New UI features, updates for controls, the battle camera, new grid highlights and lots of new event nodes, and many other new features, changes and fixes.
Head to the download page and grab the latest version or buy a copy in the Unity Asset Store!
- Menu Settings
‘Default Icon Size’ settings available. Define the default icon size for all UI. By default using the original size of icons. - GUI Boxes
‘Icon Size’ settings available. Optionally override the default icon size defined in the menu settings for each GUI box individually. - Text Codes
New text codes available to define icon sizes. Use the ‘#iconsize#’ text code to define the size for all following icons (‘#iconsize#’ resets to the original size, ‘#iconsize#wX#’ sets to width X and scales the height, ‘#iconsize#hX#’ sets to height X and scales the width, ‘#iconsize#wX#hY# sets to width X and height Y). - Text Codes
New text codes available to append to icon text codes to change the icon size of a single icon. ‘#wX#’ sets to width X and scales the height (e.g. ‘#ability.icon2#w100#’), ‘#hX#’ sets to height X and scales the width (e.g. ‘ability.icon2#h50#’), ‘#wX#hY# sets to width X and height Y (e.g. ‘#ability.icon2#w100#h50#’). - Custom Choice Skins
Define a custom GUISkin (or prefab when using the new UI) for choices/buttons and content layouts throughout the framework. This can be used to highlight choices with a special button (e.g. ‘Cancel’ buttons with a yellow button). Also allows changing the icon size. Available wherever buttons are used, e.g. menu screens, battle menu, main menu, save game menu, etc. - Shortcut Slots
‘Shortcut List Index’ is now available in all settings related to shortcut slots (e.g. in ‘Shortcut’ HUD elements and control maps). You can now use different shortcut lists everywhere, use index ‘-1’ to use the currently active shortcut list (default setting). - Game Controls: Player
‘SC Destroy Player’ setting available. Optionally destroy the player’s game object before changing scenes. Enabling this option can help with some custom player controls setting the player to don’t destroy on load. - Game Controls: Camera
‘Control Target Transition’ settings available. Optionally use a transition when changing the camera control target. The default transition can be overridden by each camera control target change setting (e.g. grid cell selections). - Camera Controls: Top Down Border
‘Reset On Target Change’ settings available in ‘Rotation’, ‘Panning’ and ‘Zooming’ settings. Optionally reset the rotation, panning or zooming of the camera when changing the camera control target. - Camera Controls: Mouse
‘Reset On Target Change’ settings available in ‘Rotation’ and ‘Zoom’ settings. Optionally reset the rotation or zooming of the camera when changing the camera control target. - Control Maps
‘Audio Settings’ available in control maps and control map keys. Optionally use an audio clip when successfully using a control map key (i.e. using the defined action) or failing to do so (i.e. not being able to use the assigned action). Control map keys can optionally override the success clip of the control map. - Control Maps: Action
‘Class Ability’ action selection available. Uses the combatant’s class ability. - Control Maps
‘During Target Selection’ setting available in control map keys. Defines if a control map key can be used during target selection, disable to block the control map key during target selections. By default enabled (previous behaviour). - Status Values: Block Notification
‘Block Notification’ settings available. Optionally override the default block notification text defined in the battle texts for each status value individually. - Status Values, Attack Attributes, Defence Attributes
‘Preview Settings’ available. Optionally override the default ‘No Change’ preview texts defined in the preview settings in ‘Menus > Menu Settings’. - Abilities, Items: Raycast Targeting
‘Rotate To Raycast’ setting available. Optionally rotate the user to the raycast position during raycast targeting. - Abilities, Items: Status Changes
‘Cancel Casting’ setting available. Optionally cancel casting without using status value changes that cancel casting. - Abilities, Items: Status Changes
‘Blockable’ setting available. Optionally block all status value and status effect changes of an ability or item with a single check of the combatant’s block chance. - Factions: Faction Texts
‘Faction Texts’ available. These texts can be used elsewhere using text codes (e.g. ‘%ft0%’ to display faction text 0 in a ‘Combatant’ HUD). You can e.g. use faction texts to define individual text styles per faction and use them in HUDs. - Battle Settings: Target Selection
‘Rotate To Target’ settings available. Optionally rotate the user to the selected targets during target selections. Can also be limited to grid rotations during grid battles. - Battle Settings: Battle Camera
‘Battle Camera Type’ selection available. The battle camera now allows 3 different types/modes – ‘None’ (not using the battle camera), ‘Block Events’ (the previous battle camera mode) and ‘Allow Events’ (a new mode allowing look at actions and event camera changes). - Battle Settings: Battle Camera
‘Toggle Key’ settings available. Optionally use an input key to toggle the battle camera functionality on and off in-game. - Battle Settings: Battle Camera
‘Camera Control Target’ settings available. Optionally set the default camera control target during battles to the currently selecting player group member, the battle arena or the player. - Battle Settings: Battle Camera: Look At
‘Camera Control Target’ look at type available. Uses the target (e.g. user of the latest action) as the new camera control target. - Battle Settings: Battle Camera: Look At
‘Chance (%)’ setting available. Look at actions are now used based on chance. By default set to 100 % chance. - Battle Settings
‘Use Battle Range’, ‘Use AI Range’ and ‘Use Move AI Range’ settings available. Using the battle range, AI range and move AI range to limit battle participation and AI actions and movement is now optional. By default enabled. - Battle Settings
‘Target Bestiary Information’ settings available in ‘Target Information Dialogue’ and ‘Target Confirmation Dialogue’ settings. Optionally use bestiary information when displaying status values. - Battle Settings: Target Confirmation Dialogue
‘Cursor Move Only’ settings available in ‘User Changes’ and ‘Target Changes’ settings. Optionally show/hide the information box only when actually moving the cursor (when using ‘Cursor Over’). - Battle Systems: Move AI
‘Use Move AI Range’ setting available in all battle system types. Using the move AI range to limit AI movement is now optional. By default enabled. - Battle Ranges: Grid Shape
‘Visible Cell Area’ setting available for battle ranges that have ‘Use Line Of Sight’ enabled. Defines a cell radius (value from 0 to 0.5) which will be checked for visibility when calculating line of sight. A value of 0 will only check the cell’s center, while 0.5 will check the whole cell. - Turn Based Battles
‘Turn Order Counter’ settings available. Define how the turn order counter will be displayed in HUDs when using the ‘%to’ text code. - Grid Battles: Move Command, Target Cell Selection
‘Start From User’ setting available. Starts the target cell selection from the user’s cell – if disabled, a previously selected cell (also from other cell selections) will be used. By default enabled. - Grid Battles
‘Control Target Transition’ settings available in all cell selections. Optionally override the default control target transition with a custom transition. - Grid Battles: Move Command, Target Cell Selection
‘Rotate To Cell’ settings available. Optionally rotate the user to the selected cell during cell selections. Can also be limited to grid rotations. - Grid Highlights
‘UI Hides Highlights’ settings available. Optionally hide various grid cell highlights when the cursor is over a GUI box (e.g. a HUD). - Grid Highlights: Combatant Selection
‘Combatant Selection’ settings available. Optionally use different selection highlights when a cell with a combatant is selected. These highlights will override other selection highlights (e.g. fore move command or examine grid) when a cell with a combatant is selected. - Grid Highlights: Available Target
‘Available Target’ settings available. Optionally highlight the grid cells of avaialble targets during action/target selection. Different highlights can be defind for player group members, allies and enemies. - Grid Highlights: Examine
‘Examine (Blocked Cell)’ settings available. Use a different cell highlight for a selected blocked cell during the grid examine cell selection. - Grid Highlights: Examine
‘Combatant Is Blocked’ setting available. Optionally use the blocked selection cursor for combatants. - Grid Highlights: Selecting Combatant
‘Selecting Combatant’ settings available. Optionally highlight the grid cell of an action selecting combatant. Different highlights can be defind for player group members, allies and enemies. - Battle AI: Compare Status Value
‘Check Other’ settings available. Optionally check against a different status value on the targets, e.g. comparing the user’s HP against the target’s MP. - Battle AI: In Use Range
‘In Use Range’ node available in ‘Position’ nodes. Checks if targets are within use range of a defined action or battle range. Adds valid targets to the found targets list. - AI Rulesets: Action
‘Shortcut’ action type available in ‘Action’ AI rules. Uses a shortcut of a defined shortcut slot. - Menu Settings: Tooltip Settings
‘Tooltip Settings’ available. These settings handle displaying tooltips. New settings available to e.g. display tooltips for current player actions. - Menu Settings: Preview Settings
‘Preview Blink’ settings available. Optionally blink between the preview value and the actual value when displaying status previews. This can be turned on/off for each individual HUD element displaying preview values. - Menu Settings: Preview Settings
‘Min/Max Range Text’ setting available. This text defines how preview values representing a range (e.g. an ability with random status value changes) are displayed (e.g. ’35 ~ 52′). This text is e.g. used by ‘Combatant’ HUDs when displaying status value previews as text. - Menu Settings: Preview Settings
‘Status Value’, ‘Attack Attribute’ and ‘Defence Attribute’ settings. Optionally define texts for replacing current value (‘%’) and change value (‘%c’) of status previews in HUDs. Status values, attack attributes and defence attributes can override these texts. - GUI Boxes: Menu Controls
‘Menu Controls’ settings available. GUI boxes can optionally override the default menu controls (accept, cancel, horizontal and vertical input). - GUI Box: Choice Settings
‘Block Mouse Over Selection’ setting available. Optionally block mouse over choice selections for individual GUI boxes. Mouse over selection can be enabled in the menu settings. - Menu Screens: Button List
‘Use Combatant Part’ setting available when using combatant selection in a menu item. Optionally use a ‘Combatant’ menu part as the combatant selection. If no ‘Combatant’ menu part is available or it only displays the current user (i.e. no battle group or group display), a combatant selection is used (as defined). - Menu Screens: Research
‘Close After Start’ and ‘Close After Stop’ settings available. Optionally close the menu screen after starting or stopping research of a research item. - Menu Screens: Equipment
‘Empty Part Tooltip’ setting available. Optionally display tooltips for empty equipment parts. - Menu Screens: Quests
Custom content layout settings available for different quest states. E.g. use different layouts for active and inactive quests. - Text Display Settings: Use Costs
‘Min/Max Range Text’ settings available. Optionally replace the ‘%’ text code for use cost changes with a text representing the minimum and maximum value for use costs that represent a range (e.g. random costs or formulas with min/max display formula defined). - Game States
‘Target Selection’ and ‘Performing Action’ state checks available when using ‘Ignore’ or ‘Yes’ for the ‘In Battle’ state. Checks if a player group member is currently selecting a target for an action or if any action is currently being performed. - Save Game Menu
‘Max Battle Group’ setting available. Optionally save the maximum battle group size of player groups in save games. - HUDs: Combatant, Turn Order, Latest Turn
‘Check Game States’ settings available in HUD element requirements. Optionally check game states as a requirement for displaying a HUD element. - HUDs: Combatant, Turn Order, Latest Turn
New text code available in ‘Information’ HUD elements. Use ‘%to’ to display the turn order counter of the combatant. How the counter is replaced is defined in the turn based battle settings. This text code is only used in turn based battles. - HUDs: Combatant, Turn Order, Latest Turn: Status Value
‘Own Min/Max Current Text’ and ‘Own Min/Max Change Text’ settings available in ‘Status Value’ HUD elements in ‘Combatant’ type HUDs. Optionally override the default min/max range text with custom texts to replace the ‘%’ (current value) and ‘%c’ (change value) text codes when displaying a preview with a range. - HUDs: Combatant, Turn Order, Latest Turn
‘Use Preview Blink’ setting available when displaying preview values. Optionally blink between the preview value and the actual value based on the ‘Preview Blink’ settings defined in ‘Menus > Menu Settings’. By default enabled. - HUDs, Status Values: Value Bars
‘Positive Range’ and ‘Negative Range’ value bar settings available when displaying positive or negative changes. Optionally use a different image/color for displaying positive and negative range changes. This is e.g. used when displaying the preview for an ability with random status value changes. - HUDs: Combatant, Turn Order, Latest Turn
‘Format’ settings available in ‘Attack Attribute’ and ‘Defence Attribute’ HUD elements. Define the format for the current value (‘%’) and change value (‘%c’), e.g. use 0 to not display decimals, 0.0 to display 1 decimal, etc. - HUDs: Combatant, Turn Order, Latest Turn
‘Preview’ settings available in ‘Status Value’, ‘Attack Attribute’ and ‘Defence Attribute’ HUD elements. Optionally enable/disable displaying no change preview texts or override min/max preview texts for status values. - HUDs: Combatant
‘Use Range Limit’ settings available when using ‘Individual’ combatant type. Optionally limit the range to the player an individual HUD will be displayed. - HUDs: Combatant: Attack Attribute, Defence Attribute, Defence Attribute ID, Equipment, Faction, Status Value
‘Enable Tooltip’ setting available. Optionally show tooltips when the cursor is over a HUD element. - HUDs: Tooltip
‘Status Value’ and ‘Status Value Upgrade’ settings available. Optionally show tooltips when the cursor is over a HUD element representing a status value or a choice representing a status value upgrade. - HUDs: Tooltip
‘Equipment Parts’ setting available. Optionally show tooltips when the cursor is over a HUD element or choice representing an equipment part. - HUDs: Tooltip
‘Attack Attribute’ and ‘Defence Attribute’ settings available. Optionally show tooltips when the cursor is over a HUD element representing an attack attribute or a defence attribute. - HUDs: Tooltip
‘Faction’ and ‘Faction Benefit’ settings available. Optionally show tooltips when the cursor is over a HUD element representing a faction or faction benefit.
Combatant Selections: ‘Auto Accept One’ setting available. Optionally automatically accept a combatant without showing the combatant selection if only one combatant is available. - Event System: Camera Control Target
‘Control Target Transition’ settings available. Optionally override the default control target transition with a custom transition. - Event System: Is Enemy
‘Is Enemy’ node available in ‘Combatant > Faction’ nodes. Checks if a combatant is an enemy of another combatant. - Event System: In Use Range
‘In Use Range’ node available in ‘Battle > Action’ nodes. Checks if a combatant is within use range of an ability, item, shortcut slot’s ability/item, battle range template or custom battle range from another combatant. - Event System: Use Battle Action
‘Class Ability’ action type available in ‘Use Battle Action’ nodes. Uses the combatant’s class ability. - Event System: Use Battle Action
‘Shortcut’ action type available in ‘Use Battle Action’ nodes. Uses a shortcut of a defined shortcut slot. - Event System: Use Battle Action
‘Add Action’ setting available to define how an action will be added/used. Either tries to use the action immediately, adds it as the combatant’s next action (i.e. used in the next turn of the combatant), or uses it as a sub action of the action the event is used by. Sub actions allow waiting for an action to perform before resuming the event. - Event System: Change Found Objects
‘Chance Filter’ settings available. Optionally filter the used game objects by chance. - Event System: Call Global Event, Call Move Event, Call Battle Event
‘Share Variables’, ‘Share Selected Data’ and ‘Share Found Objects’ settings available. Optionally share the local variables, selected data and found objects with the called events. - Event System: Combatant Selection Dialogue
‘Combatant Selection Dialogue’ node available in ‘UI > Dialogue’ nodes. Displays a combatant selection and stores the seleced combatant into a selected data list. Allows various ranges of combatant groups to be selected (e.g. battle group, inactive group, etc.). - Event System: Active Group Nodes
‘Group Origin’ setting available in all active group nodes (‘Combatant > Active Group’). Select which group will be used, the active player group, a defined player group (by group ID) or the group of a defined combatant. By default set to the active player group (previous behaviour). - Event System: Change Max Battle Group
‘Change Max Battle Group’ node available in ‘Combatant > Player Group’ nodes. Changes or resets the maximum battle group size of player groups. - Event System: Check Max Battle Group
‘Check Max Battle Group’ node available in ‘Combatant > Player Group’ nodes. Checks the current maximum battle group size of player groups. - Event System: Show Dialogue
‘Custom Skin’ settings available for choices. Optionally use a different GUI skin (or prefab when using the new UI) for individual choice buttons. - Game Events
‘Clear Found Objects’ setting available. Removes all stored found objects at the start of the event. By default enabled. - Battle Events
‘Clear Found Objects’ setting available. Removes all stored found objects at the start of the event. By default disabled. - Battle Events: Set Grid Path
‘Set Grid Path’ node available in ‘Battle > Grid’ nodes. Sets the grid path of an action. - Battle Events: Store Grid Cells
‘Store Grid Cells’ node available in ‘Battle > Grid’ nodes. Store grid cell game objects into a found/global object lists. - Battle Events: Clear Grid Path
‘Clear Grid Path’ node available in ‘Battle > Grid’ nodes. Removes the grid path from the action. - Battle Events: Consume Grid Path Cost
‘Consume Grid Path Cost’ node available in ‘Battle > Grid’ nodes. Consumes the move costs of a grid path. The move costs will be set to 0 after consumption, i.e. the costs can’t be consumed a 2nd time. - Battle Events: Grid Move Out Of Range
‘Grid Move Out Of Range’ node available in ‘Battle > Grid’ nodes. Checks if the grid path will move the user out of use range of other combatants (e.g. of a defined ability), i.e. the user is currently within use range but the next/last cell of the path will be out of use range. Can optionally also be reversed, i.e. checking if user moves into use range. - Combatant Spawner
‘Respawn Random’ setting available when having ‘Spawn Random’ enabled. Optionally also respawns a random group/combatant instead of respawning the same (random) group/combatant.
- Menu Settings
The ‘Text Display Settings’ (‘Use Cost Display’, ‘Bonus Display’, ‘Target Information Display’) and ‘Default Combatant Choice Layout’ settings have been moved to a new sub-section in ‘Menus > Text Display Settings’. Your previous data will be updated automatically. - Abilities, Items: Raycast Targeting
Canceling raycast targeting now plays the ‘Cancel’ audio clip. - Target Information Display, Status Previews
Status value changes now take barriers into account. - Grid Battles: Grid Highlights
The ‘Grid Highlight’ settings have been moved to a new sub-section in ‘Battle System > Battle Grid Highlights’. Your previous data will be updated automatically. - Control Maps
The ‘Shortcut’ key type is now part of the ‘Action’ key type. Previous settings will be updated automatically. Shortcuts also support different shortcut lists instead of only the currently active list. - Battle Actions
The battle events of a battle action will now also share the found objects with each other. - Save Games
Addes safeguards when loading a save game with references to data that was deleted in the ORK project (e.g. an item in the inventory that exceeds the available item IDs). - Game Settings
The ‘Default Screen Size’ is now set to 1920*1080 in new projects. - UI
Icons in text now cause less distance between lines. - Editor: GUI Boxes
The settings to override default GUI box settings have been bundled and moved to the bottom of the GUI box settings. - Battle Components
‘Look At Enemies’ is now disabled on newly created battle components. - Menu Screens
‘Merged’ type displays only show the types defined in the menu screen part instead of all types.
- Event System: Enable Auto Attack
Fixed an issue that always enabled auto attacks, regardless of the node’s setup. - GUI Boxes: New UI
Fixed an issue where the ok/cancel buttons wheren’t removed from a content box when not using a button prefab. - GUI Boxes: New UI
Fixed an issue where the choice icon cursor could flash shortly on GUI boxes it wasn’t displayed when updating the UI (e.g. when changing the selected choice in menu screens). - GUI Boxes
Fixed an issue where displaying tabs at the top interfered with mouse over and drag locations of choices. - Editor: GUI Editor
Fixed an issue that caused errors when opening a ‘Combatant’ type HUD in the GUI editor. - Grid Battles
Fixed an issue where hover selection could select grid cells of battle grids that are not used in the current battle. - HUDs: Combatant, Turn Order
Fixed an issue where using ‘Hide Empty HUD’ didn’t display HUDs that where not empty. - Target Information Display
Fixed an issue where showing the ‘No Value Change’ text used the ‘Negative Change’ text instead. - Save Game: Inventory
Fixed an issue where loading a save game could add the start inventory to loaded combatants. - New UI: Text Notifications
Fixed an issue where text notifications didn’t scale when using the new UI. - Event System
Fixed an issue where stopping events with a node-loop could result in never ending the event (e.g. a battle event stopped due to the action’s user dying). - Menu Screens: Inventory
Fixed an issue where empty inventories without a type box wheren’t updated correctly.