ORK Framework  2.34.1
API Documentation
ORKFramework.ItemShortcut Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for ORKFramework.ItemShortcut:
ORKFramework.IKeyEventStarter ORKFramework.IStatusValueChangeSource ORKFramework.ICallCombatantSelection ORKFramework.IReuseTime ORKFramework.IUseCostDisplay ORKFramework.IRenameable ORKFramework.ICastTime ORKFramework.ITargetRange ORKFramework.IInventoryShortcut

Public Member Functions

 ItemShortcut (int id, int quantity)
IInventoryShortcut Split (int newQuantity)
IShortcut GetCopy (int newQuantity)
bool IsEqual (IShortcut shortcut)
string FormatQuantity (int quantity)
int BuyPrice (Combatant user)
int SellPrice (Combatant user)
virtual SelectedDataHandler GetSelectedData ()
float GetOccupiedSpace (int quantity)
int GetQuantityForSpace (float availableSpace)
void StartKeyEvent (string eventKey, object eventObject, object startingObject, VariableHandler localVariables, Notify finishedCallback)
float GetCastTime (Combatant user)
void PlayCastAudio (Combatant user)
bool CanCancelCasting ()
bool CanCastMove ()
void ShowCastingConsoleText (Combatant user, List< Combatant > target, Dictionary< Combatant, StatusChangeInformation > statusChangesTarget)
void ShowCancelCastingConsoleText (Combatant user, List< Combatant > target, Dictionary< Combatant, StatusChangeInformation > statusChangesTarget)
void InitVariables ()
void UpdateVariableChanges ()
bool HasPossibleTargets (Combatant user, List< Combatant > available)
List< CombatantGetPossibleTargets (Combatant user, List< Combatant > available)
bool CanTarget (Combatant user, Combatant target)
virtual bool IsNoneTarget ()
bool IsNoneTargetSelection ()
virtual bool IsSingleTarget ()
virtual bool IsGroupTarget ()
virtual bool ToggleTargetRange ()
bool InRange (Combatant user, Combatant target)
bool IsUseable (UseableIn useIn)
float GetActionCost (Combatant user)
float GetActionCost (Combatant user, BattleSystemType type)
bool CanUse (Combatant user, bool checkTime, bool checkUseCosts)
bool IsDropable ()
void CallCombatantSelection (BaseMenuPart parent, bool useAction)
bool Use (Combatant user, List< Combatant > targets, bool useAction)
bool AutoUse (Combatant user)
bool IsReuseTime (EndAfter type)
string GetReuseTimeText (Combatant user, int decimals)
float GetReuseTime (Combatant user)
float GetMaxReuseTime (Combatant user)
IContentSimple GetTypeContent ()
string GetName ()
string GetShortName ()
string GetDescription ()
string GetIconTextCode ()
Texture GetIcon ()
GUIContent GetContent ()
string GetInfo (Combatant combatant)
string GetUseCostText (Combatant user)
ShortcutHUDWrapper GetDrag (Combatant user)
IPortrait GetPortrait (int typeID)
void UnmarkID (int id)
bool MarkFirstAdd ()
bool MarkEachAdd ()
bool MarkEachChange ()
bool UnmarkView (Combatant owner, int unmarkID)
bool UnmarkSelection (Combatant owner, int unmarkID)
StatusPreview GetPreview (Combatant combatant, PreviewSelection selectedPreview)
DataObject SaveGame ()
 Used to save the data - you need to add the data to a ORKFramework.DataObject. More...
void LoadGame (DataObject data)
 Used to load the data - you need to get the data from the ORKFramework.DataObject. More...

Protected Attributes

float timestamp = 0


NotifyShortcut QuantityChanged
virtual string GUID [get, set]
int Quantity [get, set]
string QuantityFormatted [get]
Item Setting [get]
int ItemTypeID [get]
InventoryAddType InventoryAddType [get]
bool? InventorySpacePerStack [get]
int? StackLimit [get]
bool? Stealable [get]
bool? Sellable [get]
float Timestamp [get, set]
CastTimeSettingsCastTimeSettings [get]
bool HasVariables [get]
VariableHandler Variables [get]
bool OnScreenCombatant [get]
int ID [get]
int TypeID [get]
string RenameableName [get, set]
string RenameableDescription [get, set]
bool IsNewContent [get, set]
- Properties inherited from ORKFramework.IInventoryShortcut
int ItemTypeID [get]
InventoryAddType InventoryAddType [get]
bool InventorySpacePerStack [get]
int StackLimit [get]
bool Stealable [get]
bool Sellable [get]
- Properties inherited from ORKFramework.IShortcut
int Quantity [get, set]
string QuantityFormatted [get]
- Properties inherited from ORKFramework.IContent
int TypeID [get]
- Properties inherited from ORKFramework.IContentSimple
int ID [get]
- Properties inherited from ORKFramework.IGUID
string GUID [get, set]
- Properties inherited from ORKFramework.IMarkNewContent
bool IsNewContent [get, set]
- Properties inherited from ORKFramework.IVariableSource
bool HasVariables [get]
VariableHandler Variables [get]
- Properties inherited from ORKFramework.ITimestamp
float Timestamp [get, set]
- Properties inherited from ORKFramework.ICastTime
CastTimeSettings CastTimeSettings [get]
- Properties inherited from ORKFramework.IRenameable
string RenameableName [get, set]
string RenameableDescription [get, set]

Additional Inherited Members

- Events inherited from ORKFramework.IInventoryShortcut
NotifyShortcut QuantityChanged

Member Function Documentation

◆ LoadGame()

void ORKFramework.ItemShortcut.LoadGame ( DataObject  data)

Used to load the data - you need to get the data from the ORKFramework.DataObject.

dataA ORKFramework.DataObject containing the data.

Implements ORKFramework.ISaveData.

◆ SaveGame()

DataObject ORKFramework.ItemShortcut.SaveGame ( )

Used to save the data - you need to add the data to a ORKFramework.DataObject.

A ORKFramework.DataObject containing the data.

Implements ORKFramework.ISaveData.