You can add information (like the name of an item or the current game time) to your texts using Text Codes.
A text code starts with a # (and in some cases ends with a # as well, when using indexed data, like items or colors). Some text across ORK Framework also have special text codes, usually starting with a % available, those will be described above the text fields in the editor.
All text codes described here can also be added using the ORK Framework editor in the text areas (when using ORK’s text area – by default enabled).
Text options
Displays a # in the text.
The rest of the text will be cut off. When used in dialogues, the rest of the text is displayed on the next page (i.e. after accepting).
When displaying text letter by letter (type text settings in GUI boxes), this text code waits for X seconds before continuing typing the text.
E.g. #wait1# waits for 1 second, #wait0.5# waits for 0.5 seconds.
Text format
You can change the format of the displayed text (color, shadow color, font size, font style and text alignment).
Change text format
The text color will use the color with index X.
The shadow color will use the color with index X.
The font size will be set to X.
The font style will be set to Normal.
The font style will be set to Bold.
The font style will be set to Italic.
The font style will be set to Bold and Italic.
The text alignment (horizontal) will be set to Left.
The last alignment code in a text line will be used for the whole line!
The text alignment (horizontal) will be set to Center.
The last alignment code in a text line will be used for the whole line!
The text alignment (horizontal) will be set to Right.
The last alignment code in a text line will be used for the whole line!
The text line alignment (vertical) will be set to Top.
The last vertical alignment code in a text line will be used for the whole line!
The text line alignment (vertical) will be set to Middle.
The last vertical alignment code in a text line will be used for the whole line!
The text line alignment (vertical) will be set to Bottom.
The last vertical alignment code in a text line will be used for the whole line!
Reset to default text format
Resets to the default text format (color, shadow color, font size, font style and text alinment).
Resets to the default text color.
Resets to the default shadow color.
Resets to the default font size.
Resets to the default font style.
Resets to the default text alignment (horiziontal).
Resets to the default text line alignment (vertical).
Reset to last used text format
Resets to the last used text format (color, shadow color, font size, font style and text alinment).
Resets to the last used text color.
Resets to the last used shadow color.
Resets to the last used font size.
Resets to the last used font style.
Resets to the last used text alignment (horiziontal).
Resets to the last used text line alignment (vertical).
Game information
The current game time (time running since starting a new game).
The name of the area the player currently is in.
The description of the area the player is currently in.
The icon of the area the player is currently in.
The name of the type of the area the player is currently in.
The description of the type of the area the player is currently in.
The icon of the type of the area the player is currently in.
Game variables
The current string value of the game variable with key X.
The current bool value of the game variable with key X.
The current float value of the game variable with key X.
The current float value of the game variable with key X, displayed as integer value.
The current string value of the game variable with key X.
Inventory information
The amount of money the player owns.
The name used for money (defined in the inventory settings).
The description used for money (defined in the inventory settings).
The icon used for money (defined in the inventory settings).
The name of the item type of money.
The description of the item type of money.
The icon of the item type of money.
The quantity of a selected item, weapon or armor in the player’s inventory.
The quantity of a selected weapon or armor currently equipped by the player’s group members.
Indexed data
Indexed data is all kind of data you create using the ORK Framework editor. The index refers to the position of the data in it’s data list (e.g. the first item in the items list has index 0).
The name of the item with index X.
The description of the item with index X.
The icon of the item with index X.
The type name of the item with index X.
The type description of the item with index X.
The type icon of the item with index X.
The quantity of the item with index X in the player’s inventory.
The name of the weapon with index X.
The description of the weapon with index X.
The icon of the weapon with index X.
The type name of the weapon with index X.
The type description of the weapon with index X.
The type icon of the weapon with index X.
The quantity of the weapon with index X in the player’s inventory.
The quantity of the weapon with index X in equipped by the player’s group.
The name of the armor with index X.
The description of the armor with index X.
The icon of the armor with index X.
The type name of the armor with index X.
The type description of the armor with index X.
The type icon of the armor with index X.
The quantity of the armor with index X in the player’s inventory.
The quantity of the armor with index X in equipped by the player’s group.
Crafting Recipes
The name of the crafting recipe with index X (by default for level 1).
The description of the crafting recipe with index X.
The icon of the crafting recipe with index X.
The type name of the crafting recipe with index X.
The type description of the crafting recipe with index X.
The type icon of the crafting recipe with index X.
The name of the log with index X (by default for level 1).
The description of the log with index X.
The icon of the log with index X.
The type name of the log with index X.
The type description of the log with index X.
The type icon of the log with index X.
Scene Objects
The name of the scene object with index X (by default for level 1).
The description of the scene object with index X.
The icon of the scene object with index X.
The type name of the scene object with index X.
The type description of the scene object with index X.
The type icon of the scene object with index X.
The name of the ability with index X (by default for level 1).
The description of the ability with index X.
The icon of the ability with index X.
The type name of the ability with index X.
The type description of the ability with index X.
The type icon of the ability with index X.
Item Types
The name of the item type with index X.
The description of the item type with index X.
The icon of the item type with index X.
Crafting Types
The name of the craftig type with index X.
The description of the crafting type with index X.
The icon of the crafting type with index X.
Log Types
The name of the log type with index X.
The description of the log type with index X.
The icon of the log type with index X.
Scene Object Types
The name of the scene object type with index X.
The description of the scene object type with index X.
The icon of the scene object type with index X.
Ability Types
The name of the ability type with index X.
The description of the ability type with index X.
The icon of the ability type with index X.
Equipment Parts
The name of the equipment part with index X.
The description of the equipment part with index X.
The icon of the equipment part with index X.
Status Values
The name of the status value with index X.
The description of the status value with index X.
The icon of the status value with index X.
Status Effect
The name of the status effect with index X.
The description of the status effect with index X.
The icon of the status effect with index X.
Attack Attributes
The name of the attack attribute with index X.
The name of the sub-attribute with index Y of attack attribute with index X.
The description of the attack attribute with index X.
The description of the sub-attribute with index Y of attack attribute with index X.
The icon of the defence attribute with index X.
The icon of the sub-attribute with index Y of the defence attribute with index X.
Defence Attributes
The name of the defence attribute with index X.
The name of the sub-attribute with index Y of defence attribute with index X.
The description of the defence attribute with index X.
The description of the sub-attribute with index Y of defence attribute with index X.
The icon of the attack attribute with index X.
The icon of the sub-attribute with index Y of the attack attribute with index X.
The name of the class with index X.
The description of the class with index X.
The icon of the class with index X.
The name of the combatant with index X.
The description of the combatant with index X.
The icon of the combatant with index X.
The name of the faction with index X.
The description of the faction with index X.
The icon of the faction with index X.
The sympathy of the faction with index X toward the faction with the index Y.
X and Y mustn’t be the same.
The sympathy as int value of the faction with index X toward the faction with the index Y.
X and Y mustn’t be the same.
The name of the faction benefit the faction with index Y currently has at the faction with the index X.
X and Y mustn’t be the same.
The description of the faction benefit the faction with index Y currently has at the faction with the index X.
X and Y mustn’t be the same.
The icon of the faction benefit the faction with index Y currently has at the faction with the index X.
X and Y mustn’t be the same.
Faction benefits
The name of the faction benefit with index X.
The description of the faction benefit with index X.
The icon of the faction benefit with index X.
The name of the area with index X (by default for level 1).
The description of the area with index X.
The icon of the area with index X.
The type name of the area with index X.
The type description of the area with index X.
The type icon of the area with index X.
Area Types
The name of the area type with index X.
The description of the area type with index X.
The icon of the area type with index X.
The name of the teleport with index X (by default for level 1).
The description of the teleport with index X.
The icon of the teleport with index X.
The type name of the teleport with index X.
The type description of the teleport with index X.
The type icon of the teleport with index X.
The name of the shop with index X (by default for level 1).
The description of the shop with index X.
The icon of the shop with index X.
Game statistics
The total amount of killed enemies.
The amount of killed enemies with index (combatant) X.
The total quantity of used items.
The quantity of used items with index X.
The total quantity of created items, weapons and armors.
The quantity of created items with index X.
The quantity of created weapons with index X.
The quantity of created armors with index X.
The total amount of battles the player fought.
The total amount of battles the player won.
The total amount of battles the player lost.
The total amount of battles the player escaped.
The custom statistic with index X.