In this tutorial we’ll continue setting up our player’s combatant – the fighter.
The player will use a status development to level up – we’ll just go for a simple system with status curves and a maximum level of 10.
We’ll set up:
- more animations
- fighter’s status development
- default base attack
- fighter combatant
Let’s get to it.
Animations #
We’ll start with setting up the rest of the animations we’ll need for all of our combatants.
Open the Makinom editor and navigate to Base/Control > Animations, we’ll add multiple new animation settings.
1: Battle Movement #
We’ll use these animations to override idle and run animations in battle for our player combatants.
Base Settings #
- Name
Set to: Battle Movement - Random First Start Time
Enable this setting.
Legacy Settings > Legacy Animation 0 #
Click on Add Legacy Animation.
- Animation Type
Select Idle. - Animation Name
Set to: IdleBattle - Set Layer
Enable this setting. - Animation Layer
Set to -1.
We’ll use the default Play Settings for all our animations, they’re:
- Play Type
Select Cross Fade. - Play Mode
Select Stop Same Layer. - Fade Length
Set to 0.1.
Legacy Settings > Legacy Animation 1 #
Copy Legacy Animation 0 and change the following settings.
- Animation Type
Select Run. - Animation Name
Set to: RunBattle - Animation Layer
Set to 0
2: Simple Movement #
A simplified movement animation with just idle and run, as not all of our combatants have walk animations.
Base Settings #
- Name
Set to: Simple Movement - Random First Start Time
Enable this setting.
Legacy Settings > Legacy Animation 0 #
Click on Add Legacy Animation.
- Animation Type
Select Idle. - Animation Name
Set to: Idle - Set Layer
Enable this setting. - Animation Layer
Set to -1.
Legacy Settings > Legacy Animation 1 #
Copy Legacy Animation 0 and change the following settings.
- Animation Type
Select Walk. - Animation Name
Set to: Run - Animation Layer
Set to 0.
Legacy Settings > Legacy Animation 2 #
Copy Legacy Animation 1 and change the following settings.
- Animation Type
Select Run.
3: Flying Movement #
Copy the Simple Movement animation setting and change the following settings.
The flying monsters only have an idle animation, so we’ll also use that for movement.
Base Settings #
- Name
Set to: Flying Movement
Legacy Settings > Legacy Animation 1 #
- Animation Name
Set to: Idle
Legacy Settings > Legacy Animation 2 #
- Animation Name
Set to: Idle
4: Battle #
We’ll set up battle related animations, e.g. attack, evade or damage. Not all combatants will have all of these animations – but they’ll simply not play them if they don’t have them (when using legacy animations). This animation setting will be used by all combatant, some will override some individual animation types.
Add a new animation setting.
Base Settings #
- Name
Set to: Battle
Legacy Settings > Legacy Animation 0 #
Click on Add Legacy Animation.
- Animation Type
Select Damage. - Animation Name
Set to: Damage - Set Layer
Enable this setting. - Animation Layer
Set to 1.
Copy Animation 0, we’ll add an additional damage animation – one will be played randomly. If a combatant doesn’t have the randomly selected animation, it’ll play the first it assigned animation it can find.
- Animation Name (Animation 1)
Set to: Damage2
Legacy Settings > Legacy Animation 1 #
Click on Add Legacy Animation.
- Animation Type
Select Evade. - Animation Name
Set to: Evade - Set Layer
Enable this setting. - Animation Layer
Set to 1.
Legacy Settings > Legacy Animation 2 #
Click on Add Legacy Animation.
- Animation Type
Select Death. - Animation Name
Set to: Death - Set Layer
Enable this setting. - Animation Layer
Set to 2.
Legacy Settings > Legacy Animation 3 #
Copy Legacy Animation 2.
- Animation Type
Select Revive. - Animation Name
Set to: PickUp
Yeah, we’re a bit sneaky here and cross fade to a pick up animation, looks good. - Fade Length
Set to 0.5.
Legacy Settings > Legacy Animation 4 #
Click on Add Legacy Animation.
- Animation Type
Select Victory. - Animation Name
Set to: Victory - Set Layer
Enable this setting. - Animation Layer
Set to 2.
Legacy Settings > Legacy Animation 5 #
Copy Legacy Animation 4.
- Animation Type
Select Attack. - Animation Name
Set to: Attack
Legacy Settings > Legacy Animation 6 #
Copy Legacy Animation 5.
- Animation Type
Select Use. - Animation Name
Set to: Use
Status Development #
Status developments are used to define how a combatant’s status values change upon leveling up. They’re optional, but required when a combatant should be able to level up. Learn more about status development in this documentation.
Navigate to Status > Status Developments, we’ll change the Default status development.
Development Settings #
- Name
Set to: Fighter
Level Range #
The Level Range defines the minimum and maximum level of the status development, and by this the maximum level a combatant using it can reach. As mentioned above, our level range should be 1 to 10.
Click on the Edit Level Range button to change them.
- Minimum Value
Set to 1. - Maximum Value
Set to 10.
Click on Ok to accept the changes.
Value Development #
Status developments can define values for Normal and Experience type status values for the defined level range. There are different ways to define how a status value changes, we’ll mostly use a Curve of defined values.
Click on Set Default to add all Normal and Experience type status values with a base setup.
Status Value 0: Max HP #
- Development Type
Select Curve.
Click on Edit Curve to open the curve dialogue.
- Start Value (Min. Level)
Set to 100. - End Value (Max. Level)
Set to 500. - Interpolation
Select Linear.
Click on Generate Curve to create the curve. Due to the high maximum value of the status value (9999), you’ll only see a small curve at the bottom of the window – enable Bar Highest Value Display to use the curve’s highest value as maximum for the display instead.
Click on Confirm to accept the curve.
Status Value 1: Max MP #
- Development Type
Select Curve.
Click on Edit Curve to open the curve dialogue.
- Start Value (Min. Level)
Set to 10. - End Value (Max. Level)
Set to 50. - Interpolation
Select Linear.
Click on Generate Curve to create the curve.
Click on Confirm to accept the curve.
Status Value 2: EXP #
- Development Type
Select Curve.
Click on Edit Curve to open the curve dialogue.
- Start Value (Min. Level)
Set to 0. - End Value (Max. Level)
Set to 100. - Interpolation
Select Linear.
Click on Generate Curve to create the curve.
Click on Confirm to accept the curve.
Status Value 3: ATK #
- Development Type
Select Curve.
Click on Edit Curve to open the curve dialogue.
- Start Value (Min. Level)
Set to 10. - End Value (Max. Level)
Set to 100. - Interpolation
Select Quadratic > Quadratic In.
This gives us a slower increase at the early levels.
Click on Generate Curve to create the curve.
Click on Confirm to accept the curve.
Status Value 4: DEF #
- Development Type
Select Curve.
Click on Edit Curve to open the curve dialogue.
- Start Value (Min. Level)
Set to 15. - End Value (Max. Level)
Set to 50. - Interpolation
Select Linear.
Click on Generate Curve to create the curve.
Click on Confirm to accept the curve.
Status Value 5: MATK #
- Development Type
Select None.
We don’t change the fighter’s MATK on level ups. - Start Value
Set to 5.
Status Value 6: MDEF #
- Development Type
Select None. - Start Value
Set to 10.
Combatants General Settings #
Next, we’ll set up the base attack for all combatants.
Navigate to Combatants > Combatants > General Settings.
Attacks & Abilities #
The general settings define the default attacks for all combatants – individual combatants can override them with their own attacks.
Equipment can also override a combatant’s attacks, e.g. a bow using a different ability than a sword.
Default Base Attack #
The base attack is the regular ability the combatant will use for the Attack command (e.g. in battle menus). It doesn’t have to be an attack, it can e.g. also be a healing ability to target allies.
- Ability
Select Attack.
Default Counter Attack #
Counter attacks can be used to counter when attacked – abilities that can be countered need to enable this in their Use Settings. Countering is chance-baed.
We don’t use them in this tutorial series, though, but it’s still a good idea to set up the default counter attack.
- Ability
Select Attack.
Animations & Movement > Default Animations #
We’ll add the Battle animations for all combatants. They’ll also be available outside of battle.
Click on Add Animations.
- Animations (Animations 2)
Select Battle.
Fighter Combatant #
And finally, we’ll update our player’s combatant. We’ve already set up the prefab and the general settings (which cover e.g. the base attack), but we still need to use our status development.
Navigate to Combatants > Combatants and select the Fighter combatant.
Status Settings #
The status settings contain all status-related settings of the combatant.
Beside setting a status development and individual status values (that might not be covered by a status development), you can also add status bonuses, set attack/defence modifier start values, add classes and more.
We’ll just use the status development we just set up.
Status Value Settings #
- Has Status Development
Enable this setting. - Status Development
Select Fighter.
Animations & Movement > Animations #
We’ll add the Battle Movement animations as animations for battle.
Click on Add Animations (Battle).
- Animations
Select Battle Movement.
Save Changes #
And that’s it for now.
Save the changes using the Save Settings button at the bottom of the editor.
Next, we’ll set up a simple battle AI and two enemy combatants.