The biggest update since initial release – check out the massive load of new features!
Some of the highlights are:
- Group Abilities
Let a group learn an ability instead of a combatant, making it available to all members of the group. - Shops selling Abilities
That’s right – no need to sell scrolls, immediately learn new abilities when buying them in the shop. - Status Effect Types
Separate your status effects into different types, e.g. allows removing all negative effects with a curing ability/item.
You can learn more about status effect types and find an example in this gameplay tutorial. - Attack/Defence Status Effects
Automatically use the user’s attack effects on the target, or the target’s defence effects on the user of an ability.
E.g. for things like poison knifes or toxic enemies that poison everyone who physically attacks them. - Equipment Durability
Weapons and armors can now optionally wear off!
Outworn equipment can either not give bonuses, be unequipped or destroyed. - Circle Choice Mode
GUI Boxes can now display choices in a circle, creating radial menus.
You can even set up Shortcut HUDs in circles now. - Custom Input Script Support
You can now optionally use custom input scripts for Input Keys.
And there’s much more – check out the full feature list below.
Head to the download page and grab the latest version!
- Group Abilities
Abilities can now optionally be learned by the group of a combatant instead of a single combatant.
Group abilities are available to all members of the group and can be used like normal abilities. - Abilitiy Learning
‘Group Ability’ setting available.
Optionally learns the ability to the combatant’s group instead to the combatant.
Available throughout the framework. - Abilitiy Forgetting
‘Group Ability’ setting available.
Optionally forgets the ability of the combatant’s group instead of the combatant.
Available throughout the framework. - Shops
‘Abilities’ settings available.
Shops can now also sell abilities and group abilities.
A bought ability will be learned by the shop’s user combatant, or the user’s group (when using group abilities).
An ability can only be sold once per combatant/group, there is no quantity selection displayed. - Status Effect Types
‘Status Effect Types’ sub-section now available in the ‘Status’ section.
Status effect types can be used to separate status effects.
Effect changes can optionally use all status effects of a selected type, the HUD can optionally display only selected status effect types. - Status Effects
‘Status Effect Type’ setting available.
Defines the status effect type of the status effect.
The type is used to separate status effects, e.g. when displayed in a HUD or change all effects of a selected type. - Status Effect Changes
‘Use Type’ and settings available when changing status effects (e.g. ability status changes, auto effects, etc.).
Optionally checks uses all status effects of a selected status effect type when changing effects (e.g. remove all ‘Negative’ type effects). - Status Requirements
‘Status Effect Type’ status check available.
Checks if a status effect of the selected status effect type is or isn’t applied to the combatant. - Status Requirements
‘Weapon Item Type’ and ‘Armor Item Type’ status checks available.
Checks if a weapon/armor of the selected item type is or isn’t equipped on the combatant. - Classes, Combatants, Passive Abilities, Weapons, Armors, Status Effects
‘Attack Status Effects’ settings available.
Abilities and items can automatically use the user’s attack status effect changes on the target. - Classes, Combatants, Passive Abilities, Weapons, Armors, Status Effects
‘Defence Status Effects’ settings available.
Abilities and items can automatically use the target’s defence status effect changes on the user. - Abilities, Items
‘Use Attack Effects’ and ‘Use Defence Effects’ settings available for value changes of active abilities and items.
Optionally uses the user’s ‘Attack Status Effects’ and the target’s ‘Defence Status Effects’.
By default disabled. - Weapons, Armors
‘Durability’ settings available for the different level settings of equipment.
A weapon or armor can optionally have a durability and wear off.
If an equipment is outworn (i.e. durability reaches 0), it can either not give any bonuses any more, be unequipped or destroyed.
Durability can be changes using the event system. - Weapons, Armors
‘Own Outworn Text’ settings available in the equipment’s console texts.
Optionally overrides the default console text displayed when an equipment’s durability reaches 0. - Input Keys
‘Custom’ input origin settings available.
Input keys can now use custom scripts to get button and axis values.
Calls a static function of a class using reflection – button function must return a bool value, axis function must return a float value. - Status Values
‘From Minimum’ setting available for ‘Experience’ type status values.
Optionally restarts the status value from it’s minimum value when leveling up instead of continuing to grow (using the previous level’s maximum value as minimum). - GUI Boxes: Choice Settings
‘Choice Mode’ settings available.
Choices can be displayed in ‘List’ and ‘Circle’ mode.
‘List’ mode displays choices in a list (as it has been until now).
‘Circle’ mode displays choices in a circle around a center position in the GUI box. - GUI Boxes: Choice Settings
‘Header Settings’ available.
A GUI box can now optionally display headers above choice buttons. - Menu System
‘Header Texts’ settings available in most menu parts.
Optionally display headers above the choice buttons. - Shop Layouts
‘Header Texts’ settings available in ‘Buy/Sell Box’, ‘Type Box’ and ‘List Box’ settings.
Optionally display headers above the choice buttons. - Battle Menus
‘Header Texts’ settings available.
Optionally display headers above the choice buttons.
Sub-menus can optionally have different header texts. - Battle Menus
‘Whole Group’ setting available for ‘Auto’ battle menu items.
The ‘Auto’ command can now optionally be used for the whole battle group of the combatant – each member of the group will use the ‘Auto’ command once.
Not used in ‘Real Time’ battles. - HUDs: Combatant, Turn Order
‘Type Display Limit’ settings available for ‘Status Effect’ HUD elements.
Optionally only displays status effects of selected status effect types.
Can be used to e.g. separate positive and negative effects. - HUDs: Combatant, Turn Order
New text codes available for ‘Status Value’ HUD elements.
‘%m2’ displays the minimum value, ‘%r’ displays the remaining value to the maximum value (i.e. max – current value), ‘%r2’ displays the remaining value to the minimum value (i.e. current – min value). - HUDs: Combatant, Turn Order
‘Check Attribute Value’ settings available for ‘Attack Attribute’ and ‘Defence Attribute’ HUD elements when listing attributes.
Optionally checks the value of each attribute before displaying it, e.g. to only display attributes greater than 100. - HUDs: Combatant, Turn Order
‘Relative Offset’ settings available when using ‘Group’ combatant HUDs or turn order HUDs.
The offset of the GUI boxes used for the individual HUDs can optionally be relative to the GUI box of the previous combatant.
The position will be automatically adjusted, e.g. if the HUD size of one combatant is changed. - HUDs: Combatant
‘Cell Mode’ settings available for ‘Shortcut’ HUD elements.
Like choices, shortcut slots can now also either be displayed as a ‘List’ (like until now) or in a ‘Circle’ around a defined position in the HUD element. - Event System: Check Steps
‘Check Language’ step available.
Checks the currently used language of the game. - Event System: Animation Steps
‘Auto Animation’ step available.
Use this step to enable or disable the auto move animation of a combatant. - Event System: Function Steps
‘Is Static’ setting available in the ‘Call Function’, ‘Check Function’ and ‘Function To Variable’ steps.
Optionally calls a static function of a class – i.e. it doesn’t require a component added to a game object. - Event System: Function Steps
‘Is Static’ setting available in the ‘Change Fields’ and ‘Check Fields’ step.
Optionally uses static fields/properties of a class – i.e. it doesn’t require a component added to a game object. - Event System: Function Steps
‘Emit After (s)’ setting available in the ‘Emit Particles’ step.
Optionally starts/stops emitting particles on a game object after a defined amount of time. - Event System: Movement Steps
‘Ignore Y’ setting available in the ‘Change Position’ and ‘Move Into Direction’ steps.
Ignores the Y-axis difference when moving/facing the target, i.e. the mover will maintain its Y-axis position (unless gravity is applied). By default enabled. - Event System: Equipment Steps
‘Change Equip Durability’ step available.
Changes the durability of an equipment currently equipped on an equipment part or all parts of a combatant. - Event System: Equipment Steps, Check Steps
‘Check Equip Durability’ step available.
Checks the durability of an equipment currently equipped on an equipment part or all parts of a combatant. - Event System: Equipment Steps, Inventory Steps
‘Change Inventory Durability’ step available.
Changes the durability of an equipment currently placed in the inventory of a combatant. - Event System: Equipment Steps, Inventory Steps, Check Steps
‘Check Inventory Durability’ step available.
Checks the durability of an equipment currently placed in the inventory of a combatant. - Event System: Active Group Steps
‘Destroy Prefab’ setting available in the ‘Leave Active Group’ and ‘Leave Battle Group’ steps.
Optionally destroys a spawned prefab of a combatant that’ll leave the group.
By default enabled. - Event System: Variable Steps
‘Variable To Transform’ step available.
Sets a game object’s position, rotation or scale to the value of a Vector3 game variable. - Battle Events: Battle Steps
‘Reconsume’ setting available in the ‘Calculate’ step.
Optionally consumes use costs or items again, even if they already have been consumed. - Battle Events: Battle Steps
‘Can Use Action’ step available.
Checks if the user can use the action of the battle event. - Main Menu: Custom Choices
‘Is Static’ setting available for custom choices.
Optionally calls a static function of a class – i.e. it doesn’t require a component added to a game object. - Combatants: AI Settings
‘Real Time AI Range’ settings available.
Using the battle AI can optionally be limited to a defined range to the leader of the combatant’s group.
You can use this setting to let AI controlled player group members stop fighting when the player moves away. - Move AI
‘Prioritise Leader’ settings available.
Following the leader can optionally take priority over other targets when outside a defined range to the leader of the combatant’s group. - Status Bonuses
‘Status Change Modifier’ bonus settings available.
Optionally add bonuses to status value changes by abilities or items (value change settings), the bonus can be given for positive, negative or all changes.
The default change modifier is 100 (i.e. 100 %), the bonuses are added to it.
E.g. adding -10 bonus to negative MP changes will reduce the MP use costs to 90 %. - Abilities, Items
‘Ignore Change Modifier’ setting available for all value change settings (e.g. use costs, target changes).
A status value change can optionally ignore the status change modifier bonuses and use the default 100 % modifier. - Abilities
‘Own Group Learning Text’ and ‘Own Group Forgetting Text’ settings available in the ‘Console Texts’ of the ability.
Optionally overrides the default console texts for learning/forgetting a group ability. - Abilities
‘Buy Price’ setting available per ability level.
Defines the price an ability will be sold for at shops.
Can optionally be overridden by the shop’s item list. - Console Settings
‘Group Ability Text’ settings available in ‘Learning Texts’ and ‘Forgetting Texts’ settings.
Define the console texts that will be displayed when a group ability is learned or forgotten. - Console Settings
‘Weapon Outworn Text’ and ‘Armor Outworn Text’ settings availble in ‘Inventory Texts’ settings.
Deinfe the console texts that will be displayed when a weapon’s or armor’s durability reaches 0. - Battle End
New text codes available for ‘Money Text’, ‘Item Text’, ‘Status Value Text’, ‘Ability Learn Text’ and ‘Ability Tree Learn Text’ settings.
Use ‘%cn’ (name), ‘%cd’ (description) and ‘%ci’ (icon) to display information about the combatant. - Battle End
‘Group Ability Learn Text’ setting available.
Will be displayed if a new group ability is learned through level up.
- Status Requirements
‘Ability Check’ and ‘Is Valid’ settings replace the old ability status check.
You can know check if an ability is known to the combatant (i.e. learned, temporary or group ability), learned or a group ability.
Old settings will automatically be upated. - Menu Screens: Equipment, Inventory
The ‘Level Points Display’ settings are now named ‘HUD Info Display’ and can also display durability information of an equipment.
- Combatant Spawners
Spawning single combatants on a position (i.e. not using a collider for area spawning) could result in creating multiple combatants when respawning. - GUI System: New UI
The event system’s ‘Image Steps’ are now working correctly when using the new UI. - GUI System: New UI
‘Selected Choice Offset’ setting is now working correctly when using the new UI. - GUI System: Legacy GUI
The drag box will no longer be displayed twice, with one being displayed even after the drag finished. - Event System: Movement Steps
The ‘Change Position’ step’s movement behaved differently when enabling/disabling ‘Face Direction’. - Blocking Controls
Changing group members involving the player could result in the control components not being blocked when the control was blocked while changing members. - Turn Based Battles
A combatant dying while having the battle menu open could result in the battle not progressing.