ORK Framework  3.19.0
API Documentation
GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.CombatantAccessHandler Class Reference

Public Member Functions

virtual Combatant CreateInstance (CombatantSetting setting, Group group, bool showNotification, bool showConsole)
 Creates a new instance of a combatant and initializes it with the combatant's start levels and class. More...
virtual Combatant CreateInstance (CombatantSetting setting, Group group, bool showNotification, bool showConsole, int level, int classLevel, Class startClass, bool loadGame, bool learnAbilities, bool useStartInventory, bool useStartEquipment, bool useInitSchematic, bool useStatusEffects)
 Creates a new instance of a combatant and initializes it with the passed on data. More...
virtual void DestroyPrefab (Combatant combatant)
 Destroys a combatant's prefab. More...
virtual void SpawnAtLastPosition (Combatant combatant)
 Spawns a combatant's prefab at the last known position. More...
virtual void Spawn (Combatant combatant, SpawnPoint spawnPoint, Vector3 offset)
 Spawns a combatant's prefab at a spawn point. More...
virtual void Spawn (Combatant combatant, Vector3 position, bool setRotation, Vector3 rotation, bool setScale, Vector3 scale)
 Spawns a combatant's prefab. More...
virtual void PlaceAt (Combatant combatant, Vector3 position, bool setRotation, Vector3 rotation, bool setScale, Vector3 scale)
 Places a combatant's game object. More...
virtual void SetStatusValue (Combatant user, int valueID, int newValue, bool isCritical, bool ignoreLimit, bool ignoreBarrier, bool showFlyingText, bool showConsole, StatusValueChangeSource source)
 Sets the value of a status value of the user. More...
virtual void AddStatusValue (Combatant user, int valueID, int addValue, bool isCritical, bool checkDeath, bool checkLevelUp, bool ignoreLimit, bool ignoreBarrier, bool showFlyingText, bool showConsole, StatusValueChangeSource source)
 Adds a value to a status value of the user. More...
virtual void SetBaseStatusValue (Combatant user, int valueID, int newValue)
 Sets the base value of a status value of the user. More...
virtual void AddBaseStatusValue (Combatant user, int valueID, int addValue)
 Adds a value to the base value of a status value of the user. More...
virtual void Regenerate (Combatant user, bool revive)
 Sets the 'Consumable' type status values of a combatant to their maximum value. More...
virtual bool LearnAbility (Combatant user, bool isGroupAbility, Ability ability, int level, bool showNotification, bool showConsole)
 Lets the user learn an ability. More...
virtual bool LearnAbility (Combatant user, bool isGroupAbility, AbilityShortcut ability, bool showNotification, bool showConsole)
 Lets the user learn an ability. More...
virtual bool ForgetAbility (Combatant user, bool isGroupAbility, Ability ability, bool showNotification, bool showConsole)
 Lets the user forget an ability. More...
virtual bool Equip (Combatant user, EquipmentSlotSetting equipmentSlot, EquipShortcut equip, Combatant fromInventory, Combatant unequipToInventory, bool reset)
 Equips an equipment on a combatant. More...
virtual void UnequipAll (Combatant user, Combatant toInventory)
 Unequips all currently equipped equipment of the user. More...
virtual void Unequip (Combatant user, EquipShortcut equip, Combatant toInventory)
 Unequips an equipment from the user. More...
virtual void Unequip (Combatant user, EquipmentSlotSetting equipmentSlot, Combatant toInventory, bool reset, bool force)
 Unequips equipment currently equipped on a defined equipment slot of the user. More...
virtual void EquipAIBehaviour (Combatant user, AIBehaviour aiBehaviour, int slotIndex, bool toInventory, bool fromInventory, bool notifyChange)
 Equips an AI behaviour on the user. More...
virtual void UnequipAIBehaviourSlot (Combatant user, int slotIndex, bool toInventory, bool notifyChange)
 Unequips an AI behaviour from the user. More...
virtual void EquipAIRuleset (Combatant user, AIRuleset aiRuleset, int slotIndex, bool toInventory, bool fromInventory, bool notifyChange)
 Equips an AI ruleset on the user. More...
virtual void UnequipAIRulesetSlot (Combatant user, int slotIndex, bool toInventory, bool notifyChange)
 Unequips an AI ruleset from the user. More...
virtual void ChangeSlotAvailable (Combatant user, ClassSlotSetting slotSettings, bool available, bool showNotification, bool showConsole)
 Changes if a combatant's class slot is available or not. More...
virtual bool EquipClass (Combatant user, ClassSlotSetting slotSettings, Class settings)
 Equips a class on a class slot. More...
virtual bool EquipClass (Combatant user, Class settings)
 Equips a class on the first free class slot. More...
virtual void UnequipClass (Combatant user, ClassSlotSetting slotSettings)
 Unequips a class slot. More...
virtual void UnequipClass (Combatant user, Class settings)
 Unequips a class slot. More...
virtual void AddClass (Combatant user, Class settings, int level, bool showNotification, bool showConsole)
 Adds a class to a combatant. More...
virtual void RemoveClass (Combatant user, Class settings, bool showNotification, bool showConsole)
 Removes a class from a combatant. More...
virtual void StartResearch (ResearchItem researchItem)
 Starts research on a research item. More...
virtual void CancelResearch (ResearchItem researchItem)
 Cancels research on a research item. More...
virtual void CheckAggressive (Combatant combatant, AggressionType aggressionType, Combatant origin)
 Checks if a combatant's aggression state is changed due to an aggression of another combatant. Also causes the move AI to react to damage in case it's a damage aggression type. More...
virtual void SetAttackedBy (Combatant combatant, Combatant attacker, bool addFaction)
 Adds an attacker to a combatant's attacked by list. More...
virtual void RemoveAttackedBy (Combatant combatant, Combatant attacker, bool removeFaction)
 Removes an attacker from a combatant's attacked by list. More...
virtual void ClearAttackedBy (Combatant combatant)
 Clears a combatant's attacked by list. More...
virtual void SetKilledBy (Combatant combatant, Combatant attacker)
 Sets a combatant's killed by mark to another combatant. More...


virtual bool HasStatusAuthority [get, set]
 Determines if certain combatant status related changes are possible. E.g. status effects causing changes, auto effects or auto unequip (equipment, AI behaviours/rulesets). More...
virtual bool HasBattleAIAuthority [get, set]
 Determines if the battle AI can be used. AI controlled combatants will not use actions when not used. More...
virtual bool HasMoveAIAuthority [get, set]
 Determines if the move AI can be used. More...
virtual bool HasSpawnCreationAuthority [get, set]
 Determines if new combatants can be created and spawned (doesn't impact the player). E.g. checked by 'Combatant Spawners', 'Add Combatant' and 'Battle' components when creating new combatants. More...

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddBaseStatusValue()

virtual void GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.CombatantAccessHandler.AddBaseStatusValue ( Combatant  user,
int  valueID,
int  addValue 

Adds a value to the base value of a status value of the user.

userThe user combatant.
valueIDThe ID/index of the status value.
addValueThe value that will be added.

◆ AddClass()

virtual void GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.CombatantAccessHandler.AddClass ( Combatant  user,
Class  settings,
int  level,
bool  showNotification,
bool  showConsole 

Adds a class to a combatant.

userThe user combatant.
settingsThe class.
levelThe class level.
showNotificationtrue if notifications should be shown, otherwise false.
showConsoletrue if console texts should be shown, otherwise false.

◆ AddStatusValue()

virtual void GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.CombatantAccessHandler.AddStatusValue ( Combatant  user,
int  valueID,
int  addValue,
bool  isCritical,
bool  checkDeath,
bool  checkLevelUp,
bool  ignoreLimit,
bool  ignoreBarrier,
bool  showFlyingText,
bool  showConsole,
StatusValueChangeSource  source 

Adds a value to a status value of the user.

userThe user combatant.
valueIDThe ID/index of the status value.
addValueThe value that will be added.
isCriticaltrue if this is a critical value change.
checkDeathtrue if the combatant should check for death.
checkLevelUptrue if the combatant should check for level up.
ignoreLimittrue if the change damage/refresh limit is ignored.
ignoreBarriertrue if the change should ignore barrier status values.
showFlyingTexttrue if the change should display flying texts.
showConsoletrue if a console line should be added.
sourceThe source of the value change (e.g. combatant causing the change).

◆ CancelResearch()

virtual void GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.CombatantAccessHandler.CancelResearch ( ResearchItem  researchItem)

Cancels research on a research item.

researchItemThe research item.

◆ ChangeSlotAvailable()

virtual void GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.CombatantAccessHandler.ChangeSlotAvailable ( Combatant  user,
ClassSlotSetting  slotSettings,
bool  available,
bool  showNotification,
bool  showConsole 

Changes if a combatant's class slot is available or not.

userThe user combatant.
slotSettingsThe class slot.
availabletrue if the slot is available, otherwise false.
showNotificationtrue if notifications should be shown, otherwise false.
showConsoletrue if console texts should be shown, otherwise false.

◆ CheckAggressive()

virtual void GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.CombatantAccessHandler.CheckAggressive ( Combatant  combatant,
AggressionType  aggressionType,
Combatant  origin 

Checks if a combatant's aggression state is changed due to an aggression of another combatant. Also causes the move AI to react to damage in case it's a damage aggression type.

combatantThe combatant who's checked.
aggressionTypeThe aggression type that is checked for.
originThe combatant who's the origin of the aggression.

◆ ClearAttackedBy()

virtual void GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.CombatantAccessHandler.ClearAttackedBy ( Combatant  combatant)

Clears a combatant's attacked by list.

combatantThe combatant who's list is cleared.

◆ CreateInstance() [1/2]

virtual Combatant GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.CombatantAccessHandler.CreateInstance ( CombatantSetting  setting,
Group  group,
bool  showNotification,
bool  showConsole 

Creates a new instance of a combatant and initializes it with the combatant's start levels and class.

settingThe settings of the combatant that will be created.
groupThe group the combatant will join.
A new combatant instance initialized with the combatant's start levels and class.

◆ CreateInstance() [2/2]

virtual Combatant GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.CombatantAccessHandler.CreateInstance ( CombatantSetting  setting,
Group  group,
bool  showNotification,
bool  showConsole,
int  level,
int  classLevel,
Class  startClass,
bool  loadGame,
bool  learnAbilities,
bool  useStartInventory,
bool  useStartEquipment,
bool  useInitSchematic,
bool  useStatusEffects 

Creates a new instance of a combatant and initializes it with the passed on data.

settingThe settings of the combatant that will be created.
groupThe group the combatant will join.
levelThe base level used to initialize the combatant.
classLevelThe class level used to initialize the combatant.
startClassThe class the combatant will have.
loadGametrue if this comes from loading a game.
learnAbilitiestrue if the combatant should learn abilities for the level.
useStartInventorytrue if the combatant should receive the defined start inventory.
useStartEquipmenttrue if the combatant should receive the defined start equipment.
useInitSchematictrue if the combatant should use the init schematic.
useStatusEffectstrue if the combatant should use auto status effects when initialized.
A new combatant instance initialized with the passed on data.

◆ DestroyPrefab()

virtual void GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.CombatantAccessHandler.DestroyPrefab ( Combatant  combatant)

Destroys a combatant's prefab.

combatantThe combatant.

◆ Equip()

virtual bool GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.CombatantAccessHandler.Equip ( Combatant  user,
EquipmentSlotSetting  equipmentSlot,
EquipShortcut  equip,
Combatant  fromInventory,
Combatant  unequipToInventory,
bool  reset 

Equips an equipment on a combatant.

userThe combatant that will equip the equipment.
equipmentSlotThe equipment slot it will be equipped on. Use -1 if a matching equipment slot should be searched.
equipThe EquipShortcut that will be equipped.
fromInventoryThe combatant who's inventory should remove the equipment.
unequipToInventoryThe combatant who's inventory should add equipment currently equipped on the used equipment slot.
resettrue if the user's status system should be reset (i.e. checking for bonuses, etc.).
true if the equipment was equipped.

◆ EquipAIBehaviour()

virtual void GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.CombatantAccessHandler.EquipAIBehaviour ( Combatant  user,
AIBehaviour  aiBehaviour,
int  slotIndex,
bool  toInventory,
bool  fromInventory,
bool  notifyChange 

Equips an AI behaviour on the user.

userThe user combatant.
aiBehaviourThe AI behaviour.
slotIndexThe index of the AI behaviour slot.
toInventorytrue if the currently equipped AI behaviour should be returned to the inventory.
fromInventorytrue if the AI behaviour should be taken from the inventory.
notifyChangetrue if the listeners should be notified of the change.

◆ EquipAIRuleset()

virtual void GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.CombatantAccessHandler.EquipAIRuleset ( Combatant  user,
AIRuleset  aiRuleset,
int  slotIndex,
bool  toInventory,
bool  fromInventory,
bool  notifyChange 

Equips an AI ruleset on the user.

userThe user combatant.
aiRulesetThe AI ruleset.
slotIndexThe index of the AI behaviour slot.
toInventorytrue if the currently equipped AI ruleset should be returned to the inventory.
fromInventorytrue if the AI ruleset should be taken from the inventory.
notifyChangetrue if the listeners should be notified of the change.

◆ EquipClass() [1/2]

virtual bool GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.CombatantAccessHandler.EquipClass ( Combatant  user,
ClassSlotSetting  slotSettings,
Class  settings 

Equips a class on a class slot.

userThe user combatant.
slotSettingsThe class slot.
settingsThe class.
true if the class was equipped.

◆ EquipClass() [2/2]

virtual bool GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.CombatantAccessHandler.EquipClass ( Combatant  user,
Class  settings 

Equips a class on the first free class slot.

userThe user combatant.
slotSettingsThe class slot.
settingsThe class.
true if the class was equipped.

◆ ForgetAbility()

virtual bool GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.CombatantAccessHandler.ForgetAbility ( Combatant  user,
bool  isGroupAbility,
Ability  ability,
bool  showNotification,
bool  showConsole 

Lets the user forget an ability.

userThe user combatant.
isGroupAbilitytrue if a group ability is forgotten.
abilityThe ability.
showNotificationtrue if a notification should be displayed.
showConsoletrue if a console line should be added.
true if the ability was forgotten.

◆ LearnAbility() [1/2]

virtual bool GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.CombatantAccessHandler.LearnAbility ( Combatant  user,
bool  isGroupAbility,
Ability  ability,
int  level,
bool  showNotification,
bool  showConsole 

Lets the user learn an ability.

userThe user combatant.
isGroupAbilitytrue if the ability should be learned by the entire group.
abilityThe ability.
levelThe level of the ability.
showNotificationtrue if a notification should be displayed.
showConsoletrue if a console line should be added.
true if the ability was learned.

◆ LearnAbility() [2/2]

virtual bool GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.CombatantAccessHandler.LearnAbility ( Combatant  user,
bool  isGroupAbility,
AbilityShortcut  ability,
bool  showNotification,
bool  showConsole 

Lets the user learn an ability.

userThe user combatant.
isGroupAbilitytrue if the ability is learned as a group ability.
abilityThe ability that will be learned.
showNotificationtrue if a notification should be displayed.
showConsoletrue if a console line should be added.
true if the ability was learned.

◆ PlaceAt()

virtual void GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.CombatantAccessHandler.PlaceAt ( Combatant  combatant,
Vector3  position,
bool  setRotation,
Vector3  rotation,
bool  setScale,
Vector3  scale 

Places a combatant's game object.

combatantThe combatant.
positionThe position the combatant is placed at.
setRotationtrue to set the rotation.
rotationThe rotation
setScaletrue to set the scale.
scaleThe scale that will be used.

◆ Regenerate()

virtual void GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.CombatantAccessHandler.Regenerate ( Combatant  user,
bool  revive 

Sets the 'Consumable' type status values of a combatant to their maximum value.

userThe combatant that will be used.
revivetrue if a dead combatant should be revived.

◆ RemoveAttackedBy()

virtual void GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.CombatantAccessHandler.RemoveAttackedBy ( Combatant  combatant,
Combatant  attacker,
bool  removeFaction 

Removes an attacker from a combatant's attacked by list.

combatantThe combatant who's list is changed.
attackerThe attacker
removeFactiontrue if the combatant's faction should be removed (in case no other faction membe attacked the combatant).

◆ RemoveClass()

virtual void GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.CombatantAccessHandler.RemoveClass ( Combatant  user,
Class  settings,
bool  showNotification,
bool  showConsole 

Removes a class from a combatant.

userThe user combatant.
settingsThe class.
showNotificationtrue if notifications should be shown, otherwise false.
showConsoletrue if console texts should be shown, otherwise false.

◆ SetAttackedBy()

virtual void GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.CombatantAccessHandler.SetAttackedBy ( Combatant  combatant,
Combatant  attacker,
bool  addFaction 

Adds an attacker to a combatant's attacked by list.

combatantThe combatant who's list is changed.
attackerThe attacker.
addFactiontrue if the attacker's faction should be recorded as well.

◆ SetBaseStatusValue()

virtual void GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.CombatantAccessHandler.SetBaseStatusValue ( Combatant  user,
int  valueID,
int  newValue 

Sets the base value of a status value of the user.

userThe user combatant.
valueIDThe ID/index of the status value.
newValueThe new value that will be used.

◆ SetKilledBy()

virtual void GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.CombatantAccessHandler.SetKilledBy ( Combatant  combatant,
Combatant  attacker 

Sets a combatant's killed by mark to another combatant.

combatantThe combatant.
attackerThe attacker.

◆ SetStatusValue()

virtual void GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.CombatantAccessHandler.SetStatusValue ( Combatant  user,
int  valueID,
int  newValue,
bool  isCritical,
bool  ignoreLimit,
bool  ignoreBarrier,
bool  showFlyingText,
bool  showConsole,
StatusValueChangeSource  source 

Sets the value of a status value of the user.

userThe user combatant.
valueIDThe ID/index of the status value.
newValueThe new value that will be used.
isCriticaltrue if this is a critical value change.
ignoreLimittrue if the change damage/refresh limit is ignored.
ignoreBarriertrue if the change should ignore barrier status values.
showFlyingTexttrue if the change should display flying texts.
showConsoletrue if a console line should be added.
sourceThe source of the value change (e.g. combatant causing the change).

◆ Spawn() [1/2]

virtual void GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.CombatantAccessHandler.Spawn ( Combatant  combatant,
SpawnPoint  spawnPoint,
Vector3  offset 

Spawns a combatant's prefab at a spawn point.

combatantThe combatant.
spawnPointThe spawn point that will be used.
offsetThe offset added to the spawn position.

◆ Spawn() [2/2]

virtual void GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.CombatantAccessHandler.Spawn ( Combatant  combatant,
Vector3  position,
bool  setRotation,
Vector3  rotation,
bool  setScale,
Vector3  scale 

Spawns a combatant's prefab.

combatantThe combatant.
positionThe position the combatant is spawned at.
setRotationtrue to set the rotation.
rotationThe rotation
setScaletrue to set the scale.
scaleThe scale that will be used.

◆ SpawnAtLastPosition()

virtual void GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.CombatantAccessHandler.SpawnAtLastPosition ( Combatant  combatant)

Spawns a combatant's prefab at the last known position.

combatantThe combatant.

◆ StartResearch()

virtual void GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.CombatantAccessHandler.StartResearch ( ResearchItem  researchItem)

Starts research on a research item.

researchItemThe research item.

◆ Unequip() [1/2]

virtual void GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.CombatantAccessHandler.Unequip ( Combatant  user,
EquipShortcut  equip,
Combatant  toInventory 

Unequips an equipment from the user.

userThe combatant that will unequip the equipment.
equipThe equipment that will be unequiped.
toInventoryThe combatant who's inventory should add the unequipped equipment.

◆ Unequip() [2/2]

virtual void GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.CombatantAccessHandler.Unequip ( Combatant  user,
EquipmentSlotSetting  equipmentSlot,
Combatant  toInventory,
bool  reset,
bool  force 

Unequips equipment currently equipped on a defined equipment slot of the user.

userThe combatant that will unequip the equipment.
equipmentSlotThe equipment slot that will be unequipped.
toInventoryThe combatant who's inventory should add the unequipped equipment.
resettrue if the user's status system should be reset (i.e. checking for bonuses, etc.).
forcetrue if unequipping should be forced.

◆ UnequipAIBehaviourSlot()

virtual void GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.CombatantAccessHandler.UnequipAIBehaviourSlot ( Combatant  user,
int  slotIndex,
bool  toInventory,
bool  notifyChange 

Unequips an AI behaviour from the user.

userThe user combatant.
slotIndexThe index of the AI behaviour slot.
toInventorytrue if it should be returned to the inventory.
notifyChangetrue if the listeners should be notified of the change.

◆ UnequipAIRulesetSlot()

virtual void GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.CombatantAccessHandler.UnequipAIRulesetSlot ( Combatant  user,
int  slotIndex,
bool  toInventory,
bool  notifyChange 

Unequips an AI ruleset from the user.

userThe user combatant.
slotIndexThe index of the AI ruleset slot.
toInventorytrue if it should be returned to the inventory.
notifyChangetrue if the listeners should be notified of the change.

◆ UnequipAll()

virtual void GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.CombatantAccessHandler.UnequipAll ( Combatant  user,
Combatant  toInventory 

Unequips all currently equipped equipment of the user.

userThe combatant that will unequip the equipment.
toInventoryThe combatant who's inventory should add the unequipped equipment.

◆ UnequipClass() [1/2]

virtual void GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.CombatantAccessHandler.UnequipClass ( Combatant  user,
ClassSlotSetting  slotSettings 

Unequips a class slot.

userThe user combatant.
slotSettingsThe class slot.

◆ UnequipClass() [2/2]

virtual void GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.CombatantAccessHandler.UnequipClass ( Combatant  user,
Class  settings 

Unequips a class slot.

userThe user combatant.
slotSettingsThe class slot.

Property Documentation

◆ HasBattleAIAuthority

virtual bool GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.CombatantAccessHandler.HasBattleAIAuthority

Determines if the battle AI can be used. AI controlled combatants will not use actions when not used.

◆ HasMoveAIAuthority

virtual bool GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.CombatantAccessHandler.HasMoveAIAuthority

Determines if the move AI can be used.

◆ HasSpawnCreationAuthority

virtual bool GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.CombatantAccessHandler.HasSpawnCreationAuthority

Determines if new combatants can be created and spawned (doesn't impact the player). E.g. checked by 'Combatant Spawners', 'Add Combatant' and 'Battle' components when creating new combatants.

◆ HasStatusAuthority

virtual bool GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.CombatantAccessHandler.HasStatusAuthority

Determines if certain combatant status related changes are possible. E.g. status effects causing changes, auto effects or auto unequip (equipment, AI behaviours/rulesets).