combatant Body Part’ node available in ‘Selected Data’ nodes. Uses body parts of combatants or the parent combatant of body parts as selected data.
  • Battle AIs: Add Combatant Body Part: ‘Add Combatant Body Part’ node available in ‘Combatant’ nodes. Adds body parts to a combatant.
  • Battle AIs: Remove Combatant Body Part: ‘Remove Combatant Body Part’ node available in ‘Combatant’ nodes. Removes body parts from a combatant.
  • Battle AIs: Ability: ‘Know Ability’ setting available when not using ‘Use Random Ability’. The combatant knowing the ability is now optional, i.e. battle AIs can also use abilities that are not known to the user. By default enabled (i.e. previous behaviour, requiring to know the ability).
  • Schematics: Actors: ORK Player: ‘Player Type’ setting available. Select which player to use (field or battle). Can use the ‘Current’ player (based on being in battle or in the field), the ‘Field’ player or the ‘Battle’ player.
  • Schematics: Select Combatant Body Part: ‘Select Combatant Body Part’ node available in ‘Combatant > Body Part’ nodes. Uses body parts of combatants or the parent combatant of body parts as selected data.
  • Schematics: Add Combatant Body Part: ‘Add Combatant Body Part’ node available in ‘Combatant > Body Part’ nodes. Adds body parts to a combatant.
  • Schematics: Remove Combatant Body Part: ‘Remove Combatant Body Part’ node available in ‘Combatant > Body Part’ nodes. Removes body parts from a combatant.
  • Schematics: Area Fork: ‘Area Fork’ node available in ‘Game > Game’ nodes. Checks if the game’s current area is one of the defined areas and uses that check’s ‘Next’ slot to continue the schematic.
  • Schematics: Check Selected Data Shortcut: ‘Check Selected Data Shortcut’ node available in ‘Combatant > Shortcut’ nodes. Checks a shortcut stored in selected data. E.g. check if it’s an item or ability.
  • Schematics: Collect Battle Gains: ‘Is Immediate Collection’ setting available. The battle gains collection is used as an immediate collection.
  • Schematics: Check Quest Status: ‘Check Quest Status’ node available in ‘Game > Quest’ nodes. Checks the status of a defined quest or quests stored in selected data.
  • Schematics: Quest Status Fork: ‘Quest Status Fork’ node available in ‘Game > Quest’ nodes. Checks the status of a defined quest or a quest stored in selected data. The valid quest status’s next node will be executed.
  • Schematics: Has Quest: ‘Use Selected Data’ settings available. Optionally check quests stored in selected data instead of a defined quest.
  • Schematics: Selected Data Choice: ‘Selection Settings’ available. Optionally remember the selected choice (via an int variable) or set a default selection.
  • Unity UI: HUD Quest Reward List: ‘HUD Quest Reward List’ component available. Lists rewards of a HUD content’s quest or quest task.
  • Unity UI: HUD Quest Reward Text Content: ‘HUD Quest Reward Text Content’ component available. Shows content information of a HUD content’s quest reward (e.g. coming from a ‘HUD Quest Reward List Content’ component).
  • Unity UI: HUD Quest Text Content, HUD Quest Task Text Content, HUD Quest Task Requirement Text Content: ‘Use Content Icon’ setting available. Optionally use the icon of the displayed quest/task/requirement content instead of a defined icon.
  • Unity UI: Context Menu: Quest: New variants available for creating quest and quest tasks with reward lists, add quest reward lists and create quest reward prefabs.
  • HUD Conditions: Quest Reward: ‘Quest Reward’ condition type available. Checks if the HUD user is a quest or quest task with rewards.
  • HUD Conditions: Quest Task Requirement: ‘Quest Task Requirement’ condition type available. Checks if the HUD user is a quest task with finish requirements.


  • Shortcut UI: Using shortcut UI when displaying combatants sold in shops (e.g. in quantity selections) can now access status information of the combatant (e.g. displaying status value lists and other content).


  • Quantity Selections: Fixed a potential issue where using shortcut UI in quantity selections for buying combatants could result in an error.
  • Inventory Settings: Item Box: Fixed an issue where using ‘Inventory Exchange Menu’ caused an error.
  • Active Time Battles: Fixed an issue where finishing an action cast could lead to the action being performed at the same time as a combatant selecting actions (while using a setup that should prevent that).
  • Battle Menus: Description: Fixed an issue where changing the use level of an ability didn’t update the displayed description.
  • Battle AI: Combatant Trigger Nodes: Fixed an issue where combatant trigger nodes where only used in grid battles.
  • HUDs: Battle Action, Combatant, Turn Order: Fixed an issue where using ‘Offset’ or ‘Relative Offset’ multi-box layout didn’t set the offset when closing and opening the HUD again.
  • HUDs: Console: Fixed an issue where toggling a console HUD off/on allowed the UI box of the console to get focused.
  • Menu Screens: Button List: Fixed an issue where opening a non-single screen menu screen from a single screen menu screen could lead to the new menu being called twice (potentially closing it again).
  • Menu Screens: Equipment: Fixed an issue where hidden equipment slots could cause displaying the wrong equipment for a slot.
  • Menu Screens: Equipment, Equipment (Single Slot): Fixed an issue where the description of the unequip button wasn’t shown by ‘Description’ menu parts.
  • Menu Screens: Multi Slot: Shortcut Slot: Fixed an issue where an assigned shortcut wasn’t displayed on a slot if it was unavailable while keeping and showing unavailable shortcuts was enabled in ‘UI > Shortcut Settings’.
  • Menu Screens: Inventory Exchange: Fixed an issue where adding the ‘All’ type could cause an error.
  • Menu Screens: Fixed a potential issue where menu screens could refresh while being closed.
  • Schematics: Call Menu Screen: Fixed an issue where using ‘Inventory Exchange’ menus with item box didn’t use the defined scene object content.
  • Schematics: Select Quest: Fixed an issue where not using ‘Limit Quest Type’ caused an error.
  • Schematics: Change Shortcut: Fixed an issue where using a shortcut from selected data could lead to unexpected functionality afterwards due to using the actual shortcut instead of a copy. Now, a copy of the shortcut is created to separate the assigned shortcut from whatever source was used.