
New UI Components, quest tasks and menu screens can call game eventsbattle event steps available in game events and other new features, changes and fixes.

Please note that ORK Framework now requires Unity 5.1 – and due to deprecation of Untiy features, using textures as alpha masks is no longer supported. You now need to use materials directly, a default alpha mask material can be defind in Menus > Menu Settings. If you’re using alpha masks, please update the settings of your images (e.g. in HUDs).

Head to the download page and grab the latest version!


  • Unity 5.1
    ORK Framework now requires Unity 5.1.
  • Interaction Components
    ‘UI’ start type available in all interaction components.
    Start the interaction through a UnityEvent from the new UI (e.g. when clicking a button).
    Use the ‘UIStart’ function in the UI’s event setting – either ‘UIStart()’ to use the player as starting object, or ‘UIStart(GameObject)’ to use a defind game object as starting object.
  • Update UI Text Components
    ‘Update UI Text’ component available.
    Updates the text of a selected ‘Text’ component.
    Can use text codes to show ORK information and special text codes to display combatant information (e.g. status values, etc.).
  • Update UI Slider Components
    ‘Update UI Slider’ component available.
    Updates the value (and min/max values) of a selected ‘Slider’ component.
    Can use a status value or attack/defence attribute of a combatant.
  • Player Controls: Mouse
    ‘Move Type’ setting available.
    Move the player either using a ‘Character Controller’, position interpolation or a ‘NavMesh Agent’ component.
  • Quest Tasks
    ‘Activate Game Event’, ‘Inactivate Game Event’, ‘Finish Game Event’ and ‘Fail Game Event’ settings available.
    Optionally starts a defined game event when the quest task is activated, inactivated, finished or failed.
  • Menu Screens
    ‘Open Game Event’ and ‘Close Game Event’ settings available.
    Optionally calls a game event when opening or closing a menu screen.
    You can use this to e.g. enable/disable image effects on the camera during menu screens.
  • Menu Screens: Ability, Ability Tree, Crafting List, Inventory, Status Value Upgrade
    ‘Close All’ setting available when using ‘Close After Use’ and ‘No Return’ options.
    Closes all currently open menu screens after using a menu item.
  • Menu Settings
    ‘Default Mask Texture’ setting available.
    Select the material that will be used for texture masks.
    Can optionally be overridden by each image that uses texture masks.
  • Abilities
    ‘Cursor Settings’ available when using ‘None’ target range and raycast targeting.
    Optionally change the cursor while the player can click somewhere for a raycast target.
  • Status Effects
    ‘Next Action Change’ setting available when using ‘End Action’.
    Select how the status effect’s end action will be added to the combatant’s next action list.
    Either add the action at the end, remove all actions before adding the action or insert the action at the start of the list.
  • Items
    ‘Action Type’ setting available when using ‘Use’ item ability.
    Select the action type of the used ability – either base attack, counter attack or ability.
    The selected action type can influence the used ability (e.g. if the target blocks changes from base attacks).
  • Event System: Status Steps, Variable Steps
    ‘Status Value To Variable’ step available.
    Stores the value of a combatant’s status value (current, base, min, max, displayed, preview or preview max value) into a float game variable.
  • Event System: Status Steps, Variable Steps
    ‘Atk Attribute To Variable’ step available.
    Stores the value of a combatant’s attack attribute (current, base, min, max, start or preview value) into a float game variable.
  • Event System: Status Steps, Variable Steps
    ‘Def Attribute To Variable’ step available.
    Stores the value of a combatant’s defence attribute (current, base, min, max, start or preview value) into a float game variable.
  • Event System: Variable Steps
    ‘Formula To Variable’ step available.
    Stores the result of a formula into a float game variable.
    Uses defined combatants as user and target of the formula.
  • Event System: Battle Steps
    ‘Use Battle Action’ step available.
    Tries to use a battle action or adds it to a combatant’s next action list.
    If the action is used depends on the state of the combatant and battle system.
  • Event System: Battle Steps
    ‘Action Type’ setting available in ‘Use Ability Calculation’ steps.
    Select the action type of the used ability calculation – either base attack, counter attack or ability.
    The selected action type can influence the used ability (e.g. if the target blocks changes from base attacks).
  • Battle Components
    ‘Appearing Chance’ setting available when not using ‘None’ start type.
    Optionally define a chance a battle will appear in the scene when the scene is loaded.
    Failing the chance will remove the battle from the scene (optionally also set the ‘Scene ID’ to remove the battle permanently).
  • Combatant Spawners
    ‘Appearing Chance’ setting available when not using ‘None’ start type.
    Optionally define a chance a spawner will appear in the scene when the scene is loaded.
    Failing the chance will remove the spawner from the scene (optionally also set the ‘Scene ID’ to remove the spawner permanently).
  • Global Events
    ‘Scene Change Type’ setting available for ‘Scene’ type global events.
    Select the type of scene changes that will start the global event – either ‘All’, ‘Scene Change’ (i.e. normal changes during a running game), ‘Battle’ (battle related scene changes, e.g. battle start/end events), ‘New Game’ or ‘Load Game’ scene changes.
  • Editor
    You can now open an ORK project asset or event assets by double clicking on them in the Unity editor.
  • Editor
    You can now open other or create new ORK projects in the ‘Editor > About’ section.
    The last opened ORK project will be remembered (stored in the ‘EditorData’ asset) and opened next time you open the editor (when not opening a specific project).
    The scene wizard will by default select the last opened project for the ‘Add Game Starter’ functionality.
  • Editor
    You can now select individual scenes to be updated when saving the ORK project.


  • Event System: Battle Steps
    ‘Use Ability Calculation’ and ‘Use Item Calculation’ steps are now also available in game events.
  • Images: Texture Masks
    Due to creating materials through a shader in string form is deprecated, the ‘Alpha Mask Texture’ setting has been removed in all image settings.
    You now have to use a material instead, either define a default material in ‘Menus > Menu Settings’ or in the image’s settings.
  • Float Operators
    Float operator fields now use ‘Set’ as default selection.
    This will only affect new settings (e.g. new event steps), not change already saved settings.
  • Editor
    Editor data (e.g. last opened sections or event files) are now stored in ‘Assets/ORKFramework/EditorData.asset’.
    Deleting this file will not harm your project.


  • Player Controls: Mouse
    Fixed an issue with the player moving to X=0, Y=0, Z=0 when the raycast didn’t hit the ground.
  • Menu Screens: Ability
    Passive abilities are now correctly displayed in ‘Ability’ menu parts when enabled in the settings.
  • Move AI
    AI battle actions with targets out of range could cause the move AI to stop shortly.
  • Item Collection
    Fixed an issue when using ‘Auto Close’ item collection dialogue without blocking the accept button and collecting multiple items.