
New equipable AI system (AI behaviours and AI rulesets), big udpate to the move AI and lots of other new features, changes and fixes.

Head to the download page and grab the latest version or buy a copy in the Unity Asset Store!

Learn more about the new AI behaviours and AI rulesets in this how-to.


  • AI Types
    ‘AI Types’ sub-section available in ‘Combatants’ section. AI types are used to separate AI behaviours and AI rulesets.
  • AI Behaviours
    ‘AI Behaviours’ sub-section available in ‘Combatants’ section. AI behaviours are a collection of defined battle AIs, that can be equipped on AI behaviour slots on combatants.
  • AI Rulesets
    ‘AI Rulesets’ sub-section available in ‘Combatants’ section. AI rulesets define requirements and rules for a combatant’s AI to follow, like using or blocking defined actions or targets (e.g. stop ability use when MP is below 30 %). AI rulesets can be equipped on AI ruleset slots on combatants.
  • Menu Screens: AI Behaviour
    ‘AI Behaviour’ menu part available. Displays the AI behaviour slots of a combatant and allows changing the equipped AI behaviours (similar to the ‘Equipment’ menu part).
  • Menu Screens: AI Ruleset
    ‘AI Ruleset’ menu part available. Displays the AI ruleset slots of a combatant and allows changing the equipped AI rulesets (similar to the ‘Equipment’ menu part).
  • Combatants
    ‘AI Behaviour Slots’ and ‘AI Ruleset Slots’ settings available. Define the AI behaviour and AI ruleset slots of a combatant and optionally equip defined AI behaviours/rulesets. Slots can also be added and removed using the event system.
  • Combatants: Battle AI
    ‘Chance’ and ‘Requirements’ settings available for the added battle AIs. Using a battle AI can optionally depend on chance, status requirements and variable conditions.
  • Combatants
    ‘Battle Move AI’ settings available. Optionally uses a different move AI while a combatant is in battle.
  • Status Requirements: AI Type
    ‘AI Type’ requirement selection available. Checks if the a combatant has an AI behaviour or AI ruleset of a defined AI type equipped.
  • Status Requirements: AI Behaviour
    ‘AI Behaviour’ requirement selection available. Checks if the a combatant has a defined AI behaviour equipped.
  • Status Requirements: AI Ruleset
    ‘AI Ruleset’ requirement selection available. Checks if the a combatant has a defined AI ruleset equipped.
  • Crafting Recipes
    ‘Consume Recipe’ setting available. Optionally consume a crafting recipe upon using it. If enabled, the recipe will be treated like an item and can be collected multiple times. If disabled, the recipe is treated like knowledge and can only be collected once.
  • Item Selections
    ‘AI Behaviour’, ‘AI Ruleset’ and ‘Crafting Recipe’ type selections available in all item selections (e.g. loot, item collectors). Uses the defined AI behaviour, AI ruleset or crafting recipe to change or check the inventory of a combatant.
  • Shops
    ‘AI Behaviour’, ‘AI Ruleset’ and ‘Crafting Recipe’ settings available. Add the AI behaviours, AI rulesets and crafting recipes that should be sold by a shop.
  • Game Statistics, Event System
    Creating AI behaviours/rulesets and crafting recipes using crafting recipes will be logged by the game statistics. The statistics can be accessed using the event system and text codes.
  • HUDs: Tooltip
    ‘AI Behaviour’, ‘AI Ruleset’ and ‘Crafting Recipe’ settings available in ‘Tooltip’ type HUDs. Optionally displays the tooltip HUD for AI behaviours and AI rulesets.
  • Battle System
    ‘Drop AI’ and ‘Drop Recipes’ settings available in the different battle system settings. AI behaviours/rulesets and crafting recipes gained from defeated enemies can optionally be dropped into the game world instead of collected into the inventory.
  • Move AI Areas
    ‘Move AI Area’ component available. Optionally declare an area in the scene (using a collider attached to the same game object) as either allowed or not allowed by the move AI. Not allowed areas will block positions within them, while, allowed areas will block positions outside of them. Both will change the targeted position to the nearest allowed position.
  • Move AIs: Caution
    ‘Caution Settings’ available. A mixture between hunting and fleeing, the combatant will hunt a target until reaching a defined range and flees from the target when being too close.
  • Move AIs
    ‘Use Mode’ setting available. Defines the default mode of the move AI, either automatically selecting the mode (‘Auto’), forcing idle mode (only waypoints), forcing hunting, forcing fleeing or forcing being cautious.
  • Move AIs
    ‘Move Range’ settings available. Optionally limit movement to a defind range within the start position of the combatant. This overrules other ranges (e.g. hunting range).
  • Move AIs: Hunting
    ‘Stop Angle’ settings available when using ‘Stop Range’. Optionally define an angle at which the target position will be placed relative to the target. E.g. use 90 to move toward the east of the target (world space) or to the right side of the target (local space).
  • Move AIs: Flee
    ‘Prevent Cornered’ setting available. Optionally try to prevent being cornered or backed up against a wall when fleeing. The combatant will try to move into different directions when it can’t move any further.
  • Move AIs: Flee
    ‘Flee Range’ settings available. Optionally limit fleeing to a defined range within the start position of the combatant.
  • Move AIs: Flee
    ‘Stop Range’ settings available. Optionally stop fleeing when leaving a defined range around the target the combatant is fleeing from.
  • Move AIs: Component
    Selecting a combatant’s game object in the editor while playing will display additional information gizmos. All detected targets will be marked by a yellow wire cube, the used target by a red wire cube. The target position for the movement will be highlighted by a white line from the combatant to the position.
  • Move AIs, Move To Interaction
    ‘Poly|Nav 2D’ button available when using a ‘Custom’ component type. Automatically sets up the required component settings for using the ‘ORK Poly|Nav 2D’ wrapper component. You can download the component here.
  • Battle AIs: Check Move AI Caution
    ‘Check Move AI Caution’ node available in ‘Move AI’ nodes. Checks if combatants are valid targets for the combatant’s move AI caution conditions.
  • Grid Battles: Cell Selections
    ‘Camera Direction Offset’ setting available when using the camera direction. Define the angle in degrees that will be added to the camera direction.
    E.g. use 45 to shift the selection 45 degrees to the camera view.
  • Abilities, Items: Raycast Settings
    ‘Camera Direction Offset’ setting available when using the camera direction. Define the angle in degrees that will be added to the camera direction.
    E.g. use 45 to shift the cursor change 45 degrees to the camera view.
  • Inventory Settings, Abilities: Ability Notifications
    ‘Ability Notifications’ settings available. Learning and forgetting abilities and group abilities can optionally display notifications. The default notifications (set up in the inventory settings) can be overridden by each ability individually.
  • Game Settings
    ‘Horizontal Plane’ setting available. Defines the general horizontal plane used for the game, e.g. used when spawning members of a group around the leader.
  • Battle Events: Cancel Death
    ‘Cancel Death’ node available in ‘Battle > Combatant’ nodes. Cancels the death of the combatant. Only used during battle events of a death action.
  • Event System: Add AI Behaviour Slot
    ‘Add AI Behaviour Slot’ node available in ‘Combatant > AI Behaviour’ nodes. Adds AI behaviour slots to a combatant.
  • Event System: Change AI Behaviour Slot
    ‘Change AI Behaviour Slot’ node available in ‘Combatant > AI Behaviour’ nodes. Changes the currently equipped AI behaviour of a combatant’s AI behaviour slot.
  • Event System: Remove AI Behaviour Slot
    ‘Remove AI Behaviour Slot’ node available in ‘Combatant > AI Behaviour’ nodes. Removes AI behaviour slots from a combatant.
  • Event System: Block AI Behaviour Slot
    ‘Block AI Behaviour Slot’ node available in ‘Combatant > AI Behaviour’ nodes. Blocks AI behaviour slots of a combatant.
  • Event System: Add AI Behaviour
    ‘Add AI Behaviour’ node available in ‘Combatant > AI Behaviour’ nodes. Adds an AI behaviour to a combatant’s inventory.
  • Event System: Remove AI Behaviour
    ‘Remove AI Behaviour’ node available in ‘Combatant > AI Behaviour’ nodes. Removes an AI behaviour from a combatant’s inventory.
  • Event System: Unequip AI Behaviour
    ‘Unequip AI Behaviour’ node available in ‘Combatant > AI Behaviour’ nodes. Unequips an AI behaviour from a combatant.
  • Event System: Add AI Ruleset Slot
    ‘Add AI Ruleset Slot’ node available in ‘Combatant > AI Ruleset’ nodes. Adds AI ruleset slots to a combatant.
  • Event System: Change AI Ruleset Slot
    ‘Change AI Ruleset Slot’ node available in ‘Combatant > AI Ruleset’ nodes. Changes the currently equipped AI ruleset of a combatant’s AI ruleset slot.
  • Event System: Remove AI Ruleset Slot
    ‘Remove AI Ruleset Slot’ node available in ‘Combatant > AI Ruleset’ nodes. Removes AI ruleset slots from a combatant.
  • Event System: Block AI Ruleset Slot
    ‘Block AI Ruleset Slot’ node available in ‘Combatant > AI Ruleset’ nodes. Blocks AI ruleset slots of a combatant.
  • Event System: Add AI Ruleset
    ‘Add AI Ruleset’ node available in ‘Combatant > AI Ruleset’ nodes. Adds an AI ruleset to a combatant’s inventory.
  • Event System: Remove AI Ruleset
    ‘Remove AI Ruleset’ node available in ‘Combatant > AI Ruleset’ nodes. Removes an AI ruleset from a combatant’s inventory.
  • Event System: Unequip AI Ruleset
    ‘Unequip AI Ruleset’ node available in ‘Combatant > AI Ruleset’ nodes. Unequips an AI ruleset from a combatant.
  • Event System: Change Move AI
    ‘Change Move AI’ node available in ‘Combatant > Move AI’ nodes. Changes the move AI used by a combatant.
  • Event System: Change Move AI Mode
    ‘Change Move AI Mode’ node available in ‘Combatant > Move AI’ nodes. Changes the use mode of a combatant’s move AI.
  • Event System: Check Move AI Caution
    ‘Check Move AI Caution’ node available in ‘Combatant > Move AI’ nodes. Checks if combatants are valid targets for the combatant’s move AI caution conditions.
  • Scene Object Components
    ‘Quest Conditions’ settings available. Optionally use quest conditions to determine if a ‘Scene Object’ component is used.
  • Battle Grid Components
    ‘Keep Old Cells’ setting available in the grid generation settings. Optionally keeps the cell settings (e.g. cell type) when generating a new grid.
  • Battle Grid Components
    ‘Show Unselected’ setting available in grid setup. Optionally always show the cell prefabs in the scene view, even when the battle grid isn’t selected.


  • Event System: Crafting
    ‘Learn Recipe’ node has been renamed to ‘Add Recipe’. Additional settings for the quantity that will be added (by default 1).
  • Event System: Crafting
    ‘Forget Recipe’ node has been renamed to ‘Remove Recipe’. Additional settings for the quantity that will be removed (by default 1).
  • Event System: Crafting
    ‘Knows Recipe’ node has been renamed to ‘Has Recipe’. Additional settings for the quantity that will be checked for (by default 1).
  • Event System: Initial Camera Position
    The initial camera position will now also restore the initial parent object of the camera.
  • Move AI
    The ‘Target Lost Interval’ and ‘Lost Position Check’ settings have been moved from the hunting settings to the target position check settings.
  • Editor
    All ‘Ignore Y Distance’ fields have been renamed to ‘Ignore Height Distance’. Depending on the ‘Horizontal Plane’ defined in ‘Game > Game Settings’, either ignores the Y-axis (XZ plane, 3D) or the Z-axis (XY plane, 2D).


  • Active Time Battles
    Fixed an issue where increasing the timebar (action bar) beyond the maximum timebar value (e.g. using the event system) blocked actions in the next turn of the combatant.
  • HUDs: Combatant
    Fixed an issue when using icon value bars with limited bar display.
  • HUDs: Navigation
    Fixed an issue where HUD elements other than separators or cardinal directions wheren’t displayed when using the new UI.
  • Target Selection
    Fixed an issue where clicking on combatants outside of battle wasn’t available for target selection (e.g. when using an ability from a ‘Shortcut’ HUD).
  • Battles: Change Member
    Fixed an issue where changing the group leader using a ‘Change Member’ action during teleport battles caused an error message when returning to the previous scene after battle.
  • Shops, HUDs: Tooltip
    Fixed an issue where selling combatants in a shop could stop ‘Tooltip’ type HUDs from being displayed in the shop.
  • Editor, Menu Screens
    Fixed an issue where opening the ORK Framework editor caused errors when stopping a previous play test while displaying a menu screen.
  • Player Controls
    Fixed an issue where using the camera direction for player movement could result in changed diagonal movement angles when using close camera distances.
  • Combatant Spawners
    Fixed an issue where variable conditions and quest requirements wheren’t checked upon respawning combatants.
  • Quests
    Fixed an issue where auto finishing a quest task after activating a quest didn’t auto activate other tasks depending on it.
  • Event System: Can Use Recipe
    Fixed an issue where the ‘Can Use Recipe’ node’s results where inversed.