In this tutorial we’ll set up camera positions.
Camera positions are used to change a camera’s position, rotation or field of view based on a target, e.g. showing the front of a game object. We’ll use them later to change the camera in schematics animating our battles.
Beside using the Makinom editor, you can also create camera positions using the scene wizard via a camera and a game object in your scene.
Camera Positions #
Navigate to Game > Camera Positions, we’ll change the Default position and add additional positions.
0: Battle Intro Zoom #
We’ll use this camera position in a battle start schematic to zoom in (high field of view) and do a camera spin.
Camera Settings #
- Name
Set to Battle Intro Zoom.
Position #
- Set Position
Enable this setting. - Position Offset
Set to X=0, Y=0, Z=0.
We’ll zoom in directly on the target’s position.
Rotation #
- Set Rotation
Enable this setting - Rotation
Set to X=0, Y=0, Z=180.
We’ll spin the camera on the Z-axis. - Look At
Enable this setting. - Ignore Rotation
Enable the Z axis.
When using Look At, this’ll ignore the look rotation on the Z-axis and use the defined rotation.
Field of View #
- Set Field of View
Enable this setting. - Field of View
Set to 150.
1: Front View #
This camera position will show a target from the front, we’ll use it for (sometimes) show the user or target of battle actions.
Camera Settings #
- Name
Set to Front View. - Target Child
Select Path.
We’ll define the path to a child object. - Find Child
Set to Center.
All our combatants have a child object named Center to mark their center, we’ll use that as target for the camera.
Position #
- Set Position
Enable this setting. - Local Space
Enable this setting.
This’ll ensure we always look at the target from the same direction. - Ignore Scale
Enable this setting.
In case the targeted game objects are in different scales, this’ll ignore that and always use the same position. - Position Offset
Set to X=0, Y=1, Z=6.
We’ll place the camera 6 world units in front of the target and and slightly above it.
Rotation #
- Set Rotation
Enable this setting - Rotation
Set to X=0, Y=0, Z=0. - Look At
Enable this setting.
Field of View #
- Set Field of View
Enable this setting. - Field of View
Set to 60.
2: Front View 2 #
Copy the Front View camera position, we’ll just move it a bit closer.
Camera Settings #
- Name
Set to Front View 2.
Position #
- Position Offset
Set to X=0, Y=1, Z=4.
Save Changes #
And that’s it for the camera positions.
Don’t forget to save your changes by clicking on Save Settings at the bottom of the editor.
Next, we’ll start animating our battles, setting up the battle start and end schematics.