New group shortcuts, event and battle AI steps, random spawn points for combatant spawners and other new features, changes and fixes.
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- Group Shortcuts
The shortcut slot lists are now also available for groups.
Group shortcuts can assign abilities, items, equipment and currency from multiple combatants. - Control Maps
‘Group Shortcut’ setting available for ‘Shortcut’ action type.
Optionally uses the combatant’s group shortcuts instead of individual shortcuts. - Combatants, Classes: Default Shortcuts
‘Group Shortcut’ setting available.
Uses the combatant’s group shortcuts instead of individual shortcuts for default shortcut assignments. - Game Settings: Player/Group Settings
‘Shortcut List Count’ setting available.
Defines the number of available group shortcut lists. - Menu Screens: Sub Menus
‘Group Shortcut’ setting available for ‘Assign Shortcut’ sub-menu items.
Optionally uses the menu screen user’s group shortcuts instead of individual shortcuts. - HUDs: Combatant
‘Group Shortcut’ setting available in ‘Shortcut’ element types.
Optionally uses the combatant’s group shortcuts instead of individual shortcuts. - Event System: Shortcut Steps
‘Group Shortcut’ setting available in ‘Change Shortcut’, ‘Check Shortcut’ and ‘Change Shortcut List’ steps.
Uses the combatant’s group shortcuts instead of individual shortcuts. - Event System: Save Game Steps
‘Has Auto Save Game’ step available.
Checks if a save game exists in the current auto save slot. - Event System: Save Game Steps
‘Can Continue’ step available.
Checks if the game can be continued, i.e. a last used save game (or auto save slot) exists. - Event System: Save Game Steps
‘Continue’ step available.
Loads the last used save game (or auto save slot).
The event ends after this step. - Event System: Animation Steps
‘Death Animation’ step available.
Plays the death animation on dead combatants.
E.g. use this step to keep your dead player group members dead at the start of a battle. - Event System: Animation Steps
‘Revive Animation’ step available.
Plays the revive animation on dead combatants.
E.g. use this step to return your dead player’s animation to the default at the end of a battle. - Battle AI: Variable Steps
‘Get Object Variable’ step available.
Adds the combatant with the highest or lowest value of a defined float object variable to the target list. - Battle AI: Action Steps
‘Force Found Targets’ setting available in ‘Attack’, ‘Ability’, ‘Class Ability’ and ‘Item’ action steps.
Optionally forces the action to only have the found targets available.
The action can’t fall back to other targets based on the combatant’s AI settings if none of the targets is in range. - Main Menu
‘URL Button’ settings available.
Optionally displays a button in the main menu (below the ‘About’ button) to open an URL in the default web browser. - Shop Layouts
‘%n’ text code available in the ‘Type Box’ title text.
Displays the buy/sell choice name that was selected in the type box title. - Combatant Spawners
You can optionally use game objects as random spawn points for single combatant spawners (i.e. not using colliders to define a spawn area).
- Event System
‘Call Save Menu’, ‘Auto Save Game’ and ‘Auto Load Game’ steps can now be found in the ‘Save Game Steps’. - Event System
Using formulas as int or float values can now also use unspawned player group members (actor type ‘Player’ or ‘Member’) for calculation. - Auto Battles
Starting a battle when coming near an enemy now checks if any member of the player’s battle group is alive.
Until now, only the player (group leader) was checked, resulting in battles not starting when the player was dead.
- Combatant Spawners
Remember Combatants could cause unspawned group members to be spawned upon returning to the scene. - Input Keys
Using the ‘ORK Input Key’ input origin with needing ‘All’ multiple input keys now works correctly when using the input key as axis. - Battle Events, Battle Start Events, Battle End Events, Phase Change Events
The ‘Remove Temporary’ step now removes all temporary combatants. - Saving Project
Added safeguards when saving the project to prevent unsaved data through errors when updating prefabs and scenes. - Auto Effects
Fixed a stack overflow happening through bad auto effect change loops. - Combatants
Adding a combatant to the player group using the ‘Player’ level settings for initialization already counted the new combatant to the group, tearing down the average level. - HUDs
Fading in sometimes caused a short flicker when using the new UI. - Move AI
Actions without targets could cause the move AI to return to following waypoints instead of continue hunting a target. - Combatant Selections
Adding a ‘Back’ option caused an error the 2nd time a combatant selection was used.