ORK Framework
API Documentation
Public Member Functions | |
virtual Combatant | CreateInstance (CombatantSetting setting, Group group, bool showNotification, bool showConsole) |
Creates a new instance of a combatant and initializes it with the combatant's start levels and class. More... | |
virtual Combatant | CreateInstance (CombatantSetting setting, Group group, bool showNotification, bool showConsole, int level, int classLevel, Class startClass, bool loadGame, bool learnAbilities, bool useStartInventory, bool useStartEquipment, bool useInitSchematic, bool useStatusEffects) |
Creates a new instance of a combatant and initializes it with the passed on data. More... | |
virtual void | DestroyPrefab (Combatant combatant) |
Destroys a combatant's prefab. More... | |
virtual void | SpawnAtLastPosition (Combatant combatant) |
Spawns a combatant's prefab at the last known position. More... | |
virtual void | Spawn (Combatant combatant, SpawnPoint spawnPoint, Vector3 offset) |
Spawns a combatant's prefab at a spawn point. More... | |
virtual void | Spawn (Combatant combatant, Vector3 position, bool setRotation, Vector3 rotation, bool setScale, Vector3 scale) |
Spawns a combatant's prefab. More... | |
virtual void | PlaceAt (Combatant combatant, Vector3 position, bool setRotation, Vector3 rotation, bool setScale, Vector3 scale) |
Places a combatant's game object. More... | |
virtual void | SetStatusValue (Combatant user, int valueID, int newValue, bool isCritical, bool ignoreLimit, bool ignoreBarrier, bool showFlyingText, bool showConsole, StatusValueChangeSource source) |
Sets the value of a status value of the user. More... | |
virtual void | AddStatusValue (Combatant user, int valueID, int addValue, bool isCritical, bool checkDeath, bool checkLevelUp, bool ignoreLimit, bool ignoreBarrier, bool showFlyingText, bool showConsole, StatusValueChangeSource source) |
Adds a value to a status value of the user. More... | |
virtual void | SetBaseStatusValue (Combatant user, int valueID, int newValue) |
Sets the base value of a status value of the user. More... | |
virtual void | AddBaseStatusValue (Combatant user, int valueID, int addValue) |
Adds a value to the base value of a status value of the user. More... | |
virtual void | Regenerate (Combatant user, bool revive) |
Sets the 'Consumable' type status values of a combatant to their maximum value. More... | |
virtual bool | LearnAbility (Combatant user, bool isGroupAbility, Ability ability, int level, bool showNotification, bool showConsole) |
Lets the user learn an ability. More... | |
virtual bool | LearnAbility (Combatant user, bool isGroupAbility, AbilityShortcut ability, bool showNotification, bool showConsole) |
Lets the user learn an ability. More... | |
virtual bool | ForgetAbility (Combatant user, bool isGroupAbility, Ability ability, bool showNotification, bool showConsole) |
Lets the user forget an ability. More... | |
virtual bool | Equip (Combatant user, EquipmentSlotSetting equipmentSlot, EquipShortcut equip, Combatant fromInventory, Combatant unequipToInventory, bool reset) |
Equips an equipment on a combatant. More... | |
virtual void | UnequipAll (Combatant user, Combatant toInventory) |
Unequips all currently equipped equipment of the user. More... | |
virtual void | Unequip (Combatant user, EquipShortcut equip, Combatant toInventory) |
Unequips an equipment from the user. More... | |
virtual void | Unequip (Combatant user, EquipmentSlotSetting equipmentSlot, Combatant toInventory, bool reset, bool force) |
Unequips equipment currently equipped on a defined equipment slot of the user. More... | |
virtual void | EquipAIBehaviour (Combatant user, AIBehaviour aiBehaviour, int slotIndex, bool toInventory, bool fromInventory, bool notifyChange) |
Equips an AI behaviour on the user. More... | |
virtual void | UnequipAIBehaviourSlot (Combatant user, int slotIndex, bool toInventory, bool notifyChange) |
Unequips an AI behaviour from the user. More... | |
virtual void | EquipAIRuleset (Combatant user, AIRuleset aiRuleset, int slotIndex, bool toInventory, bool fromInventory, bool notifyChange) |
Equips an AI ruleset on the user. More... | |
virtual void | UnequipAIRulesetSlot (Combatant user, int slotIndex, bool toInventory, bool notifyChange) |
Unequips an AI ruleset from the user. More... | |
virtual void | ChangeSlotAvailable (Combatant user, ClassSlotSetting slotSettings, bool available, bool showNotification, bool showConsole) |
Changes if a combatant's class slot is available or not. More... | |
virtual bool | EquipClass (Combatant user, ClassSlotSetting slotSettings, Class settings) |
Equips a class on a class slot. More... | |
virtual bool | EquipClass (Combatant user, Class settings) |
Equips a class on the first free class slot. More... | |
virtual void | UnequipClass (Combatant user, ClassSlotSetting slotSettings) |
Unequips a class slot. More... | |
virtual void | UnequipClass (Combatant user, Class settings) |
Unequips a class slot. More... | |
virtual void | AddClass (Combatant user, Class settings, int level, bool showNotification, bool showConsole) |
Adds a class to a combatant. More... | |
virtual void | RemoveClass (Combatant user, Class settings, bool showNotification, bool showConsole) |
Removes a class from a combatant. More... | |
virtual void | StartResearch (ResearchItem researchItem) |
Starts research on a research item. More... | |
virtual void | CancelResearch (ResearchItem researchItem) |
Cancels research on a research item. More... | |
virtual void | CheckAggressive (Combatant combatant, AggressionType aggressionType, Combatant origin) |
Checks if a combatant's aggression state is changed due to an aggression of another combatant. Also causes the move AI to react to damage in case it's a damage aggression type. More... | |
virtual void | SetAttackedBy (Combatant combatant, Combatant attacker, bool addFaction) |
Adds an attacker to a combatant's attacked by list. More... | |
virtual void | RemoveAttackedBy (Combatant combatant, Combatant attacker, bool removeFaction) |
Removes an attacker from a combatant's attacked by list. More... | |
virtual void | ClearAttackedBy (Combatant combatant) |
Clears a combatant's attacked by list. More... | |
virtual void | SetKilledBy (Combatant combatant, Combatant attacker) |
Sets a combatant's killed by mark to another combatant. More... | |
Properties | |
virtual bool | HasStatusAuthority [get, set] |
Determines if certain combatant status related changes are possible. E.g. status effects causing changes, auto effects or auto unequip (equipment, AI behaviours/rulesets). More... | |
virtual bool | HasBattleAIAuthority [get, set] |
Determines if the battle AI can be used. AI controlled combatants will not use actions when not used. More... | |
virtual bool | HasMoveAIAuthority [get, set] |
Determines if the move AI can be used. More... | |
virtual bool | HasSpawnCreationAuthority [get, set] |
Determines if new combatants can be created and spawned (doesn't impact the player). E.g. checked by 'Combatant Spawners', 'Add Combatant' and 'Battle' components when creating new combatants. More... | |
virtual |
Adds a value to the base value of a status value of the user.
user | The user combatant. |
valueID | The ID/index of the status value. |
addValue | The value that will be added. |
virtual |
Adds a class to a combatant.
user | The user combatant. |
settings | The class. |
level | The class level. |
showNotification | true if notifications should be shown, otherwise false . |
showConsole | true if console texts should be shown, otherwise false . |
virtual |
Adds a value to a status value of the user.
user | The user combatant. |
valueID | The ID/index of the status value. |
addValue | The value that will be added. |
isCritical | true if this is a critical value change. |
checkDeath | true if the combatant should check for death. |
checkLevelUp | true if the combatant should check for level up. |
ignoreLimit | true if the change damage/refresh limit is ignored. |
ignoreBarrier | true if the change should ignore barrier status values. |
showFlyingText | true if the change should display flying texts. |
showConsole | true if a console line should be added. |
source | The source of the value change (e.g. combatant causing the change). |
virtual |
Cancels research on a research item.
researchItem | The research item. |
virtual |
Changes if a combatant's class slot is available or not.
user | The user combatant. |
slotSettings | The class slot. |
available | true if the slot is available, otherwise false . |
showNotification | true if notifications should be shown, otherwise false . |
showConsole | true if console texts should be shown, otherwise false . |
virtual |
Checks if a combatant's aggression state is changed due to an aggression of another combatant. Also causes the move AI to react to damage in case it's a damage aggression type.
combatant | The combatant who's checked. |
aggressionType | The aggression type that is checked for. |
origin | The combatant who's the origin of the aggression. |
virtual |
Clears a combatant's attacked by list.
combatant | The combatant who's list is cleared. |
virtual |
Creates a new instance of a combatant and initializes it with the combatant's start levels and class.
setting | The settings of the combatant that will be created. |
group | The group the combatant will join. |
virtual |
Creates a new instance of a combatant and initializes it with the passed on data.
setting | The settings of the combatant that will be created. |
group | The group the combatant will join. |
level | The base level used to initialize the combatant. |
classLevel | The class level used to initialize the combatant. |
startClass | The class the combatant will have. |
loadGame | true if this comes from loading a game. |
learnAbilities | true if the combatant should learn abilities for the level. |
useStartInventory | true if the combatant should receive the defined start inventory. |
useStartEquipment | true if the combatant should receive the defined start equipment. |
useInitSchematic | true if the combatant should use the init schematic. |
useStatusEffects | true if the combatant should use auto status effects when initialized. |
virtual |
Destroys a combatant's prefab.
combatant | The combatant. |
virtual |
Equips an equipment on a combatant.
user | The combatant that will equip the equipment. |
equipmentSlot | The equipment slot it will be equipped on. Use -1 if a matching equipment slot should be searched. |
equip | The EquipShortcut that will be equipped. |
fromInventory | The combatant who's inventory should remove the equipment. |
unequipToInventory | The combatant who's inventory should add equipment currently equipped on the used equipment slot. |
reset | true if the user's status system should be reset (i.e. checking for bonuses, etc.). |
if the equipment was equipped.
virtual |
Equips an AI behaviour on the user.
user | The user combatant. |
aiBehaviour | The AI behaviour. |
slotIndex | The index of the AI behaviour slot. |
toInventory | true if the currently equipped AI behaviour should be returned to the inventory. |
fromInventory | true if the AI behaviour should be taken from the inventory. |
notifyChange | true if the listeners should be notified of the change. |
virtual |
Equips an AI ruleset on the user.
user | The user combatant. |
aiRuleset | The AI ruleset. |
slotIndex | The index of the AI behaviour slot. |
toInventory | true if the currently equipped AI ruleset should be returned to the inventory. |
fromInventory | true if the AI ruleset should be taken from the inventory. |
notifyChange | true if the listeners should be notified of the change. |
virtual |
Equips a class on a class slot.
user | The user combatant. |
slotSettings | The class slot. |
settings | The class. |
if the class was equipped.
virtual |
Equips a class on the first free class slot.
user | The user combatant. |
slotSettings | The class slot. |
settings | The class. |
if the class was equipped.
virtual |
Lets the user forget an ability.
user | The user combatant. |
isGroupAbility | true if a group ability is forgotten. |
ability | The ability. |
showNotification | true if a notification should be displayed. |
showConsole | true if a console line should be added. |
if the ability was forgotten.
virtual |
Lets the user learn an ability.
user | The user combatant. |
isGroupAbility | true if the ability should be learned by the entire group. |
ability | The ability. |
level | The level of the ability. |
showNotification | true if a notification should be displayed. |
showConsole | true if a console line should be added. |
if the ability was learned.
virtual |
Lets the user learn an ability.
user | The user combatant. |
isGroupAbility | true if the ability is learned as a group ability. |
ability | The ability that will be learned. |
showNotification | true if a notification should be displayed. |
showConsole | true if a console line should be added. |
if the ability was learned.
virtual |
Places a combatant's game object.
combatant | The combatant. |
position | The position the combatant is placed at. |
setRotation | true to set the rotation. |
rotation | The rotation |
setScale | true to set the scale. |
scale | The scale that will be used. |
virtual |
Sets the 'Consumable' type status values of a combatant to their maximum value.
user | The combatant that will be used. |
revive | true if a dead combatant should be revived. |
virtual |
Removes an attacker from a combatant's attacked by list.
combatant | The combatant who's list is changed. |
attacker | The attacker |
removeFaction | true if the combatant's faction should be removed (in case no other faction membe attacked the combatant). |
virtual |
Removes a class from a combatant.
user | The user combatant. |
settings | The class. |
showNotification | true if notifications should be shown, otherwise false . |
showConsole | true if console texts should be shown, otherwise false . |
virtual |
Adds an attacker to a combatant's attacked by list.
combatant | The combatant who's list is changed. |
attacker | The attacker. |
addFaction | true if the attacker's faction should be recorded as well. |
virtual |
Sets the base value of a status value of the user.
user | The user combatant. |
valueID | The ID/index of the status value. |
newValue | The new value that will be used. |
virtual |
Sets a combatant's killed by mark to another combatant.
combatant | The combatant. |
attacker | The attacker. |
virtual |
Sets the value of a status value of the user.
user | The user combatant. |
valueID | The ID/index of the status value. |
newValue | The new value that will be used. |
isCritical | true if this is a critical value change. |
ignoreLimit | true if the change damage/refresh limit is ignored. |
ignoreBarrier | true if the change should ignore barrier status values. |
showFlyingText | true if the change should display flying texts. |
showConsole | true if a console line should be added. |
source | The source of the value change (e.g. combatant causing the change). |
virtual |
Spawns a combatant's prefab at a spawn point.
combatant | The combatant. |
spawnPoint | The spawn point that will be used. |
offset | The offset added to the spawn position. |
virtual |
Spawns a combatant's prefab.
combatant | The combatant. |
position | The position the combatant is spawned at. |
setRotation | true to set the rotation. |
rotation | The rotation |
setScale | true to set the scale. |
scale | The scale that will be used. |
virtual |
Spawns a combatant's prefab at the last known position.
combatant | The combatant. |
virtual |
Starts research on a research item.
researchItem | The research item. |
virtual |
Unequips an equipment from the user.
user | The combatant that will unequip the equipment. |
equip | The equipment that will be unequiped. |
toInventory | The combatant who's inventory should add the unequipped equipment. |
virtual |
Unequips equipment currently equipped on a defined equipment slot of the user.
user | The combatant that will unequip the equipment. |
equipmentSlot | The equipment slot that will be unequipped. |
toInventory | The combatant who's inventory should add the unequipped equipment. |
reset | true if the user's status system should be reset (i.e. checking for bonuses, etc.). |
force | true if unequipping should be forced. |
virtual |
virtual |
virtual |
Unequips all currently equipped equipment of the user.
user | The combatant that will unequip the equipment. |
toInventory | The combatant who's inventory should add the unequipped equipment. |
virtual |
Unequips a class slot.
user | The user combatant. |
slotSettings | The class slot. |
virtual |
Unequips a class slot.
user | The user combatant. |
slotSettings | The class slot. |
getset |
getset |
Determines if the move AI can be used.
getset |
getset |
Determines if certain combatant status related changes are possible. E.g. status effects causing changes, auto effects or auto unequip (equipment, AI behaviours/rulesets).