
New research tree feature, shops selling combatants, updates to status effects, the top down border camera controls, raycast targeting, grid line of sight, a lot of new event nodes and other new features, changes and fixes.

Head to the download page and grab the latest version or buy a copy in the Unity Asset Store!

Learn more about the new research system in this how-to.


  • Research Types
    ‘Research Types’ sub-section available in ‘Combatants’ section.
    Research types are used to separate research trees.
  • Research Trees
    ‘Research Trees’ sub-section available in ‘Combatants’ section.
    Like ability trees, research trees allow adding ‘Research Items’ to them.
    They can teach new abilities, upgrade status values, create new items, equipment or currency, or be used as requirements.
    Beside immediately finishing research, it can also take a defined amount of time or manually progress using the event system.
  • Menu Screens: Research
    ‘Research’ menu part available.
    Displays the research trees of a combatant, optionally separated by research types.
  • Menu Screens: Group
    ‘Own Button Content’ settings available in the ‘Action Box’ buttons in ‘Group’ menu parts.
    Optionally override the default button content (text, description, icon) of default buttons (e.g. ‘Back’ button).
  • Menu Screens: Game Event Settings
    ‘After Fading’ setting available in the ‘Close Game Event’ settings.
    Defines if the close game event is started after fading out the menu screen or with fading out.
    By default enabled.
  • Status Requirements: Research Tree
    ‘Research Tree’ requirement selection available.
    Checks if a combatant knows a research tree or if it’s completed (i.e. fully researched).
  • Status Requirements: Research Item
    ‘Research Item’ requirement selection available.
    Checks the state of a combatant’s research item or the number of times it has been researched.
  • Status Requirements: Weapon, Armor
    ‘Level’ setting available for ‘Weapon’ and ‘Armor’ status checks.
    The equipped weapon/armor must at least have the defined level.
    By default set to 1.
  • Camera Controls: Top Down Border
    ‘Rotation’ settings available.
    Optionally rotate the camera by using input keys or mouse/touch controls.
    Can be enabled separately for field and battle.
  • Camera Controls: Top Down Border
    ‘Panning’ settings available.
    Optionally pan the camera from the player using input keys or by moving the mouse cursor to screen edges.
    Can be limited to a defined distance to the player. Can be enabled separately for field and battle.
  • Camera Controls: Top Down Border
    ‘Zoom’ settings available.
    Optionally zoom the camera by using input keys.
    Can be enabled separately for field and battle.
  • Player Controls: Button
    ‘Camera Direction Offset’ setting available.
    Define the angle in degrees that will be added to the camera direction.
    E.g. use 45 to shift the movement 45 degrees to the camera view.
  • Game Settings: Player Group Notifications
    ‘Player Group Notifications’ settings available.
    Optionally display notifications when a combatant joins or leaves the player group.
    Can be overridden by each combatant individually.
  • Control Maps: Attack
    ‘Use Current Attack’ setting available.
    Uses the current base attack (index) of the combatant.
  • Console
    ‘Research Texts’ settings available.
    Display console texts for adding/removing research trees and starting, canceling or finishing research of a research item.
    Can optionally be overridden by each research tree individually.
  • Console
    New text codes in learn texts, forget texts and quest texts.
    Use ‘%ud’ to display the user’s description, ‘%ui’ to display the user’s icon and ‘%d’ to display the content’s description (e.g. of a learnt ability).
  • Console, Combatants
    ‘Player Group Texts’ settings available.
    Display console texts for combatants joining/leaving the player group.
    Can optionally be overridden by each combatant individually.
  • Console
    ‘Enabled’ setting available in all console texts.
    The different console texts can now be enabled/disabled individually.
  • Inventory Settings: Notifications
    ‘Research Notifications’ settings available.
    Optionally display notifications for adding/removing research trees and starting, canceling or finishing research of a research item.
    Can optionally be overridden by each research tree individually.
  • Inventory Settings: Item Box
    ‘Take All Button’ settings available.
    Optionally add a button to collect everything from an item box.
  • Inventory Settings: Item Box
    ‘Item List Text’ settings available.
    Optionally display the items of the item box as a text list instead of buttons for each item.
    The item box dialogue will be similar to the item collection dialogue, using the ok/cancel buttons (or optionally 2 choice buttons) to collect all items.
  • HUDs: Information
    ‘Click Action’ settings available for HUD elements of ‘Information’ type HUDs.
    Optionally call a global event or menu screen when clicking a HUD element.
  • HUDs: Combatant, Turn Order
    ‘Is Menu User’ and ‘Is Shop User’ settings available when using HUD element requirements.
    Optionally only displays a HUD element when the displayed combatant is the user of an open menu or shop.
  • Save Game Menu: Save Settings
    ‘Save Battle Gains’ setting available.
    Defines if uncollected battle gains will be saved in save games.
  • Save Game Menu: Save Settings
    ‘Save Camera Position’ setting available when saving ‘Group’ and ‘Group Positions’.
    Optionally saves the camera position, rotation and field of view in save games.
    By default enabled.
  • Abilities, Items: Raycast Settings
    ‘Control Block’ settings available.
    Optionally block the player or camera control while selecting a raycast target.
  • Abilities, Items: Raycast Settings
    ‘Cursor Object’ settings available.
    Optionally display a cursor at the raycast position.
  • Abilities, Items. Raycast Settings
    ‘Input Key’ settings available when using a cursor object.
    Optionally move the raycast cursor using input keys, using the current cursor position with the ‘Accept’ key.
  • Abilities, Items: Raycast Settings
    ‘User Highlight’ settings available.
    Optionally highlight the user of the ability/item during raycast target selection.
    The user can be highlighted by a cursor (e.g. showing the use range of the ability), blinking the game object and blinking the HUD.
  • Menu Settings: Drag/Drop Settings
    ‘Raycast Settings’ available.
    Defines the raycast’s distance and layer mask used for dropping content into the game world.
  • Menu Settings
    ‘Unfocused Mouse Over’ setting available when using ‘Mouse Over Selection’.
    Optionally also uses mouse over selection for unfocused GUI boxes.
  • Battle Settings: Target Selection
    ‘Raycast Settings’ available in the ‘Mouse/Touch Control’ target selection.
    Defines the raycast’s distance and layer mask used for finding combatants on the clicked/touched position.
  • Battle Range Templates: Grid Shape
    ‘Line of Sight’ settings available.
    Optionally use line of sight between the origin and target cell to determine if they’re used.
    Line of sight can be blocked by blocked cells, defined battle grid cell types, allied or enemy combatants.
  • Battle Menus: User Highlight
    ‘User Highlight’ settings available in battle menus.
    Optionally highlight the user of the battle menu while it’s opened.
    The user can be highlighted by a cursor, blinking the game object and blinking the HUD.
  • Battle System: Battle Gains
    ‘Collect Loot’ and ‘Collect Experience’ settings available when using ‘Collect Immediately’.
    Collects the loot and experience gains when collecting battle gains immediately after defeating an enemy.
    The disabled gains will be kept for later collection. By default enabled.
  • Battle System: Real Time Battles
    ‘Leave Area Settings’ available in real time battle settings.
    Define what happens when the player leaves a real time battle area.
    Currently only contains settings for battle gains collection.
  • Battle Grid Settings: Combatant Placement
    ‘Select Battle Group’ setting available.
    Optionally use the ‘Combatant Placement’ selection for placing the player’s battle group on the grid to select the members of the battle group.
    If enabled, you’ll be able to select the battle group members out of all members of the active player group.
    Otherwise you can only place the members of the battle group as is.
  • Battle Animations
    ‘Requirements’ settings available.
    Performing a battle event in a battle action (e.g. using an ability, grid move command, etc.) can optionally depend on status requirements and variable conditions.
  • Status Effects: Effect End
    ‘Turn Start’ and ‘Turn End’ selections available in the ‘End After’ setting.
    ‘Turn Start’ replaces the previous ‘Turn’ selection, ending the effect at the start of the turn.
    The new ‘Turn End’ selection will end the effect at the end of a combatant’s turn.
  • Status Effects: Status Conditions
    ‘Apply’, ‘Remove’, ‘Turn Start’ and ‘Turn End’ selections available in the ‘Set On’ setting.
    ‘Apply’ replaces the previous ‘Cast’ selection, using the condition when applying the effect.
    ‘Remove’ uses the condition when removing the effect. ‘Turn Start’ replaces the previous ‘Turn’ selection, using the condition at the start of a turn.
    ‘Turn End’ uses the condition at the end of a combatant’s turn.
  • Combatant Selections
    ‘Show Hidden Members’ setting available.
    Optionally display hidden group members in a combatant selection.
  • Combatants
    ‘Buy Price’ setting available.
    Defines the default price a combatant is sold for in shops.
    Shops can override this price.
  • Combatants: Animation Settings
    ‘Use Speed Change Delay’ settings available.
    Optionally delay animation changes caused by speed changes exceeding a defined value.
    Use this to prevent unwanted animation changes due to short speed changes (e.g. when an idle animation is played between two movement nodes due to the short stop).
  • Loot
    ‘Use First Found Table’ setting available.
    Uses the first found loot table matching the combatant’s level.
    If disabled, every matching loot table will be used.
    By default enabled.
  • Shops: Combatants
    Shops now allow selling combatants to the player.
    Combatants added to a shop will join the player’s group when being bought.
  • Shops: Loot
    ‘Loot’ settings available in shops.
    Use loot tables to fill a shop’s stock.
    Only loot tables matching the player’s level will be used.
    Only items, weapons and armors will be added to the shop, currency will be ignored.
  • Shops: Currency Settings
    Define all currency/price related settings.
    New settings for custom buy/sell price modifiers and price rounding.
  • Shop Layouts: List Box
    ‘Combatant Content Layout’ settings available in the ‘List Box’ settings.
    Optionally use a different content layout for buttons representing combatants.
    Allows either using the default combatant choice layout or overriding it with a custom layout – both support displaying complex information using HUD elements.
  • Shop Layouts
    ‘Buy Combatant Info’ settings available.
    Optionally display a detailed information box about a combatant that can be bought in a shop.
    Can either be used as a HUD (only displaying the info while a combatant is selected) or as a details dialogue (being shown after accepting a selected combatant).
  • Shop Layouts
    ‘Buy Question’ settings available.
    Optionally display a question dialogue to confirm buying items.
    The question dialogue will be displayed after the quantity selection.
  • Shop Layouts
    ‘Sell Question’ settings available.
    Optionally display a question dialogue to confirm selling items.
    The question dialogue will be displayed after the quantity selection.
  • GUI Boxes: Choice Settings
    ‘Info Separation’ settings available.
    Optionally separate content and info of the choice (which would otherwise overlap each other).
  • Event System: Add Research Tree: ‘Add Research Tree’ node available in ‘Combatant > Research’ nodes.
    Adds research trees to a combatant.
  • Event System: Remove Research Tree
    ‘Remove Research Tree’ node available in ‘Combatant > Research’ nodes.
    Removes research trees from a combatant.
  • Event System: Progress Research
    ‘Progress Research’ node available in ‘Combatant > Research’ nodes.
    Progresses the research of research items of a combatant.
    Optionally limits the progress to ‘Manual’ or ‘Time’ research durations.
  • Event System: Has Research
    ‘Has Research’ node available in ‘Combatant > Research’ nodes.
    Checks if a combatant has available research based on research item states.
    E.g. use this to check if a combatant has research items currently in research.
    Can optionally be limited to defined research types.
  • Event System: Collect Battle Gains
    ‘Collect Loot’ and ‘Collect Experience’ settings available.
    Define if the loot (items, equipment, currency) and status value rewards (experience, normal SV gains) will be collected.
    The disabled gains will be kept for later collection.
    By default enabled.
  • Event System: Call Menu Screen
    ‘Select Combatant’ settings available in ‘Call Menu Screen’ nodes.
    Optionally call a combatant selection to select the menu user before calling the menu screen.
  • Event System: Add Experience Reward
    ‘Split Experience’ setting available in ‘Add Experience Reward’ nodes.
    Optionally split the experience reward through the number of group members (either battle group or wohle group, based on the ‘Whole Group’ setting in ‘Battle System > Battle End’).
  • Event System: Add To Shop
    ‘Add To Shop’ node available in ‘Game > Shop’ nodes.
    Adds items, weapons, armors, abilities or combatants to a shop (using the shop’s ‘Scene ID’).
    Only used by shops that have ‘Save Shop’ enabled in their settings.
  • Event System: Check Shop Stock
    ‘Check Shop Stock’ node available in ‘Game > Shop’ nodes.
    Checks the number of different items in a shop.
    Only used by shops that have ‘Save Shop’ enabled in their settings.
  • Event System: Clear Shop Data
    ‘Clear Shop Data’ node available in ‘Game > Shop’ nodes.
    Either removes all all content from a stored shop (making the shop empty) or removes the stored shop (resetting it).
    Only used by shops that have ‘Save Shop’ enabled in their settings.
  • Event System: Enable Auto Attack
    ‘Enable Auto Attack’ node available in ‘Battle > Action’ nodes.
    Enables, disables or toggles the auto attack state of a combatant.
  • Battle Events: End Battle Action
    ‘End Battle Action’ node available in ‘Battle > Action’ nodes.
    Ends the battle action after the running event.
    All battle events of the action that would run after this event will be removed.


  • Spawn Points
    A random spawn point with the used ‘Spawn ID’ will be used when multiple spawn points with the same ‘Spawn ID’ are in a scene.
    Until now, the first found spawn point with the same ‘Spawn ID’ has been used.
  • Event System: Call Global Event
    The ‘Call Global Event’ step is now available in all event types.
  • Event System: Battle Gains
    All ‘Battle Gains’ nodes are now available in all event types.
  • Battle System
    The battle gains are no longer automatically collected at the end of arena battles (using the ‘Battle’ component).
    If the battle gains aren’t collected in the battle end event, they’ll be kept until they’re collected or cleared out later.
  • Abilities, Items: Raycast Settings
    Selecting a raycast target is no longer possible outside of the defined use range of the ability/item.
  • Combatant Choice Layout
    ‘Add HUD Elements’ setting replaced the ‘Complex HUD Display’ setting.
    You can now use the content layout and HUD elements at the same time.
    Previously you could only use either content layout or HUD elements.
  • Battle Grids: Editor
    Improved performance when editing larger battle grids in the scene view.


  • Battle Bonuses: End Battle Bonus
    The ‘Battle End Bonus’ will now only be applied after a battle, not on combatants that leave the battle.
  • Battle Bonuses: Revive After Battle
    The ‘Revive After Battle’ bonus will now only be applied to the player group.
  • HUDs: Combatant
    Fixed an issue where the title (using the combatant’s name) didn’t get updated after the combatant’s name changed (e.g. receiving a number/letter from the ‘Enemy Counter’ setting).
  • Combatants: Loot
    Fixed an issue where the currency from the start inventory was always added in addition to any other loot (loot tables or start inventory).
  • Sound Volume
    Fixed an issue where some audio clips didn’t consider the sound volume (e.g. notification sounds).
  • Battle System: Active Time
    Fixed an issue where ‘Pause On Menu’ didn’t pause the timebar progress when 2 or more combatants had their battle menu open at the same time.
  • Abilities, Equipment: Variables
    Fixed an issue where upgrading to a new ability/equipment level didn’t use the defined variable changes.
  • GUI Boxes
    Fixed an issue where some content box anchor selections could initially place the GUI box at the wrong position when using the new UI.