
New Crafting List menu screen to allow crafting based on added ingredients, new requirement settings for dialogue choices, an update to value bars and lots of other new features, changes and fixes.

Head to the download page and grab the latest version!




  • Status Requirements
    ‘Inventory’ status check available.
    The combatant (or group) must or mustn’t have a defind item, weapon, armor or currency in the inventory.
  • Crafting System
    The crafting system now also allows creating new items by adding items, equipment and currency to a combatant’s crafting list.
    When creating using the crafting list, the first crafting recipe matching the items in the crafting list will be used.
    Either uses only known recipes or checks all recipes and learns unknown recipes upon successful creation.
  • Menu Screens
    ‘Crafting List’ menu part available.
    Displays the items, equipment and currency added to the user’s crafting list.
    When using the crafting list for crafting, the first recipe that matches the items added to the list will be used.
  • Menu Screens: Sub Menus
    ‘Crafting List’ sub menu action available.
    Adds a selected item, equipment or currency to the user’s crafting list.
  • Menu Screens: Bestiary (Area)
    ‘Show OK Button’ and ‘Show Cancel Button’ settings available.
    Optionally displays the ok/cancel buttons of the GUI box.
  • Event System: Dialogue Steps
    ‘Show OK Button’ and ‘Show Cancel Button’ settings available in the ‘Bestiary Dialogue’ step.
    Optionally displays the ok/cancel buttons of the GUI box.
  • Event System: Dialogue Steps
    ‘Quest Conditions’ settings available in ‘Choice’ type ‘Show Dialogue’ steps.
    A choice can optionally use quest or task status conditions to determine if it will be displayed.
  • Event System: Dialogue Steps
    ‘Status Requirements’ settings available in ‘Coice’ type ‘Show Dialogue’ steps.
    A choice can optionally use status requirements to determine if it will be displayed.
  • Event System: Active Group Steps
    ‘Spawn Group Members’ step available.
    Spawns the other members of the active player group or battle group. Requires the player to already be spawned in the scene.
  • Event System: Active Group Steps
    ‘Destroy Group Members’ step available.
    Destroys all spawned members of the active player group except the player.
  • Event System: Crafting Steps
    ‘Add Recipe Outcome’ step available.
    Adds the outcome of a selected crafting recipe to a combatant’s inventory.
    This doesn’t consume ingredients or checks for requirements or crafting chance.
  • Event System: Crafting Steps
    ‘Remove Needed Ingredients’ step available.
    Removes the ingredients needed for a selected crafting recipe from a combatant’s inventory.
  • Event System: Base Steps, Function Steps
    ‘Add Control Component’ step available.
    Adds a defined component of a game object to the player or camera control list.
    The component will be enabled/disabled with the selected controls.
  • Event System: Base Steps, Function Steps
    ‘Remove Control Component’ step available.
    Removes a defined component of a game object from the player or camera control list.
  • Value Bars
    ‘Hide Empty Bar’ setting available.
    Value bars (e.g. displaying status values in HUDs) can optionally be hidden if the displayed value is at the minimum value or below.
  • Value Bars
    ‘Interpolate Colors’ and ‘Interpolate Empty Colors’ settings available.
    Optionally interpolates between the colors used for the different percentages of the value bar.
    Only used when using colors instead of images.
  • HUDs: Combatant, Turn Order
    ‘Limit Bar Display’ settings available.
    Status value bars can optionally be limited to a defined value range (percent or absolute values).
    This allows creating split value bars, e.g. 2 HP bars from 0-50 % and 50-100%.
  • Combatants: Death Settings
    ‘Variable Origin’ setting available for death variable changes.
    The variable changes when a combatant dies can now be made on global variables, the combatant’s object variables or the combatant spawner’s object variables.
    By default using global variables.
  • Abilities, Weapons, Armors
    ‘Own Description’ settings available for the different level settings of abilities, weapons and armors.
    Optionally overrides the description of the ability, weapon or armor with a new description for a defined level.
  • Abilities, Items
    ‘Active Time Order Changes’ settings available.
    An ability/item can now optionally change the timebar of the target.
    A positive value will increase, a negative value will decrease the timebar.



  • HUDs: Combatant
    The ‘No Inner Assign’ setting has been replaced by the ‘Inner Assign’ setting in ‘Shortcut’ HUD elements.
    When a shortcut slot is assigned from the same HUD element, you can now either ‘Keep’ the old assignment, ‘Remove’ the old assignment, ‘Spap’ old and new slot assignment or prevent inner assignment (‘None’).
  • Editor: Menu Screens
    The ‘Add Menu Part’ list is now sorted alphabetically.



  • GUI System: New UI
    Fixed problems with drag+drop when using the new UI.
  • GUI System: New UI
    When first displaying a GUI box or changing focus, the selected choice will now be marked as selected object in the new UI event system.
  • Turn Based Battles
    Using ‘Death Immediately’ without ‘End Immediately’ could lead to starting multiple new turns while the player was dying.
  • HUDs: Combatants
    Only using backgrounds for ‘Shortcut’ element slots could result in a wrongly calculated content size, hiding parts of the HUD.
  • Event System: Spawn Steps
    Using the ‘Spawn Prefab’ step without using the audio options and spawning at a position could lead to an error.