New Normal type status value rewards in quests and battle gains, optionally use curves to move/scale GUI boxes, use loot tables for item collector boxes, lots of new battle AI and event steps and other new features, changes and fixes.
Head to the download page and grab the latest version!
- Menu Settings: Use Cost Display
‘%c’ and ‘%m’ text codes available for status value change display.
Display the current value (‘%c’) and maximum value (‘%m’) of a status value. - Animation Types
‘Action Choose Idle’ animation type available.
Select an animation type that will be used when a combatant is choosing the next action, e.g. when the player selects the combatant’s action in the battle menu.
By default uses animation type ID 0. - Animations: Mecanim
‘Auto Rotation Parameters’ settings available ‘Mecanim’ animations.
Optionally automatically set the rotation of the combatant’s X/Y/Z axes to parameters of the animator.
Either set a float parameter to the actual rotation angle (0-360) or an int parameter to a 4-direction (0-3) or 8-directional (0-7) number representation. - Ability Trees
‘Ability Level’ setting available.
Ability trees can now also learn different ability levels instead of just new abilities. - Equipment Parts
‘Allow Unequip’ setting available.
Optionally define if weapons/armors equipped on an equipment part can be unequipped.
If disabled, the equipment part can’t be empty once it has been equipped with something (unless through changing a multi-equip or blocked-equip part).
By default enabled (i.e. allows unequipping). - GUI Boxes: Move Settings
‘Relative Move’ settings available in ‘Move In’ and ‘Move Out’ settings.
Optionally define the ‘Start Position’ or ‘End Position’ relative to the bounds of the content box. - GUI Boxes: Move Settings
‘Use Curve’ settings available when moving the box in/out.
Optionally use animation curves for moving the GUI box in or out.
This allows more complex movement operations, e.g. bouncing. - GUI Boxes: Scale Settings
‘Use Curve’ settings available when scaling the box in/out.
Optionally use animation curves for scaling the GUI box in or out.
This allows more complex scaling operations, e.g. pulsating. - Menu Screens
‘Block Control Maps’ setting available.
Optionally block control maps while a menu screen is opened. - Shops
‘Block Control Maps’ setting available.
Optionally block control maps while a shop is opened. - Shop Layouts
‘Show in Buy/Sell Box’, ‘Show in Type Box’ and ‘Show in List Box’ settings available in ‘Description Box’.
Showing descriptions can now be disabled for the individual parts of shop layouts.
By default enabled (i.e. displaying descriptions). - Shop Layouts
‘Show Backgrounds’ setting available in ‘Buy/Sell Box’ settings.
Showing background images is now optional in the buy/sell selection box.
By default enabled (i.e. displaying backgrounds). - Quests, Quest Tasks: Rewards
‘Normal Status Value Rewards’ settings available.
Quests and quest tasks can optionally give ‘Normal’ type status value rewards.
This will add permanent bonuses to ‘Normal’ type status values. - Combatants: Status Settings
‘Normal Status Value Rewards’ settings available.
Combatants can give ‘Normal’ status value rewards upon being defeated.
‘Normal’ type status value rewards give permanent bonuses to the status values of the player’s combatants. - Combatants: Status Settings
‘Reward Chance’ settings available for ‘Experience Reward’ settings.
Optionally use a chance to determine if an experience reward is received or not. - Move AI: Enemy Detection
‘Detect On Damage’ setting available.
Optionally detects combatants that damage the move AI’s combatant. - Battle End
‘Normal Status Value Reward Settings’ available.
‘Normal’ status value rewards can optionally be split by the battle group or whole group, and given to dead group members. - Battle End
‘Normal Status Value Text’ settings available.
Defines the text used to display ‘Normal’ status value rewards in the battle gains dialogue. - Battle AI
‘None’ target selection available in all condition/check steps.
Checks no combatants, e.g. use this target selection if you only want to check the already found targets. - Battle AI: Position Steps
‘Check Move AI Detection’ step available.
Checks if targets are detected by the combatant’s move AI. - Battle AI: Position Steps
‘Check Move AI Hunting’ step available.
Checks if targets are valid hunting targets due to the combatant’s move AI hunting conditions. - Battle AI: Position Steps
‘Check Move AI Flee’ step available.
Checks if targets are valid fleeing targets due to the combatant’s move AI flee conditions. - Battle AI: Position Steps
‘Check Move AI Target’ step available.
Checks if targets are the current target of the combatant’s move AI. - Game Events, Battle Events, Battle Start Events, Battle End Events, Phase Change Events
‘Block Control Maps’ setting available in ‘Event Settings’.
Optionally block control maps while the event is running. - Battle Events, Phase Change Events
‘Block Move AI’ settings available in ‘Event Settings’.
Optionally block the move AI while the event is running.
Either blocks the move AI completely (i.e. for all combatants) or only for actors of the event. - Event System: Object Selections
‘Global Objects’ selection available.
You can now use ‘Global Objects’ lists.
Global objects are available in all events, all the time, instead of only in the running event and being gone when the event ends. - Event System: Object Selections
‘Object Key’ setting available.
You can now store multiple lists of ‘Found Objects’ and ‘Global Objects’ by identifying them with an object key (string value). - Event System: Base Steps
‘Object Key’ and ‘Use Global Objects’ settings available in ‘Search Objects’ and ‘Raycast Object’ steps. Optionally change ‘Global Objects’ instead of ‘Found Objects’ lists and manage multiple object lists using object keys. - Event System: Base Steps
‘Found Objects Count’ step available.
Checks the number of game objects stored in a ‘Found Objects’ or ‘Global Objects’ list. - Event System: Function Steps
‘Check Object Name’ step available.
Checks a game object’s name or tag. - Event System: Equipment Steps
‘From Inventory’ setting available in ‘Change Equipment’ steps.
Optionally uses an equipment from the inventory, if the equipment isn’t in the inventory, nothing will be equipped. - Event System: Battle Steps
‘Block Control Maps’ step available.
Blocks or unblocks the control maps.
Combatants can’t use control maps while they’re blocked. - Event System: Battle Steps
‘Add Normal SV Reward’ step available.
Adds additional ‘Normal’ status value rewards to the battle’s gains.
‘Normal’ type status value rewards give permanent bonuses to the player combatant’s status values. - Event System: Move AI Steps
‘Set Move AI Target’ step available.
Sets the target of a combatant’s move AI.
The move AI’s settings kick in afterwards, e.g. when the target is hunted, the hunting settings will be used. - Event System: Move AI Steps
‘Stop Move AI’ step available.
Stops the current action of a combatant’s move AI.
The move AI’s settings kick in afterwards, e.g. following waypoints. - Event System: Move AI Steps
‘Check Move AI Detection’ step available.
Checks if combatants are detected by another combatant’s move AI. - Event System: Move AI Steps
‘Check Move AI Hunting’ step available.
Checks if combatants are valid hunting targets due to another combatant’s move AI hunting conditions. - Event System: Move AI Steps
‘Check Move AI Flee’ step available.
Checks if combatants are valid fleeing targets due to another combatant’s move AI flee conditions. - Event System: Move AI Steps
‘Check Move AI Target’ step available.
Checks if a combatant is the current target of another combatant’s move AI. - Item Collectors
‘Use Loot’ setting available when using ‘Box’ collection type.
Optionally uses loot tables for filling the item box.
Using loot tables will use the player combatant for level and variable conditions, the player combatant must already be added to the player group at the start of the scene. - Add Combatant Components
‘Battle Object’ settings available for ‘Add Combatant’ components.
Like ‘Combatant Spawner’ components, ‘Add Combatant’ components can now also use a defined or near game object with a ‘Battle’ component as battle arena.
‘Add Combatant’ component settings have been rearranged/grouped.
- Event System: Move AI Steps
The ‘Block Move AI’ step can now be found in the ‘Move AI Steps’ instead of the ‘Movement Steps’. - Inventory Settings
The ‘Auto Stack’ settings have been replaced with the ‘Add Type’ settings.
You can now add items, weapons and armors to the inventory as is, automatically stack them or automatically split them (i.e. add them as single items). - Inventory Settings: Item Box
The ‘Auto Stack’ setting has been replaced by the ‘Use Add Type’ setting.
Items and equipment added to the item box will use the inventory add type defined in the inventory settings or individual items/equipment. - Turn Based Battles, Active Time Battles, Real Time Battles, Phase Battles: Batte Gains Collection
The ‘Stack Loot’ setting has been replaced by the ‘Use Add Type’ setting.
Items and equipment added to the battle gains will use the inventory add type defined in the inventory settings or individual items/equipment. - Items, Weapons, Armors
The ‘Override Auto Stack’ settings have been replaced by the ‘Override Add Type’ settings to match the new ‘Add Type’ settings of the inventory settings. - GUI Boxes
‘Fade In/Out’ and ‘Move In/Out’ settings have been rearranged into ‘Open Box Behaviour’ and ‘Close Box Behaviour’.
Scaling in/out can now be done independent of moving in/out. - Animations: Mecanim
The ‘Use Play’ setting has been replaced by ‘Play Mode’ selection.
You can now select if the state is not played directly (‘None’), use ‘Play’ to directly play the state or use ‘Cross Fade’ to create a dynamic transition to the state.
- GUI Boxes
Dragging a GUI box (‘Drag Settings’ settings) now works correctly. - Status Development
Fixed an issue with too high status changes on level up. - Event System: Camera Steps
Fixed an issue when not fading camera changes in ‘Change Camera Position’ steps. - Combatant Spawners
Respawn times where ignored when restarting a spawner (e.g. through ‘Trigger Enter’). - Interaction Components
Disabled interaction components could still start through trigger/collision start types. - Game Controls: Player
The ‘Sprint Factor’ of the ‘Button’ type player controls is now correctly forwarded to the component. - Menu Screens: Status Value Upgrade
Enabling ‘Show No Upgrade’ caused an error when status values without available upgrades where displayed. - Event System: Equipment Steps
‘Change Equipment’ now unequips already equipped equipment into the combatant’s inventory before equipping something new (when not using the new ‘From Inventory’ setting). - Combatants
Spawning a combatant’s prefab with a ‘Nav Mesh Agent’ component could lead to the combatant being spawned at a different position. - HUDs: Navigation
Fixed an issue where ‘Interaction’ HUD elements wheren’t displayed when having multiple added to the HUD and using the new UI.