
New random float values, remember spawned combatants, freely position choices in a GUI box, automatically display status value and attribute bonuses with new text options and other features, changes and fixes.

Head to the download page and grab the latest version!

Please note that this is the last version with support for Unity® 4.6 – the upcoming ORK Framework 2.4.0 will require Unity® 5.




  • Combatant Spawners
    ‘Remember Combatants’ setting available.
    Optionally remembers the spawned combatants (status and position) and respawn times when leaving the scene.
    The combatants will be respawned where they where when reloading the scene.
  • Save Game Menu
    ‘Spawned Combatants’ setting available in the ‘Save Settings’.
    Optionally saves the combatants spawned by ‘Combatant Spawner’ components with ‘Remember Combatants’ enabled with the save game.
    Either saves the combatants of the ‘Current’ scene, ‘All’ scenes or ‘None’ scene at all.
  • Input Keys
    ‘Invert Axis’ setting available for all input origins.
    Optionally inverts the input axis, i.e. 1 will become -1, -1 will become 1.
  • Weapons, Armors
    ‘Chance’ settings available for random status value bonuses.
    Optionally only adds random bonuses to status values based on chance.
  • Weapons, Armors
    ‘Add Bonus Range’ setting available for random status value bonuses.
    Either adds ‘All’ random bonuses, a ‘Random’ bonus (no bonus is added if chance fails), or adds the ‘First’ bonus due do chance settings.
  • Float Values
    ‘Random’ value type available.
    Uses a random value between two defined values.
    Available throughout the framework.
  • GUI Boxes: Choice Settings
    ‘Position’ choice mode available.
    Optionally define positions for choices.
    When exceeding the defined number of positions, the remaining choices will be displayed in ‘List’ mode.
  • HUDs: Combatant
    ‘Position’ cell mode available for ‘Shortcut’ HUD elements.
    Optionally define the positions of each shorcut slot cell.
  • HUDs: Combatant
    ‘Use Auto Target’ setting available for ‘Shortcut’ HUD elements.
    Optionally uses shortcuts when clicked on automatically selected targets.
  • HUDs: Combatant
    ‘Set Size’ settings available for ‘Shortcut’ HUD element info labels.
    You can now optionally set the size of info labels used to display empty or assigned shortcut slots.
  • HUDs: Combatant
    ‘Use Icon’ settings available for ‘Shortcut’ HUD element info labels.
    Optionally gives more control over displaying a shortcut’s icon (e.g. scale mode) than using the ‘%i’ text code in text.
  • HUDs: Tooltip
    ‘Use Bar’ settings available.
    Tooltip HUDs can now display level points (ability, equipment) and durability (equipment) value bars instead of text.
  • HUDs: Tooltip
    New text codes available to display level points (ability, equipment) and durability (equipment) information.
  • Event System: Scene Steps
    ‘Remove Spawned Combatants’ setting available in the ‘Remove Scene Data’ step.
    Optionally removes stored data of spawned combatants from the scene.
    Useful if you e.g. want to clear all spawners when leaving a dungeon.
  • Battle Events: Battle Steps
    ‘Consume Costs’ step available.
    Consumes the use costs of an action (e.g ability use costs, consumes an item).
    The step will consume the costs each time it’s used.
  • Abilities, Items: Target Settings
    ‘Auto Target’ settings available. Optionally uses status requirements and variable conditions to automatically select a target.
    This is used in battle menus to select the a combatant (still requires the player to accept the choice), control maps with auto target and AI target selection.
  • Combatants: AI Settings
    ‘Auto Target’ setting available.
    Uses the ‘Auto Target’ settings of a used ability or item when selecting an AI target.
    If not used by the ability/item or not found, the nearest (if enabled) or a random target will be used.
  • Camera Events
    ‘In Blocked Controls’ setting available.
    The camera event component will be executed while the player controls are blocked (e.g. in events).
    By default enabled.
  • Save Game Menu
    ‘Add Cancel’ settings available in the ‘Save Game Menu’ and ‘Load Game Menu’ settings.
    Adding the ‘Cancel’ choice to the file list is now optional.
    By default enabled.
  • Menu Settings
    ‘Bonus Display’ settings available.
    Define the text representation of status value bonuses and attack/defence attribute bonuses.
    Can be displayed in descriptions of bonus giving things using the ‘%bonus’ text code.
  • Status Effects, Passive Abilities, Weapons, Amrors, Combatants, Classes
    ‘%bonus’ text code available in descriptions.
    Displays the status value and attack/defence attribute bonuses as defined in the ‘Bonus Display’ settings.
  • Text Codes
    ‘#percent’ text code available to display a ‘%’ sign.
    Use this text code to display ‘%’ in texts that use special text codes (e.g. ‘%’ to display the quantity of an item).



  • Click Controls
    All ‘Enable Double Click’ settings have been replaced by ‘Enable Clicking’ and ‘Click Count’ settings.
    You can now define the number of clicks if needed.
    By default set to 2 clicks (i.e. restores the old double click setting).
  • HUDs: Combatant
    ‘Enable Drop’ no longer needs to be enabled to use drag+drop to change shortcuts in ‘Shortcut’ HUD elements.



  • Groups
    Getting average group levels/turns no longer throws errors when no members are in a group.
  • Real Time Battle Areas
    Using colliders to limit the area could result in the battle not starting when spawning inside the area due to first entering with the interaction controller.
  • Menu Screens: Equipment, Inventory
    ‘Durability’ HUD info displays will now also be displayed when ‘Enable Dragging’, ‘Enable Double Click’ and ‘Enable Tooltip’ are disabled.
  • Move AIs
    Close distance target position checks could lead to the check interval not being reset, resulting in the combatant not using an updated target position.
  • Mounting Objects
    Setting the scale when mounting an object on another object will now use the correct scale in relation to the parent object.