ORK Framework 2.11.0
New general shortcut settings, auto add/arrange shortcuts, optional grid battle always examine, new status preview settings, support for custom save game solutions and many other new features, changes and fixes.
ORK Framework 2.10.1
Updates to menu screens, GUI layers can optionally use custom scaling and anchor settings, new event nodes and other new features, changes and fixes.
Poly|Nav 2D Movement Component
Use this new wrapper component to move your combatants using Poly|Nav 2D.
ORK Framework 2.10.0
New equipable AI system (AI behaviours and AI rulesets), big udpate to the move AI and lots of other new features, changes and fixes.
ORK-Makinom Plugin 1.0.6
The plugin to connect Makinom and ORK Framework has been updated.
ORK Framework 2.9.0
New research tree feature, shops selling combatants, updates to status effects, the top down border camera controls, raycast targeting, grid line of sight, a lot of new event nodes and other new features, changes and fixes.
ORK-Makinom Plugin 1.0.5
The plugin to connect Makinom and ORK Framework has been updated.
ORK Framework 2.8.0
New grid battle feature available in all 4 battle systems, range templates for use/affect ranges, updates to the battle AI and many other new features, changes and fixes.
ORK Framework 2.7.2
New formula, battle AI and event steps and other new features, changes and fixes.